
Harvey Weinstein

I don't think your example is remotely comparable.

I wouldn't imagine you would. It's variously called discrimination and sexism. The "offence" is the same - your "perception" of the "victim" is different.
Back in the eighties, Silvio Berlusconi had a place on Eaton Terrace in Chelsea and his wife of that time, Carla, spent a fair amount of time there... On more than one occasion she approached me in their bedroom. I can still see the woman draped across their bed in lingerie asking me to have a drink.

... some other women who were bored housewives of remarkably important and influential people at that time. They couldn't force me into anything...
You demonstrate my point perfectly Steve.

To many, a woman reporting such behaviour is a victim. A man is quite the opposite.

Inequality again - only many don't perceive it as such. Most arguments are about perception nothing else.
For children being sexually abused I can agree with that. For adults looking for fame and fortune? Sorry but no. These people are considered old enough to vote. They are old enough to marry. They are old enough to know right from wrong.

They know full well that what is being asked or done is wrong and potentially illegal and yet there is a conflict of interest with protecting their career and earning a lot of money. The option is there to confront the issue and spare others the pain but it might result in financial loss.

I appreciate the dilemma - I just think by acquiescing women must accept some of the blame just as an adult eating four tons of junk food every day (because it's offered to them) and subsequently becoming obese, must take a share of the blame. I won't use the term victim I'm afraid.

Hi Merlin.
I don't think you can "blame" many of the women involved as I am sure they will be doing enough of that themselves and for many they were victims. The incidents allegedly range from sexual favours in return for rewards to full on rape with varying levels in between. I grant you I am sure there were those that put out with full knowledge and acceptance of what they were doing and why.
However I can partially sympathise with your viewpoint. If I was the last woman in a long line of women to be raped it would cross my mind to ask "why had no one spoken out about this?" Especially when many of those women are rich independent in their own right film stars. Even worse are those who weren't victims but knew about it and turned a blind eye for personal benefit.
Rose McGowan herself said “It was a whole cottage industry. Everyone who worked with him are aiding and abetting a crime. Those are the ****ers that I’m going after.”
I find the vigilante action of the Oscars committee rather disturbing.

I suspect their pre judgement of the man without any confirmed proof is more about trying to shut down any widening inquiry into Tinseltown than about getting rid of a pariah.
The choice I do feel many actresses could have made was to have spoken out at a later date as it seems many industry insiders were not exactly unaware of Weinstein's behaviour, in a business that is famous for it.
I feel there are many factors as to why this seems to be the case with many cases such as this, you need to be brave for a start, victims could now have families & children, they may not want to revisit this period of time in their lives & MOST IMPORTANT!, this is the part that doesn't get mentioned here, they feel responsible, they feel, as Merlin is suggesting, they had a choice, so feel totally ashamed by the whole experience.

How many times have you read about victims of spouse abuse, rape, neglect etc...blame themselves for the act of the aggressor, this is how sociopaths prey, they are amazingly good at choosing a target.

There is a running thread through such cases for good reason, the aggressor is quite adept at making the victim feel ashamed of their actions.
There is a running thread through such cases for good reason, the aggressor is quite adept at making the victim feel ashamed of their actions.

I agree, but nevertheless the two I mentioned - Paltrow & Jolie - are both very high profile ladies who loudly promote woman's rights (Paltrow in particular). Jolie was married to Brad Pitt, one of Clooney's best friends, so how come Gorgeous George only now comes out and says how disgusting it all was, when he surely knew about it for years ? He's married to a human rights activist lawyer & Brad is on record as having threatened Weinstein! Check out the video here from 1998 :

I also agree with Bob about the Oscars committee : it's all self-interested hypocrisy upon hypocrisy.
I agree, but nevertheless the two I mentioned - Paltrow & Jolie - are both very high profile ladies who loudly promote woman's rights (Paltrow in particular). Jolie was married to Brad Pitt, one of Clooney's best friends, so how come Gorgeous George only now comes out and says how disgusting it all was, when he surely knew about it for years ? He's married to a human rights activist lawyer & Brad is on record as having threatened Weinstein! Check out the video here from 1998 :

I also agree with Bob about the Oscars committee : it's all self-interested hypocrisy upon hypocrisy.
High profile, low profile, off the radar, homeless person, matters not when it comes to sexual abuse, the running thread is there due to psychological trauma that us humans react to quite similarly, you need look no further than recent cases over the last few years.

As for hubby, you may be surprised to find, women who go through this keep it secret from everyone due to the reasons mentioned earlier, even those that do divulge to hubby, if he's told to keep his mouth shut, I imagine he will.

Some are still allowing for free will in these situations, it doesn't exist for some, those who are not taken in, do not come forward for good reason, it didn't happen to them.
Can't help wondering if all this is not happening because Weinstein (who I agree seems to be a power-mad swine and sex maniac) is no longer a great power in Hollywood. It seems clear that everyone knew, but while he was turning out Oscar winners and box office "blockbusters" he could be useful to a lot of people in all parts of the entertainment industry, and could also be a threat if crossed.
Now that he is on the way down, everyone is eager to tear him apart, to get their names in the 'papers and show how morally outraged they are.
His wife suddenly leaving him also seems odd. For 20 years they were married she had no idea of the fringe benefits he was getting? I don't believe it for a minute! Maybe she is thinking that in the current situation she can get a good divorce settlement, while looking all innocent and shocked.
"Woody Allen has said he is "sad" for Harvey Weinstein as the producer faces numerous allegations of sexual assault."

"Allen said ...: "You also don't want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere, a Salem atmosphere, where every guy in an office who winks at a woman is suddenly having to call a lawyer to defend himself. That's not right either."

We wonder why...

Yep. WA should just STFU.
His wife suddenly leaving him also seems odd. For 20 years they were married she had no idea of the fringe benefits he was getting? I don't believe it for a minute! Maybe she is thinking that in the current situation she can get a good divorce settlement, while looking all innocent and shocked.
Scheming women! They're the real villains of the piece.
His wife suddenly leaving him also seems odd. For 20 years they were married she had no idea of the fringe benefits he was getting? I don't believe it for a minute! Maybe she is thinking that in the current situation she can get a good divorce settlement, while looking all innocent and shocked.

Do you blame her ? Or Tiger Woods ex-wife ?
PaulMB appears to believe everyone around Weinerstein needs to take a long hard look at themselves.
If only PaulMB practiced what he preaches.
His wife suddenly leaving him also seems odd. For 20 years they were married she had no idea of the fringe benefits he was getting? I don't believe it for a minute! Maybe she is thinking that in the current situation she can get a good divorce settlement, while looking all innocent and shocked.

IIRC She said she was going to stand by him and then left after a boycott was threatened of her clothing firm. Coincidence?, I think not.

