
[Photography] Raw-A-Week Mastering

Ok, Joe, can try that.










which I must admit I find somewhat more convenient and easier to take in.
perhaps, the "creators" here can begin by saying if they like what somebody else did better than what they have offered up...


< moderating>

This thread was supposed to be fun and instructive. Why are you turning it into a hissy pissy fit?


Well, I don't think any of them offer any improvement over the original, and that includes mine.

-- Ian
One thing I'm noticing flipping up and down is that the slightly out of skew verticals might be improved by straightening the whole thing on PS. Kudos to No. 4 who had a go at straightening the left side, but it seems to make the central column lean.

Something makes me think No. 2 is Ian...
i agree that the original picture was strong--and i remember it from a couple of years ago. not keen on infusions of colour into it or anything that detracts too much from the foggy look. i definitely don't think the "crop" does anything, quite aside from how i feel about cropping.

EDIT: OOPS--i got the numbering worng. yes #2 is the obvious ian candidate, #8 is the second likely one.

One thing I'm noticing flipping up and down is that the slightly out of skew verticals might be improved by straightening the whole thing on PS. Kudos to No. 4 who had a go at straightening the left side, but it seems to make the central column lean.

I thought of having a go in perspective correct (I often do with my own images) but looking at the image some of the verticals are simply not vertical, i.e. much looks to be a issue with the station not the photo!


PS Matthew is it by any chance Preston?
isn't #10 the more obvious ian mastering?

You is also wrong (and I very rarely crop).

I think the original exposure is about right for the subtle light and mist, so I'm not too keen on any of the versions which change it. Likewise the b&w conversions which increase the contrast, they lose the light of the original scene. But I would have shot this as moody b&w on film, since that's what I always carry, and find it hard to think about how to improve it in colour, since I don't often think about colour at all.

-- Ian
FWIW, in my rendition I was trying to make the image look more 3-D -- the original is good but seemed too 2-D -- but it ended up looking like something out of a Harry Potter film. Such are the perils of doing this late at night after finishing the crap I brought home from work.


i got the numbering mixed up in my link. it is fixed now. it is 2 and 8 that i had in mind.

i suspect cliff did the cropping ;-)


