
A light hearted wondering what is the best job in the world?

so, what would you rather be doing then?

deck chair attendant.

I like what I do - I have a lot of freedom to do what I want within context. It give us a huge sense of pride and pleasure seeing young people arrive when they are 18 who then become graduates and get good jobs........

I have had three different roles here - one of which (the second) involved travelling the world, to some very nice places, and to some less nice but unusual places - I was privileged to do this for 10 years, but eventually you get travel weary. All my friends were incredibly jealous, but I ended up doing 40-50 flights per year, in the (it may sound strange) end I hated 5* hotels and long haul flights.......
I pretend my pension payments are income, and being retired is the best job ever, and I have had many jobs so I know the difference.

I'm on the receiving end of expenses, pay claims etc - approving them or otherwise. Luckily we have a reasonable online system, which allows pdfs of receipts to be scanned into claims. I see no paper, although our finance team does (for audit purposes - we are a public body) keep the hardcopies. I love my job, and I am just about to step up into a head of department role, with overall responsibility for about 100 people and nearly 2000 students. Although sometimes it does have its tedious for example I am signing degree transcripts and results letters.....this is the first pile (of three similarly sized), and every page needs signing...

2018-07-25_12-09-45 by uh_simon, on Flickr
See Bloss's post....
It's clear; the best job in the world is to be President of the USA. It's evidently a job that requires no intelligence, no effort, no need for lots of boring reading and remembering stuff, no need even to try to keep your story straight, just a preparedness to contradict yourself and everyone else and even to deny under oath that you ever said it in the first place. In return, you get to swan around in expensive aeroplanes and play endless rounds of golf and give the occasional nonsensical speech, and your fans love you and your purportedly Congressional allies are too scared to say otherwise. And, in the event that you are not eventually appointed Dictator for Life (or, like Kim Il Sung, Dictator for All Eternity), you can use your position to fit in a few more lucrative business deals to bolster your income and build even more golf courses.
You forgot grabbing pussy
Suddenly a couple of weeks ago whilst watching some gardening programme or other on a Sunday morn being spellbound by Monty Don I noticed his two retrievers. Keeping a close eye on said chaps I observed that they walk into shot, lay down and sleep. This is consistent behaviour.

Ergo the best job in the world has to be one of Monty Dons somnambulant retrievers.

Not sure, the walking into shot bit sounds like a lot of unnecessary effort. If you were a member of the House of Lords you could generally get away with just doing the other things. Much more sensible. Plus you get expenses and subsidized bars.
For the DTI we had to fill in 3 sheets for expenses (credit card, cash, mileage) and submit these three sheets by excel, PDF and hard copy in the post. So the email had 3 excel files and 3 pdfs and then the 3 sheets as hard copy. We had to photocopy every receipt too. And we were supposed to know what was VAT chargeable and what was not. And not all retailers tell you on the receipt. I stopped buying Jaffa cakes for lunch on the road because I could not remember what to do.
Yes there was the court case about whether Jaffa cakes were biscuits (zero rated for VAT) or confectionery (Vat at 20%). I think they decided the former in the end, but I'm not certain about that...
When I was 16, I spent a summer painting doors and windows at a local community center. It was pleasant, satisfying work, and I received lots of compliments for my efforts. Five years later, after graduating college in 1979, I started a career in IT. Because all of my subsequent work successes were, for lack of a better word, virtual, I have never really recaptured that tangible feeling of having delivered a physical result - something to look at and feel proud of. Achieving a sales goal just isn't quite the same. Have done lots of home remodeling, but that's not the same as doing it as a job, of being in the trades, of being a craftsman. Can't complain through. IT has kept a roof over my head and food in the fridge for going on 40 years.
as i wrote not that long ago, as i watched his show in my hotel room one evening, i was fairly convinced anthony bourdain had the best job in the world.

Being retired is definitely the best job going if you regard it as a job. Successful retirees do the things that they did not have time to do when they were working. This usually, but not always, means travelling somewhere, either to explore or do things on a regular basis.

Failed retirees spend most of their time stuck in the house watching TV or pruning their roses supplemented by a trip to somewhere dull like a shopping mall using a bus pass.

If you accept that retirement requires effort and organisation, then it is undeniably the best job going.


You forgot grabbing pussy

Mister President!!!!
I used to think being a radio DJ was the best job in the world, but came to realise that for 90% of DJs, the choice of material is out of their hands, and they can't even say 'Christ, that was a shite song' after playing the latest by <insert name of least-favourite artist>. So, I dunno.

My mate Dave used to say his best job was his first job, unloading lorries for Safeways; you started with a full lorry and ended up with an empty lorry, job done. You also got paid every week, cash-in-hand. But I guess it would have palled as a life-long occupation rather than a temporary one.
My yearly reviews for the last several years haven't gone well. The topic of "Career Development" always comes up, then I get asked what I would like to be doing. I have said "I would like to be rescuing sea turtles down in the Florida Keys". Blank stares. Topic quickly drops. No raise. Yes, rescuing sea turtles in the Florida Keys sounds ideal about now....
Sitting on the bench for a top Premier League team, never playing, but earning squillions would be the pefrect employment for me. In fact, even if it only lasted a month would do me and realise more than I've ever earnt.

Being retired is definitely the best job going if you regard it as a job. Successful retirees do the things that they did not have time to do when they were working. This usually, but not always, means travelling somewhere, either to explore or do things on a regular basis.

Failed retirees spend most of their time stuck in the house watching TV or pruning their roses supplemented by a trip to somewhere dull like a shopping mall using a bus pass.

If you accept that retirement requires effort and organisation, then it is undeniably the best job going.



And of course you are a successful retiree, aren’t you Mick?
Just checking the ego and self-regard hasn’t retired.
I did see a joke video on youtube a few years back about some guy massaging tired female supermodels whilst they were on set

One of the first proper jobs was in a theatrical wardrobe dept.
My tasks included dressing four actresses in corsets for a season of Restoration (17th Century) plays.
Yes, it was very awkward!

Being retired is definitely the best job going if you regard it as a job.

Retirement isn't a job.

