
'Compact System Cameras'.. or...... ?

I’d avoid f16, you’re going to lose definition due to diffraction effects. That’s not the same as saying never use it of course, but I try not to go beyond f5.6-8.

I'd read about that so I try to stay between f8 and f11, but I will use f16 if I need more depth of field.

did you compare to sony alpha 6000?

Yes. But it is a CSC and is slightly larger than the Canon.

The Canon is just about pocketable and at worst would be little burden on a neck or wrist strap, or in a 'man bag'. The Sony RX100 is more so, but has many practical disadvantages including a smaller sensor which for me are not outweighed by the RX100's better video spec, because I'm not overly bothered about video. It's not only very small, but also quite slippy in the hands. I was quite disappointed.

Also, bits of the Canon spec I've read would encourage me to start shooting RAW, which is no bad thing. About time I got into that. Also, the relatively limited zoom lens would likely be a good thing for me. I'm too much in the habit of pushing all my lenses too far toward the edge of their capabilities, and need to train myself to work with my composition/framing and a set of moderate aperture/shutter ISO settings.

It also, as previously stated, just feels right in my hand. A lovely little thing. Just as with my DSLR, it can most probably do more than I'll ever learn to use.. Tomorrow, I'm going back to Wilkinson's. I may compare the Canon with the Panasonic LX-100 as recommended.. but I think I'm in love with the Canon.

And I've read enough hi-fi reviews, to guess that camera reviews are not entirely without bias or hyperbolae, such that in the end, having used reviews to narrow the field, I go with my own feelings.

There is also no reason, if my interest continues or grows, why I couldn't buy another really pocketable little 'snapper', for a couple of hundred quid, for the odd less critical occasion.


take an SD card with you and take your own pictures with the cameras you are considering. camera reviews are useless 9unless written by someone like me, which is extremely rare).

so this canon is full frame?
The Canon PowerShot G1 X III is a high-end compact camera with a 24MP APS-C sized sensor, Dual Pixel autofocus and a 24-72mm equivalent F2.8-5.6 zoom lens. It's Canon's new flagship for the PowerShot G-series, and the sensor is the largest they've ever fitted to a fixed-lens camera. It also has the company's latest DIGIC 7 processor, Wi-Fi with Bluetooth connectivity, and promises a degree of dust and water resistance.

While sales of compact cameras at the low end continue to evaporate, manufacturers are still churning out premium, high-end models in an attempt to lure enthusiasts and amateurs with deep pockets. The G1 X III is certainly an interesting proposition in this segment - indeed, it's the only compact on the market with an APS-C sensor and a lens that zooms, and is designed to be weather sealed to boot.

Perfect? Check it alongside the G7X Mk11...probably the better camera in most situations IQ wise, and cheaper to boot. It's a must do comparison IMO.
Thanks for something rather more informative than Vuk's cryptological one liners. I'm presently heading back to the camera shop. Canon still a strong contender but I'm a bit concerned about low light and large aperture performance. Been looking at some Panasonic options inc at least one CSC is no large than the Canon but with various lens options. So might be more pocketable than Canon with pancake lens for e.g.

The Panasonic Lumix LX100 would be my choice for a high-quality compact camera. It even has Cherman glass.


And look: Proper dials and things.


Sample pix from the flickr group pool:


The Panasonic Lumix LX100 would be my choice for a high-quality compact camera. It even has Cherman glass.


And look: Proper dials and things.


Sample pix from the flickr group pool:


The lenses aren’t made by Leica, the design is approved by Leica and, if my memory’s correct, they stipulate the QC process that the lens needs to pass. After saying that, I’ve had a couple of Panasonic cameras with Leica lenses and the lenses have been very good.

Having access to a real aperture ring - even if it’s fly by wire - is a good thing.
And look: Proper dials and things.

that is a big bonus.

yeah, it looks like it can take pictures of mull favourite subject (old geezers):

IMO, the sony is a better choice in that the lens is removable and you can put real german glass on it, if you choose to.

p.s. the lumix does not look very pretty when its lens is out for shooting.
I recently took delivery of a Fuji T20 and must admit, I'm thinking of returning it.

The chances of me honestly carrying it about are slim. One of the reasons I have so many enjoyable photographs is that I usually have a device with me. The Lumix LX3 has served me well and I look at the images it produces and wonder why I am bothering to change.

The Fuji is positively huge. Compact is not an adjective I would apply personally. Compact compared to what? An EOS 1 with 600 f4?
Which is why after faffing between the Canons and the LX100.. with a fair glance at the teeny Sony.. I have stuck to myvorigunal desire for a truly pocketable camera and bought a Panasonic DC TZ_200.
Not much pose factor.. but it is compact pocketable and nice to use.

As they say... all engineering is compromise...

