
Dump The Guardian!

If Brexit means Brexit (which will inevitably lead to leaving the customs union), and anything other than a free border between NI and Eire is unthinkable, then either NI has to be ceded to Ireland or the UK will have to invade Ireland. The Irish military is very small. And not in NATO. It would probably be cheaper in the short term to invade rather than build a wall. Of course the "cheapest" thing in the long term is for the UK is give NI away. If it wasn't for the border problem we could see if they wanted Wales as well.

great idea. Are you a politician, cos that gets my vote.
This is the part that I find bonkers: there was nothing in the Leave clause to suggest that leaving the customs union was going to be mandatory. This is totally discretionary - a direction the current cabinet has taken probably to minimise intra-Tory stresses and pacify its backers, but which places tremendous stresses not only on all goods exporters and importers in the UK but also on third parties like Ireland. Even Turkey is in a form of customs union with the EU, but the UK wants out. There are dire warnings about the consequences, but this government just ploughs on. Weird.

it's not weird, it's a fcuking outrage. They should be hanging from lamp posts for putting party and their wealthy backers before country.
Well, obviously the correct thing to do would be:-
  1. Revolution
  2. Suspend habeas corpus
  3. Withdraw article 50
  4. Arrest Gove, Farage, Johnson et al
  5. Torture them 1984 / Room 101 style and get their public confessions including fingering backers
  6. Do the same to the backers - donate their fortunes to support food banks
  7. Bodies on spikes beside the Thames at Westminster
  8. "Are you or have you ever been a member of UKIP?" McCarthyist lynching, lamp posts etc.
  9. Stern warning about being more responsible when trusted with electing Governments
  10. Compulsory courses on data, logic, statistics - must be passed in order to regain right to vote
  11. Re-start the clock on habeas corpus
  12. Schedule new election for parliament
But you will get all sorts of bleeding hearts, will of the people, democracy and such like bleating.
Well, obviously the correct thing to do would be:-
  1. Revolution
  2. Suspend habeas corpus
  3. Withdraw article 50
  4. Arrest Gove, Farage, Johnson et al
  5. Torture them 1984 / Room 101 style and get their public confessions including fingering backers
  6. Do the same to the backers - donate their fortunes to support food banks
  7. Bodies on spikes beside the Thames at Westminster
  8. "Are you or have you ever been a member of UKIP?" McCarthyist lynching, lamp posts etc.
  9. Stern warning about being more responsible when trusted with electing Governments
  10. Compulsory courses on data, logic, statistics - must be passed in order to regain right to vote
  11. Re-start the clock on habeas corpus
  12. Schedule new election for parliament
But you will get all sorts of bleeding hearts, will of the people, democracy and such like bleating.

Also the Armed Forces. Shoot everyone above rank of Captain. Appoint your friends to the General Staff. Stalin did it and it worked!
If Brexit means Brexit (which will inevitably lead to leaving the customs union), and anything other than a free border between NI and Eire is unthinkable, then either NI has to be ceded to Ireland or the UK will have to invade Ireland. The Irish military is very small. And not in NATO. It would probably be cheaper in the short term to invade rather than build a wall. Of course the "cheapest" thing in the long term is for the UK is give NI away. If it wasn't for the border problem we could see if they wanted Wales as well.

Maybe the constituencies which voted remain could be allowed to defect to Ireland and thus stay in the EU, whilst those constituencies which voted for Brexit (mostly carrot-crunchers and woollybacks, let's face it) could form an independent federation affiliated to Albania or somewhere equally dire.
Maybe the constituencies which voted remain could be allowed to defect to Ireland and thus stay in the EU, whilst those constituencies which voted for Brexit (mostly carrot-crunchers and woollybacks, let's face it) could form an independent federation affiliated to Albania or somewhere equally dire.
Can asylum be granted to Remain voters unfortunate enough to live in Brexit constituencies, too?
Can asylum be granted to Remain voters unfortunate enough to live in Brexit constituencies, too?

I think this is why we should consider just deporting brexit voters to an old overseas territory (already outside of the EU - a channel Island or maybe the Falkland Islands), we can seize and sell their UK property - which should reduce house prices for the young as well as providing some recompense for the harm that has already fallen the economy, sterling et al by their injudicious actions. Should also cripple the sales of The Daily Mail, The Express and Werther's Originals.

Or we could just turn them into Spam?
I think this is why we should consider just deporting brexit voters to an old overseas territory (already outside of the EU - a channel Island or maybe the Falkland Islands), we can seize and sell their UK property - which should reduce house prices for the young as well as providing some recompense for the harm that has already fallen the economy, sterling et al by their injudicious actions. Should also cripple the sales of The Daily Mail, The Express and Werther's Originals.

Or we could just turn them into Spam?
I left of my own accord after the referendum.
That's it, blew both my feet off with a Purdey what in June 2016 and hobbled off to Strasbourg for some decent healthcare....

