
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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I think calling tax avoidance a duty is a bit of a stretch.
Good point. Had he said 'nobody has a duty to pay more tax than legally required' that might have been nearer the mark. Semantics really, though. But the wider point is that most people don't get any control over what tax they pay. The question as to what 'duty' they have is somewhat moot and tax avoidance is largely the preserve of the already comfortably off who, it may be argued, have a moral duty not to minimise their tax bill but to share their good fortune with those less fortunate.
All Corbyn's fault see....;):confused:

The way I see it the blame lies with the Brexit-enabling shite who voted for Johnson. Not those who avoided voting for Corbyn. If I lived in a Con/Lab marginal instead of a Con/Lib one, I would certainly have voted Corbyn despite his politics and mine differing. I could not imagine any scenario where I would put a cross next to a party led by this odious POS. Thatcher would be more likely to get a vote from me.

I simply can't fathom it.
The way I see it the blame lies with the Brexit-enabling shite* who voted for Johnson. Not those who avoided voting for Corbyn. If I lived in a Con/Lab marginal instead of a Con/Lib one, I would certainly have voted Corbyn despite his politics and mine differing. I could not imagine any scenario where I would put a cross next to a party led by this odious POS. Thatcher would be more likely to get a vote from me.

I simply can't fathom it.

*Not that Corbyn was doing anything to assist the Remain cause, obvs.
*Not that Corbyn was doing anything to assist the Remain cause, obvs.
I get this but the comments I keep getting from the people that traditionally voted Labour is that Johnson was the lesser of two evils.
The most bizarre thing is lots still believe this to be true which is truly disturbing.
Excellent letter from Russ ‘The Week In Tory’ Jones to his MP (Twitter). If I was in a Tory seat I’d send similar (from a secure email address, obviously, as they will likely just sell bulk-address lists to Cambridge Analytica’s current equivalent).
It was so well thought out that my musician friend who earns slightly too much to get the freelance payment ended up on Universal Credit.

One of my musician friends hadn’t been freelance long enough. He was likewise absolutely stuffed.

Excellent letter from Russ ‘The Week In Tory’ Jones to his MP (Twitter). If I was in a Tory seat I’d send similar (from a secure email address, obviously, as they will likely just sell bulk-address lists to Cambridge Analytica’s current equivalent).

If I have time I’ll type that out and send it to the odious turd who is my MP. He’s not been seen in the area for months though.
Using the Ukraine conflict as a smokescreen for the government's indefensible conduct is just about the most cynical and disgusting trope I have heard. Truly, there are few depths that he and his supporters will not stoop to reach.
If I have time I’ll type that out and send it to the odious turd who is my MP. He’s not been seen in the area for months though.

Cut & paste here:

I am a constituent, and want to make it clear to you how disgusted I am that neither the Prime Minister nor Chancellor have resigned as a result of being fined for lockdown parties.

Both of them broke the rules they created. They repeatedly lied to the public and parliament about it. There's no point denying it: there are countless filmed and published records of it happening.

Such acts are resigning matters, and the ministerial code means nothing unless it is applied in this case. Their refusal to go - and the Conservative Party's shameless acquiescence - undermine the rule of law and any trust in political institutions. The party's tawdry self-preservation is an insult to the nation, to the dead, and to everything we expect from leadership. And it will be profoundly damaging to our faith in government, at a time when it is already dangerously low.

The excuse that they cannot be removed from office due to the conflict in Ukraine is feeble, transparent nonsense. We are not at war. Even if we were, we changed PM during WW2 and 4 times during the Iraq conflict. France is holding an election right now. If Ukraine - as is likely - continues for years, does this mean elections must be canceled and Johnson remain leader for life?

Are we truly expected to believe we must suspend democracy in order to defend democracy? Suspend the rule of law in order to defend the law?

It's a farcical notion, and revolting that your colleagues use the horror of Ukraine to avoid the consequences of your leaders' indefensible actions.

Your party has sunk into iniquity under this man, and if you have a shred of morality left you should call for an end to the premiership of your corrupt, venal, destructive, unworthy and lying Prime Minister.

Johnson and Sunak must go. I expect my PM to do the right thing.

I’d change it up a bit as Russ is obviously very high profile and you don’t want it to be the vacuous cut & paste you’ll get back from the odious Tory, but there is much to take in content and feel IMO.
Look, I get the negativity and it’s not a good look for the govt right now but many people just don’t like the conservatives whoever is in the cabinet and will call for Boris et al to resign more regularly than the tide goes in and out. The best way to get them out is to vote them out. Pretty much everyone has the right to vote.
Look, I get the negativity and it’s not a good look for the govt right now but many people just don’t like the conservatives whoever is in the cabinet and will call for Boris et al to resign more regularly than the tide goes in and out. The best way to get them out is to vote them out. Pretty much everyone has the right to vote.

Yet on the basis of less than 30% of eligible votes, here we are.

The system is far more broken than your answer implies.
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