
Your YouTube Adventures

Been listening to this since the eighties...this is from the ethnomusicoligist Marcel Cellier's " La Mysterie de la Vois Bulgare" another great recording by him is "Les Virtuose Roumain", of an all star concert of instrumental music.

One thing he doesn't dwell on in the video is that they sing with an open throat, and without vibrato.

The second comment on the youtube video from a Romanian was super insightful -- apparently four in Romanian has three syllables and counting 1-2-3-4 gives you a complicated time signature with nested tuplets!
Don't get me started on nested tuplets. I'm still getting to grips with 4/4 time! ;)

I'm a fan of Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance) and Bulgarian musical vocabulary is clearly influential in her own definitive style. There is some cross-over with the Romanian style.

The quality of acollierastro's rants continues to improve. Here she is on Gwyneth Paltrow's habit of drinking "alkaline water with a dash of lemon juice".

She is amazing, I have been binge watching. What an impressive lady with a real ability to communicate science with a lovely sardonic twist.

quantum, quantum, quantum being a fave.
Probably of no interest to anyone here, but you've got to admire this guy for putting this much work (years and lots of expensive gear) into something he's happy to give away for nothing. His reasons are interesting, too (fast-forward to the end to hear his reasons).

She is amazing, I have been binge watching. What an impressive lady with a real ability to communicate science with a lovely sardonic twist.

Likewise, I’d not found her until Matthew’s link, but have been catching up since. Great content and very funny.
Her Cake vs Doughnuts to describe Continuous vs Discrete counting in her latest video was awesome.
I watched a man put his hand up a wild elephant's anus on YouTube the other day. The elephant was standing up, but tranquilised. It had a problem with it's anus. That was quite an adventure.

And then I watched a cow getting a huge cyst popped under it's chin.

Then I watched some Taylor Swift.

How this Tyrell chap does his thing, with his eyes looking into two different cameras.. is a miracle.

Mattj was watching my elephant's anus.. bc this Tyrell-lambo clip was 1st up afterwards. Strange algorithms..
No I subscribe to his channel so it was in my feed! To be fair it's a pretty lame video, there is a much better one of when they restored this boat a few years ago, the noise is glorious.
No I subscribe to his channel so it was in my feed! To be fair it's a pretty lame video, there is a much better one of when they restored this boat a few years ago, the noise is glorious.

Oh I see. So you've no interest in my elephants anus then-? Tbh I find this very hard to believe.

Yup, I know what you mean about those fab boat noises.. the v8 gurgle thing seems even better with water involved, & I can only imagine twin v12's (I just can't cope with mr. Tyrell spiel tho). Even the bangkok big river buses make a sublime sound up & down the Chao Phraya. Riding one, hanging onto the back.. of a warm bangkok evening, is so fab.
This a mod for the original Doom II game. It's also a piece of art partially based on House of Leaves. The rabbit hole goes very deep.

It is astonishing. Just so good! I posted about it in the vintage computer thread a couple of months ago and have had a go playing it myself. The attention to detail is amazing. Honestly one of the best computer games I’ve ever seen. The music is great too from the slightly disconcerting time signature, key, or instrumentation changes in familiar themes early on, just enough to knock you off-guard, through to that hauntingly atmospheric ambient electronica piece that appears once you start really exploring (I’d buy that on LP for sure if it was released!). The whole thing works on so many levels, is so disorienting and nuanced with everything familiar altering as the player progresses. I haven’t dipped back into the gossip for months now, so no idea if it has been revealed who created it, but it is real next-level stuff.

