
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson

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Lots more on this and related matters in Tom Mills' book:

BBC News has always been the voice of the establishment, and remains so today.

I suspect the BBC's "left-wing" reputation rests on its drama and comedy output, especially in the 1970s (Play for Today, and the like) but those days are long gone.

So the real, actual problem that Dorries and Johnston have with the BBC is that it (occasionally) asks difficult questions of those in government?
Isn't the ability of our journalists to hold power to account one of the central pillars of our democracy?

Having enjoyed control of most of our print media this entitled bunch now seek full control of the state broadcaster as well. If you need that much control of the narrative in order to stay in power it strongly suggests that you are up to no good.
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Just ridden the tram through Manchester. You would not believe how many police it takes to keep Tories safe in a city that absolutely hates them. Just everywhere, including many openly carrying assault rifles. Huge areas barricaded off, normal access roads closed etc. Not much evidence of protest, I assume it has already been beaten into submission. I bet if you had a legitimate cause to phone 999 today there will be next to no response as they are all out acting as Tory meat shields. Actually scary; this is what a police state looks like. Yellow hi-vis jackets doesn’t make it any less sinister, a huge wall between the government and those who they should be accountable to.
It's perplexing to me why the Tories keep holding their conference in a place where a majority actively dislikes them.
Perhaps "levelling up" doesn't chime so well in Chipping Norton or South Ruislip.
There was a Tory chap( aren't they always male!) explaining that his interpretation of "Levelling Up" sounded a lot like the ethnic cleansing of that London as in once cheap houses were built up north the lower paid would go there and take their jobs with them.

Yes well if I hadn't seen his performance on the Marr show a couple of days ago I would have dismissed that article as pretentious at best. However, I now do think some apparatus like that is probably necessary to explain the BJ phenomenon.

The bad news is that I can't stop this sentence, from early on in the article, going round and round in my head. The horror! The horror!

Johnson could well become Britain’s most consequential prime minister since Margaret Thatcher.
Just ridden the tram through Manchester. You would not believe how many police it takes to keep Tories safe in a city that absolutely hates them. Just everywhere, including many openly carrying assault rifles. Huge areas barricaded off, normal access roads closed etc. Not much evidence of protest, I assume it has already been beaten into submission. I bet if you had a legitimate cause to phone 999 today there will be next to no response as they are all out acting as Tory meat shields. Actually scary; this is what a police state looks like. Yellow hi-vis jackets doesn’t make it any less sinister, a huge wall between the government and those who they should be accountable to.
You’d think Brighton never happened…
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Alf Garnet was shown up to be the foul racist that he was.
That show was more on the case than much of the shallow rubbish that is repeated from that era.
Obviously deemed inappropriate for today but it was a good social comment of its time.
Love Thy Neighbour, on the other hand, was cringeworthy.
And here was me thinking Britain had a few more rungs on the ladder to fall before it’s ultimate debasement. Boris Johnson is going to deliver and joking aside, as an indicator, Nadeeen the Culture Secretary will put Jim Davidson up for a knighthood.
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