
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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This Led By Donkeys video was linked on another thread already, but it is worth putting here too. Essential viewing IMO. It is highly depressing that we need independent crowd-funded journalism to break through the endless gaslighting of our right-wing media and expose absolutely undeniable links between Russian oligarch wealth and political thinking and our entirely corrupt Conservative Party government, but anyway, here it is. A nice little deep-dive into the Putin asset known as Boris Johnson.

Active in London and Salisbury.

In 1968 L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology, began writing that all of the world's governments had been taken over by SMERSH and that the organization was controlling the world through psychiatry, which the Church opposes. Hubbard proposed to defeat the alleged SMERSH infiltration by smuggling Sea Organization members into Switzerland, taking over the World Federation of Mental Health in Geneva, and then discrediting psychiatry by using the front organization to promote eugenics and mass euthanization to the United Nations. Hubbard abandoned the plan after the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health took notice of the Sea Org's plan.[30]:rolleyes: :eek:
Amazing how it takes a muso to call-out Sunak’s fake indignation about the spotlight being shone in his wife’s dodgy dealings with Russian wealth (Tim Burgess, Twitter). He seems to know his ministerial code better than the BBC!
The Independent seems to have it in for Boris. Perhaps he and the paper's owner aren't so close after all.
I'm beginning to wonder whether Putin has decided Boris has reached the end of his useful life (his reputation being beyond economic repair, perhaps) and Lebedev has been instructed to commence Operation Last Gaffe.

Yep Johnson is being forced to look like he's biting hands that previously fed him. When I say "bite" perhaps nibble enough to look like he's doing something while having no real effect. After all, he's built a career on similar.
Cold War Steve

Brutal Honesty.
Billions being written off, contracts to cronies, loans with no checks and zero chance of getting the public money back. Never mind, Johnson's having a good war and we can vote him out etc....

Sunak’s wife’s vast wealth completely offshored from U.K. tax liability. She’s apparently not resident in the U.K. -he must be quite lonely so he’s hammering the paups with take backs from universal credit and loading on higher National Insurance payments while Tory Friends and Family have literally robbed the public purse of £ billions.
The Tory party are a Two Nation Party; Them and Us. Traditional One Nation Toryism is a thing of the past. The idea that everyone benefitted from a rising tide of invisible hand economics is gone. In its place is grasping self interest fed by the economics of privatising asserts and socialising costs. We now have politics based on division, with the benefits going up, and debts imposed on those below the line
Not convinced they were ever "one nation" it's just that, in the past there were assets that could be stolen or carved up between "the few" without it having an immediate and obvious effect on peoples' daily lives. Such "low hanging fruit" is gone and they are having to think of ever more venal ways to steal from the less fortunate. Scum indeed.
The Tory party are a Two Nation Party; Them and Us. Traditional One Nation Toryism is a thing of the past. The idea that everyone benefitted from a rising tide of invisible hand economics is gone. In its place is grasping self interest fed by the economics of privatising asserts and socialising costs. We now have politics based on division, with the benefits going up, and debts imposed on those below the line

The handshake seals the contract
From the contract
There's no turning back
The turning point of a career in Korea, being insincere
The holiday was fun packed
The contract still intact

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves after all
The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves after all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The graph on the wall
Tells the story of it all
Picture it now
See just how the lies and deceit
Gained a little more power
Confidence taken in by a sun tan and a grin

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves after all
The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves after all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts
Everything counts in large amounts

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts
The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts

Everything, everything
Everything, everything

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts
The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts
Not convinced they were ever "one nation" it's just that, in the past there were assets that could be stolen or carved up between "the few" without it having an immediate and obvious effect on peoples' daily lives. Such "low hanging fruit" is gone and they are having to think of ever more venal ways to steal from the less fortunate. Scum indeed.
You are quite right. One nationism was flawed from the bringing. It was always a paternalistic philosophy that presumed that the Tories were the grown ups dispensing the benefits of democracy to the children.

Therein lies the appeal of Toryism, it appeals to people who still need daddy.
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