
Hypex Ncore - as good as all that?

Dare I suggest we need to sort-out a PFM southwest play-day?

MarkW has the Hypex old and new (and what I've heard sounds great) and may be amenable to suffer more of my coffee (he's polite like that, and we've yet to try the nCores into my H2s...). I can supply space and and pair of speakers / some more conventional amps. Sam I don't think you're a million miles away from Brissol/Bath - and that leaves you Tony ..?

Just a thought I'd be happy to host :D

I fancy a day out with a laptop full of some master-tapes from work; I'm self scheduling now.

Any chance of squeezing me in?

Cheers, Harry.

Sam_cat's Dad would be interested in hearing Hypex in the Southwest and as Sam says Ergo IXs available (and being small are easily portable)

Anyone know what a HackerNAP actually costs?

FYI Tony

Just had a look over the bom spreadsheet i kept for the board parts, excluding feedback caps the boars cost 42 ukp each to populate, 72 ukp inc the front end boards. I seem to have lost the rest of my costing though, although mine was a dual mono build with one transformer not two separate amps so different cost in the traffos.

Anyone know what a HackerNAP actually costs?

Pulling up the paperwork both mine cost similar (~£650+ per stereo amp).. And that was with group buy savings (MOQ savings and volume discounts)... Without those savings I would guess at about £100 more.

Scary when you think about it!

Agree with Sam, about £600 for a stereo Hackernap (single traffo) implementation with group buys but was probably more......

I can supply a pair of freerange nCores and a dual mono UCD180 (lightly modded). Both are balanced input but I can rustle up a pair of phono-xlr adaptors. I'd volunteer my Buffalo, but getting music into it may be a challenge as it uses a dedicated USB interface which requires a proprietary ASIO driver. And it has a very specific output arrangement to meet my active speaker requirements.

Martin's reworked Naim cdp sets a very good standard anyway.

The nCores are currently uncased as I plan is to build them into the next iteration of my widerange OBs (see elsewhere in this and other threads for more waffle on that). So the main ugliness will be speaker connections as I currently run very short cables directly from the terminals on the amps to the terminals on the drivers, without intervening plugs and sockets.

I'll liaise with Martin for a solution to that which works with his H2 wiring. Weekend of 10-12January is out due to family stuff, but otherwise I can be pretty flexible.

Originally Posted by martin clark View Post
Dare I suggest we need to sort-out a PFM southwest play-day?

MarkW has the Hypex old and new (and what I've heard sounds great) and may be amenable to suffer more of my coffee (he's polite like that, and we've yet to try the nCores into my H2s...). I can supply space and and pair of speakers / some more conventional amps. Sam I don't think you're a million miles away from Brissol/Bath - and that leaves you Tony ..?

Just a thought I'd be happy to host

Sorry for me Bath is too far from Stoke on Trent to be practicable.
Google shows 300 miles and five hours round trip.

Very nice offer and I would have enjoyed meeting you guys. Even thought of the train but that a pita with loads of changes.
I could supply a Buffalo with conventional balanced outputs and S/PDIF with a USB adaptor as an option...

(Sorry for butting in)

Sorry for me Bath is too far from Stoke on Trent to be practicable.
Google shows 300 miles and five hours round trip.

Very nice offer and I would have enjoyed meeting you guys. Even thought of the train but that a pita with loads of changes.

Yeah, a tedious motorway journey that one. Travel time is almost entirely dependent on the Brummie situation. You can clogged up there for blooming hours.

You know you want the nCores anyway Tony, so just push the button man!
I do hope you guys are paying attention on how to listen to more than one piece of kit for when you have your get together.

Don't forget you can't just have a get together and a fun listen to some kit.

Oh no you will have to exactly level match the kit at exactly two foot six from the floor apparently, all IEC cords will need fitting to exactly the same insertion force with a calibrated doodad and each listening test delayed until supply voltage and frequency match to within a parsons daughter.

Hint - DAC bake off thread next door, oh dear they had it locked and deleted once already.
Oh what fun to watch the threads next door.
no problem..

i will bring Dr Hickenbacker's patented ear-o-balanced-horn-o-meterydoodah


then we can relax knowing every last higgs-boson particle in the space-time continuum is in synch and....

....contd on page 298
But now you have TOLD US this, we will be bias both for AND against everything.
The fact that we are even talking about it makes the whole test invalid. :/
How is the HF reproduction? The main thing that keeps me away from class D is the low switching frequency.

