
Winter election III

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If the Tories win the blame will lie squarely on the shoulders of those seeking to overturn the referendum result rather than campaigning for the best compromise in the circumstances.

I will blame the JC4PM crew for not posting enough memes on social media. I think another twelfty million JC4PM memes would have swung things firmly in Labour's favour. They only have themselves to blame.
As predicted I was the only person in mine. It is only ever quiet here (the specific polling station, not necessarily the ward).
Yes, but caused by...?

All I can say is I hope that gives you sufficient cheer tomorrow. It won’t me.

Going for a stroll to the polling station with my camera.

It may well come down to whether the lib dem vote proves to be stronger than the Brexit/UKIP. Labour needs a net gain of 8-10 seats assuming the SNP polls no worse than last time
I was a bit shocked at our village hall. You had to walk past loads of baked beans, pasta and stuff and a sign saying 'food bank' I kid you not!
It was a collection point. Imagine that, all those people walking past that and still voting Conservative?
Labour was ahead of the Tories in the summer - it's only since the BJ leadership election that the Tories have been in front. If the Tories win the blame will lie squarely on the shoulders of those seeking to overturn the referendum result rather than campaigning for the best compromise in the circumstances.
He's not as cute as the one I saw. That was a collie, and they're obvs the cutest dogs in the world.
Going for a stroll to the polling station with my camera.
Well, that was interesting. There were three collies lined up outside the polling station. I asked one of them if I could take a photo. He was delighted as he had been set a task by an internet forum of getting a snap of a man with a beard wearing a black trilby, so naturally I reciprocated.

Then Boris bloody Johnson and his retinue turned up. He stole our phones, threw them under the shovel of his JCB and dropped a fridge the digger had been carrying onto them. Then he realized that there weren’t any TV cameras pointing at him and started waffling excuses. My new friends were having none of it - they bared their teeth and herded the lot of them onto the tennis court behind the village hall. They are still there now, probably.
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Labour was ahead of the Tories in the summer - it's only since the BJ leadership election that the Tories have been in front. If the Tories win the blame will lie squarely on the shoulders of those seeking to overturn the referendum result rather than campaigning for the best compromise in the circumstances.

Always a problem the further removed from the last government. I would suggest that anyone who refused to take roles under the current leadership has made themselves unelectable for being churlish, so it doesn't leave you with much choice.
It depends who they were, some have done some decent work from the back benches. I do struggle to identify with a lot of the current leadership team.
I'd like one that's not going to be corrupted by the powerful, who will stand up for those who are most vulnerable, who opposes US-led wars of aggression, and would look to invest hugely in badly needed affordable housing, the NHS, education and training, infrastructure etc.

Remind you of anyone?
It reminds me of someone who could well lose another election.
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