
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+11)?

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You're wrong. This forum could hardly be less representative of what's happening in the country.
I do sometimes loose track of this fact. I would say though, after the last election disaster, people in the country need to get their heads out of their arses & stop believing the bullshit, I recently did the rounds on the forums, Facebook, Twitter & such like, the amount of delusional bollocks i have witnessed is mind blowing, thankfully these were in the minority, but still, a little worrying.
The above may upset some people on here, but it is bang on the money. Right wing Tory is not far-right. Tommy Robinson and his ilk are far-right.

If the 'gilets jaunes' appear on the streets in large numbers following the conclusion of Brexit then we will see the far-right (and some far-left) in operation.
I agreed with the post too but was too scared to post anything so sensibly written in fear of Tony blowing up my laptop in protest :) In the last few days, I have already experienced a serious meltdown on my laptop 3 times while posting mid sentence on pfm.
Interesting perspective on Brexit from the Washington Post. Not one that i really recognise.

Look at where the author is from. Nuff said.

"Created in 1976, EPPC was the first neocon institute to break ground in the frontal attack on the secular humanists. For nearly three decades, EPPC has functioned as the cutting edge of the neoconservative-driven culture war against progressive theology and secularism, and the associated effort to ensure right-wing control of the Republican Party. It explicitly sought to unify the Christian right with the neoconservative religious right, which was mostly made up of agnostics back then. A central part of its political project was to "clarify and reinforce the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and the public debate over domestic and foreign policy." Directed by Elliott Abrams from 1996-2001, EPPC counts among its board members well connected figures in the neocon matrix including Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Neuhaus, and Mary Ann Glendon."
Rudd. Calling for a national consensus, cross party. What a shameless spiv. Didn't hear her calling too hard 2 years ago when the tories reckoned they could get this all their own way. The hypocrisy is.... Just what you'd expect from this shower of incompetents
Desperate to spread the liability now. Her party dropped this one on the pavement outside the shops, their collective nose needs to be held to it.
Look at where the author is from. Nuff said.

"Created in 1976, EPPC was the first neocon institute to break ground in the frontal attack on the secular humanists. For nearly three decades, EPPC has functioned as the cutting edge of the neoconservative-driven culture war against progressive theology and secularism, and the associated effort to ensure right-wing control of the Republican Party. It explicitly sought to unify the Christian right with the neoconservative religious right, which was mostly made up of agnostics back then. A central part of its political project was to "clarify and reinforce the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and the public debate over domestic and foreign policy." Directed by Elliott Abrams from 1996-2001, EPPC counts among its board members well connected figures in the neocon matrix including Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Neuhaus, and Mary Ann Glendon."

First thing I teach my students at university—check the credentials of the author.

Pity the BBC, Channel 4 and ITN news can't manage it either when interviewing 'think-tanks'.

Rudd. Calling for a national consensus, cross party. What a shameless spiv. Didn't hear her calling too hard 2 years ago when the tories reckoned they could get this all their own way. The hypocrisy is.... Just what you'd expect from this shower of incompetents

Indeed. May and her allies insulted the 48%, ignored the 63% and just pandered to the ERG and Nigel Farage.

Now they want our help to implement their right-wing agenda?

No responsible government would

Increase homelessness
Increase child poverty
Introduce universal credit
Implement policies that caused a UN inspector to condemn them
Reduce numbers of police officers to dangerous levels
Allow the NHS to be in crisis every winter.
Cut school budgets.
Allow an explosion of food banks.
Punish poor people for the banking crisis.

Just a few off the top of me head.
Your on form Harry :D
The opposing parties should have this placed on every street in the country until the next GE. Not only has this long list of failures devastated this country for 8 years, it is precisely the reason we are discussing this topic today, without it, Brexit would be nothing more than some odd idea Cameron had one evening, then thought better of it.
Yet many are clambering for another, same government, more desperate.
A precedent has been set. You go back with your Tardis and change the previous ref to needing a supermajority, and I'd be good with that being the position for the next one.
In the absence of Doctorly intervention though, fairness demands the same conditions for Ratifying Ref/Peoples Vote.
Incidentally, those objecting to the nomenclature "Peoples Vote" (perhaps because they perhaps don't consider themselves people?) could always boycott it.
Your on form Harry :D
The opposing parties should have this placed on every street in the country until the next GE. Not only has this long list of failures devastated this country for 8 years, it is precisely the reason we are discussing this topic today, without it, Brexit would be nothing more than some odd idea Cameron had one evening, then thought better of it.

I could come up with many others.

Such as.

Crippling shortage of doctors and nurses (Racist May doesn't want foreigners)
Social care almost a basket case
Prisons in total chaos
Probation Services privatised to the point they're almost worthless
More rough sleepers
More families in temporary accommodation.

Rug and curtain sales are up though ;-)
Although I do not agree with all your political viewpoints Harry, your assumption of this forum members rings partly true to me also. You needed to add, second homes in Europe, never done real manual graft, and have food allergies for anything that is fried, and worst of all the wearing of bamboo socks and cat lovers.

I see it like this, for many here, Brexit will be devastating, for many here, a Tory government will not, no matter how hard some enrage about May & her cohorts, her everyday decisions regarding this country will have little impact on them personally, Brexit however is a whole other story & why we see such anger about this government here, anger at leavers, at May & Corbyn, we may as well cut through the bull, this is precisely what is going on here, like it or not.
That is more or less a fact-free article, but good to know what right wing, Christian fundamentalist think tanks in Washington wish to see happening to the UK in particular, and to the EU in general.

An important voice in the Brexit debate, for sure.

How does that help the struggling third world bamboo producer?

Beggered if it could at that price. Crazy. Perhaps the bamboo comes from Italy. Bamboo is a bit of a pest in Barolo country, you can't get rid of it. Perhaps retired employees of Ferrera Rocher sit by the roadside knocking out bamboo socks. I still can't imagine how you turn bamboo into a soft fibre. And now you tell me they do drawers too. Pfm is such a mine of information.

With the added attraction that any pandas you come across will adore you.

Is that in an eat shoots and leaves way, or an eats, shoots and leaves one?

I do not rate them as they do not do soft top socks. I tried on a free sample they sent me and they cut off my blood supply. Horrible things.


I need to get up to speed on my sock terminology. What are 'soft top' socks?
I need to get up to speed on my sock terminology. What are 'soft top' socks?

They are intended not to cut off the blood supply around the calf muscle. I previously wore standard socks then noticed a ridge was forming on the calf from the pressure. Perhaps I have fat calf muscles!

Hope that makes sense as I am not the most precise contributor to PFM.

They are intended not to cut off the blood supply around the calf muscle. I previously wore standard socks then noticed a ridge was forming on the calf from the pressure. Perhaps I have fat calf muscles!

Hope that makes sense as I am not the most precise contributor to PFM.


Ah, right, yes I get that too, but now your mention it, not from my tackymax bamboo socks!
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