
A generic rectifier/smoothing PCB


Been a bit busy with a room remodel, missed recent posts - will send off a Paypal top up shortly - PS the boards look great!

I am going to build two of these PCB's for use on my NCC200 project. I have 25amp HexFred diodes and will be using 4x 10,000uF capacitors per side. Should I use inductors or resistors in this application? I believe this is called CLCLC with the inductors? What size inductance is required?
Hi I'm doing the same as DubbLinn. I have sorted all the components apart from the Resistors for the RCRCRc etc. bit. I know they need to be 0.47R but what wattage rating for boards supplying NAIM power amp boards?

Don't put resistors on a power amp board - it'll ruin the dynamics. The power amp's rails need to present as low an impedance as possible, and to that end you'll need inductors, not resistors.
I don't suppose it matters overly much. I'm using around 10uH but I'm sure using 100uH or even 10mH - 100mH wouldn't hurt. The larger the inductor, the more filtering you'll get.

Anyone got some math to go along with my assertions?
I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you for so generously topping up the postage that I undercharged for. PFM is a great place thanks to all of you :)

I hope you get a lot of pleasure from the things you build with these PCBs.... oh, and post PCB pr0n!


