
America doesn’t learn

With regards to the security guard who Trump has now called a coward I have a couple of questions:
  1. Is there a protocol or policy that sets out when it's OK to shoot dead a school kid
  2. If there is a protocol or policy that set's out when it's OK to shoot dead a school kid, would you, dear reader, hesitate before shooting, or would you start blasting away without a moments pause?
Apart from the nuttiness of being able to buy assault weapons, you can also buy Tannerite, an explosive that detonates when hit with a bullet.

It's also an opportunity to see natural selection in action.

Apart from its potential to remove certain genes from the population, I'm surprised a derailed person hasn't put one and one together yet. Or is it only a matter of time?

An honorable mention for a Darwin Award - not quiet removing oneself from the gene pool
"If someone manages to survive an incredibly stupid feat, then her genes de facto must have something to offer in the way of luck, agility, or stamina. She is therefore not eligible for a Darwin Award, but sometimes the story is too entertaining to pass up, and she earns an Honorable Mention."
To use your (the PFM official line on Muslim immigrant terrorist threat) own argument, the school shooting victims represent statistically too low of a number to validate any policy change. Almost any other problem arrived due to the modern progressive liberal youth upbringing cause a lot more victims among school kids than guns. Apart from a propaganda point if view it's simply not a significant issue and preventable to a certain degree when the authorities do their jobs correctly.
American gun culture is as old as the country itself. Part of the reason the military here is as effective as it is and the country of your residence can spend most of your own defense budget on social benefits.

Almost any other problem arrived due to the modern progressive liberal youth upbringing cause a lot more victims among school kids than guns
The massive death toll from going veggie?
Massacres from playing hackey sack into the wee hours?
Excess mortality from PBS pledge drives?

One and three seem unlikely, but I acknowledge the grave threat from hackey sack.

To use your (the PFM official line on Muslim immigrant terrorist threat) own argument, the school shooting victims represent statistically too low of a number to validate any policy change. Almost any other problem arrived due to the modern progressive liberal youth upbringing cause a lot more victims among school kids than guns. Apart from a propaganda point if view it's simply not a significant issue and preventable to a certain degree when the authorities do their jobs correctly.
American gun culture is as old as the country itself. Part of the reason the military here is as effective as it is and the country of your residence can spend most of your own defense budget on social benefits.
Yes, mass school shootings are an insignificant statistic in terms of total gun deaths but it's the emotional impact of children being murdered that captures the attention.
However these incidents highlight the insanity of assault rifles being sold to the public & the resistance to stopping this insanity is what it exposes.
The more general problem of gun homicides & suicides is much more statistically significant but less emotionally captivating
On this one topic alone - gun control - trump could pull his presidency out of the toilet bowl & go down as an historic president if he did anything significant but I very much doubt he will.
I suspect that he has already made a deal with the NRA that they will pretend to oppose the increase of the age limit & Trump will push it through - trying to give the impression that he is opposing them
Personally I liked "boycott the Wall Street" movement better. Too bad there is no "Boycott of all Antidepressants for children" boycott the YouTube culture which makes instant heroes of those who mass shoot the people , boycott of 24 hrs coverage by hysterical media who does the same and many other boycotts needed. I still remember the past Soviet sponsored pacifist movement on the west which byproduct are most of posting here Marksists.
There is simply too many guns in circulation in US already and it is a gun culture. Except for a total gun ban which would be almost impossible to implement, the solution is more guns in good hands.
Personally I liked "boycott the Wall Street" movement better. Too bad there is no "Boycott of all Antidepressants for children" boycott the YouTube culture which makes instant heroes of those who mass shoot the people , boycott of 24 hrs coverage by hysterical media who does the same and many other boycotts needed. I still remember the past Soviet sponsored pacifist movement on the west which byproduct are most of posting here Marksists.
There is simply too many guns in circulation in US already and it is a gun culture. Except for a total gun ban which would be almost impossible to implement, the solution is more guns in good hands.
How did Australia do it then? My impression is that there are as many rugged frontiers men in Oz & a similar macho mindset but I may be wrong
I find your solution is just like the guy whose excuse is that because guns can't be completely eliminated then no attempt should be made. A similar sensible gun buyback attempts should be tried but you seem to opt for arm everyone solution instead.


