
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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It is a flaw of the system. At every point they will lie to protect themselves. The Conservative Party code is unquestionably: self > party > national interest. They will happily lie to their electorate and defend their law breaking and corruption. Every time. The sad thing is the opposition aren’t that much better. We all remember the ‘expenses scandal’ etc.
I would question the national interest part of self, party, national interest. The Tories are only interested in national interest up to the point it serves to promote the first two, otherwise it’s a liability.

Tackling climate change should be a top national interest priority….and yet….
Let’s face it, Sunak really doesn’t need all the agro. Shame, I’d like to see him in the top job. Mind you, this will probably all have blown over in a few weeks.
Shame, I’d like to see him in the top job. Mind you, this will probably all have blown over in a few weeks.

Why would you choose to see a convicted law-breaker, tax evader and serial liar in the “top job”?

I understand that as a modern Tory you don’t have any choices with integrity on the table, but even so I’d have thought it made more logical sense to back one of the shits who hasn’t actually been caught lying, cheating the country, and charged by the police yet.
Sunak will almost certainly be sacked in the next few months, he should have taken the opportunity to resign now and cause a huge embarrassment to Johnson.
Johnson really hates Sunak, apparently referring to him in expletive-laden nicknames.
Let’s face it, Sunak really doesn’t need all the agro. Shame, I’d like to see him in the top job. Mind you, this will probably all have blown over in a few weeks.
I must apologise for my previous outburst. After a little reflection I now realise that your comment must have been meant ironically, something along the lines of ‘I’d like to see Putin in the top job protecting world democracy’, a satirical comment to highlight an absurdity?
Margaret Hodge:
"When P&O was found to have broken the law, Boris Johnson called on the CEO to resign.
Now that the PM has himself broken the law, will he still believe this principle applies to him?"
Mass complacency. The government and the police force. They really just don’t care about ‘ The British People’. Inflation hitting 7%, people tipping into poverty and deeper into poverty, cost of living slamming the pockets of all. And a PM who now thinks he’s a War Leader. Gross.
......and people will still vote them in......
Why would you choose to see a convicted law-breaker, tax evader and serial liar in the “top job”?

I understand that as a modern Tory you don’t have any choices with integrity on the table, but even so I’d have thought it made more logical sense to back one of the shits who hasn’t actually been caught lying, cheating the country, and charged by the police yet.

Sunak is not a tax evader, neither is his wife. Everyone has a duty to pay no more tax than legally required. Sure, you could review the non dom rules. Labour had plenty of time and opportunity to do so but were clearly perfectly comfortable with them. Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1. Of course, if enough people are sufficiently unhappy, they can vote the govt out in a couple of years.
Sunak is not a tax evader, neither is his wife. Everyone has a duty to pay no more tax than legally required. Sure, you could review the non dom rules. Labour had plenty of time and opportunity to do so but were clearly perfectly comfortable with them. Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1. Of course, if enough people are sufficiently unhappy, they can vote the govt out in a couple of years.
....everyone loved Rishi.....??:eek:
Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1.

'Policy'? You mean he wasn't just making it up as he went along?
Sunak is not a tax evader, neither is his wife. Everyone has a duty to pay no more tax than legally required. Sure, you could review the non dom rules. Labour had plenty of time and opportunity to do so but were clearly perfectly comfortable with them. Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1. Of course, if enough people are sufficiently unhappy, they can vote the govt out in a couple of years.
He’s served his purpose for Johnson, now he’s about to serve another purpose.
Sunak is not a tax evader, neither is his wife. Everyone has a duty to pay no more tax than legally required. Sure, you could review the non dom rules. Labour had plenty of time and opportunity to do so but were clearly perfectly comfortable with them. Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1. Of course, if enough people are sufficiently unhappy, they can vote the govt out in a couple of years.
I'm sure the tory beneficiaries loved Rishi when he was doling out cash to the VIP laners like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting, yes. I do recall plenty of commentary at the time that a lot of the other stuff, like 'eat out to help out' was misguided and mostly window-dressing. The furlough scheme was decent, at the time, though the recovery loan scheme has been a honeypot for fraudsters. But lots of people said what was actually needed was proper sick pay to enable people to be off work so as to reduce transmission. He didn't address that, I suspect because the Tory faithful gets heartburn at the though of people being paid to go off sick. Something about discouraging the feckless, workshy and similar.

So in reality, I think Sunak did the absolute minimum to stop the economy collapsing, balked at some measures which might have made a huge difference, and enabled his mates to drink deeply at the trough. And now he will expect us to pay for that, and you will go on believing him when he says we must.
Everyone has a duty to pay no more tax than legally required. Sure, you could review the non dom rules.

He is in charge of the tax rules. He ensured his multi-millionaire family, and folk like him who fund his disgraceful party, were able to dodge tax by offshoring and non-dom status whilst at the same time ramping up NI on the very poorest in the country who are in a cost-of-living crisis. Sunak, like his party, is utter scum. Just spectacularly wrong in tone and as such unfit to lead. He deserves wide-spread rioting as his political legacy.

Funny how everyone loved Rishi when he was doling out cash like a one armed bandit stuck on the jackpot setting. Now the reality of that policy is starting to bite, he’s public enemy No 1.

I’ve made this point before and I’ll make it again. I am a small business owner with all of the risks and unpredictability that entails. I am not rich. I likely make little over minimum wage (though it obviously goes a lot further as I have no rent, debt, family, car etc). At the time of the 1st furlough payment pfm revenue was dipping. I was noticeably down as being in the ‘at risk’ category I was sheltering and unable to go out record buying, plus the ad revenue was at that time quite seriously down. As such I took the first furlough payment as I was fully entitled to do so.

I also took the second payment as business revenue was still pretty poor at that time. Shortly afterwards I made a major change to how the Google, Amazon and eBay ad revenue was collected cutting out a middle-man and running code myself, plus a couple of good record collections came in, so my income went up again and actually recovered very well. So, what did I do? At end of year when doing my tax I voluntarily paid the second grant back in full. I obviously didn’t take any of the other grants, even though many did. I am not a parasite. I am not a piece of vacious integrity-free lying grasping thieving shit. Sunak, Johnson, Hancock and that ilk are all of these things. Every last one of them. As are those who would actively choose to vote for this corrupt thieving criminal party.
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