
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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I’ll just directly quote from the Week In Tory, as you either get it, or you don’t:

1. Having spent a week insisting there was nothing wrong with avoiding £20 million in tax while being responsible for raising tax, Space Family Sunak have now concluded that for PR purposes their monumental, sickening greed is “not compatible with British fairness”

2. Sunak insisted he should not be associated with his spouse for tax purposes

3. This came as a shock to the rest of us, for whom our spouse’s income affects every personal tax matter, every mortgage application, and all benefits claims

4. But you can’t you expect poor, bewildered Sunak to understand the UK’s rules, especially as it seems he’s spent half his time as chancellor accidentally pledging allegiance to a foreign state for tax purposes, and promising to make USA his forever home

5. Parliamentary rules state MPs must be UK residents for tax purposes, so Sunak broke both MP’s rules and the Ministerial Code, both resigning matters. He didn't resign

6. And then it was revealed Sunak had listed his wealth in the Cayman Islands to avoid even more domestic tax

7. He also failed to list his wife’s £690m stake in Russian businesses in the register of members’ interests, even though the govt of which he is a senior member has given that company multiple contracts, and even though he told us all not to invest in Russia

8. So by Sunday we’d discovered Sunak was chancellor of one country while legally domiciled in another, claimed his wife didn’t pay tax cos she was from a 3rd, got paid by a trust fund in a 4th, and was secretly breaking the rules of his job to give money to a 5th

9. So to prove he's now 100% committed to his job, his nation, and our struggle, he moved out of 11 Downing St and into one of his 4 giant luxury houses

10. Furiously glaring testicle Sajid Javid leaped to Sunak’s defence, saying it would be “morally wrong” not to put up taxes

11. And then Javid admitted he’d spent 20 years as a non-dom avoiding paying those taxes, but there was “nothing immoral” about it

12. He then pressed SHIFT + F5 in his brain, and announced Tories would “tackle aggressive tax avoidance and evasion”, like all the stuff he did

13. Sunak, laser focussed on what was really pissing us off, decided “divulging the tax status of a private individual is a criminal offence”, and he HATES criminal offences, as we all know

14. So Boris Johnson – yes, Boris Johnson – ordered an ethics inquiry into Sunak”

Copied and pasted from Russ In Cheshire (Twitter).

Whilst very amusingly written this is factually correct (which is what makes it such essential reading). This behaviour is what you are defending here. Willingly going in to bat for crooks, shysters and con-artists.

Sunak doesn’t need the likes of me on his side. I’d be flabbergasted, given his wealth and position, that his accountants, tax advisers and lawyers would leave him open to any genuine accusations (forgetting the noise from people who just don’t like him or any conservative).
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One would hope any with a formal legal background, e.g. Barristers etc, would run a risk of being struck-off for openly supporting/defending Johnson’s criminal behaviour, or at the least have any future legal career tainted.

I wonder who depiffle will find as a replacement for Lord Wolfson, or who would want to.
Sunak doesn’t need the likes of me on his side. I’d be flabbergasted, given his wealth and position, that his accountants, tax advisers and lawyers would leave him open to any genuine accusations (forgetting the noise from people who just don’t like him or any conservative).

Well his honesty advisors cleared him to stand up at "PMQs" to say he'd not been to any parties at No 10 so I guess anything"s possible. Given that he's a tory.
I wonder who depiffle will find as a replacement for Lord Wolfson, or who would want to.

It has to be career suicide for anyone in the legal or similar professions, i.e. those who’s primary existence isn’t just the usual Tory grifting and trough-feeding. For the likes of Nadine Dorries the downward trajectory from eating live insects in the jungle on idiot-grade TV to cutting and pasting incoherent defences of Johnson calls on a remarkably similar skillset, but any barrister, judge etc would end up seriously damaged just by association with this disgraced and collapsing government now. Surely?
The politics sketch
Deeply disappointed Shapps defends honourable art of lying
John Crace

Minister seemed to imply you had to be completely heartless not to accept self-pitying contrition of PM

This comment had me in stitches...

The likes of Johnson and Rees-Mogg wouldn't recognise morals unless they were tattooed on a billionaire's arse.
Integrity doesn’t come into tax, you either owe it or you don’t.

TBH I largely agree. I'm in no hurry to pay a penny more tax than I have to. Especially to this government. If the rules aren't fair they should be changed. I'm not holding my breath though.

Hilarious that Akshata Murty apparently (now) doesn't see it that way.

In her statement, Ms Murty also said she would now be paying UK tax "on all my worldwide income, including dividends and capital gains, wherever in the world that income arises. I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to."

The Tory Party is now a total personality cult.

Given the number of breaches of the law and Ministerial Code they can now pretty much be viewed as Trump’s Jan 6th insurgency. A group of lawbreakers occupying a government building. As long as Johnson and Sunak remain in role this “government” has zero legitimacy. The Ministerial Code is clear. They need to resign. This isn’t a choice. It is a stated duty.
The Daily Mail, today, floods its headlines with immigrant stories and the shipping of human beings to East Africa to process their asylum applications. This is how the Conservatives collude with their friends in the media: they push these stories from their tax havens and the government keeps those loopholes open. They genuinely repulse me.
TBH I largely agree. I'm in no hurry to pay a penny more tax than I have to. Especially to this government. If the rules aren't fair they should be changed. I'm not holding my breath though.

Hilarious that Akshata Murty apparently (now) doesn't see it that way.

In her statement, Ms Murty also said she would now be paying UK tax "on all my worldwide income, including dividends and capital gains, wherever in the world that income arises. I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to."


It is a comical situation. No doubt she’ll review the decision once Rishi is out of politics.
I thought the Rwanda thing was a troll when I spotted it on Twitter last night, but no, our failing Britain Trump has gone full-on ‘lets build a wall’ and is now trying to export some of the most vulnerable people on the planet 4000 miles away to concentration camps in Africa where they stand no chance of being able to afford to escape. Sure, I was expecting a dead cat or two to be thrown to distract from Johnson and Sunak’s ongoing lies and criminality, but one short of actual fascism. I guess one should never underestimate a desperate Tory.

PS Anyone still in any doubt why these alt-right liars, crooks and shysters were so utterly determined to rip up international human rights legislation? Anyone still not know what Brexit was for?
I'm genuinely getting tired and weary upon the lie after lie after lie from this government. All feel entitled, no backbone to stand up to the criminals and everything dismissed as f:mad:ing normal.

All absolute cowards. And my MP (Sajid Javid), gone very quiet .....
The problem in this country is that people vote for these b@stards - always has been. The fools on the Labour right imagined a rebuilding of the centre when they shafted Corbyn not a lurch further to the extreme right and the collapse of any effective opposition.
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