So let's ask you the same question as that Whoop-de-do 2nd amendment dotard, gun supporter was asked - because illegal drugs (not to mention legal opioids) can't be eliminated, there should therefore be no restrictions to such drug supply?
So let's ask you the same question as that Whoop-de-do 2nd amendment dotard, gun supporter was asked - because illegal drugs (not to mention legal opioids) can't be eliminated, there should therefore be no restrictions to such drug supply?

Police and teachers should be given crack?
American gun culture is as old as the country itself. Part of the reason the military here is as effective as it is.
Limono, please give me a bit of notice before you say anything this hilarious again. Only I'm drinking a rather nice single malt and when I nearly p##s myself laughing it goes everywhere. A bit of warning will reduce the cleaning up.

American military effectiveness, brilliant. Vietnam was just the warmup, right?
Police and teachers should be given crack?
Crack & assault rifles in the hands of teachers is the only answer - I mean hand guns ain't going to be no good against these 'bad dudes', right & most teachers will need a dose of courage to confront such 'bad armed dudes' so the crack cocaine will solve that issue - perfect solution - no need for any difficult restrictions of personal liberties.
I suspect that he has already made a deal with the NRA that they will pretend to oppose the increase of the age limit & Trump will push it through - trying to give the impression that he is opposing them

Limono, please give me a bit of notice before you say anything this hilarious again. Only I'm drinking a rather nice single malt and when I nearly p##s myself laughing it goes everywhere. A bit of warning will reduce the cleaning up.

American military effectiveness, brilliant. Vietnam was just the warmup, right?
But you left out the most hilariou spart of that post - "Part of the reason the military here is as effective as it is and the country of your residence can spend most of your own defense budget on social benefits."

The hilarious notion that US military spending is the reason that other countries can spend money on social benefits - the saintly martyrdom oozing from that quote, is just so sickeningly hypocritical that it's hilarious.

Oh let's have a whip around for the poor yanks who sacrifice for the rest of the world

It takes some self-delusion & brainwashing to have such notions & to post them openly.

I think the prize for whoop-de-do dotard should go to Limono.
There is simply too many guns in circulation in US already and it is a gun culture. Except for a total gun ban which would be almost impossible to implement, the solution is more guns in good hands.
Given that almost every massacre has been committed by someone who was in lawful possession of guns, how would that work?
There is simply too many guns in circulation in US already and it is a gun culture. Except for a total gun ban which would be almost impossible to implement, the solution is more guns in good hands.

Aaah the old good guy with a gun argument, straight from the raving nutter NRA playbook. That's worked well so far hasn't it? The good guys would need to carry military assault weapons to stand a chance of not dying for the cause, which is hardly practical. Would you like to carry such a weapon with you everywhere you go?

The solution is bleeding obvious:
- ban the sale of military assualt weapons
- declare the NRA a terrorist organisation and make it illegal for poltical parties and businesses to accept money from them.

Yes there will still be many gun murders in the USA but the worst kind of massacre, which have all been attributed to legally purchased military assualt weapons, would be dramatically curtailed.
I do not believe that any member of the public should be allowed to own assault rifles or for that matter handguns , however If there is so much objection to having these AR15 and assault types of weapons removed from public ownership why not allow them but only if they are held at a licensed and protected gun range. They can be fired there and only there by the owners to get their kicks and then stored safely out of harms way. Is that too simplistic? No expensive buy back although i would offer that as an option too.
In any event some form of gun control is inevitable down the line its really just a matter of how many more innocent kids are going to have to die before the momentum gathers to a point where the political elite have no option but to act in a rational and humane manner.

