
Winter election III

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Another point of view is that not all BTL landlords are in it to make money, but rather they are forced to do so to prevent wealth destruction. Property transaction costs are horrendously high in the UK. Is it reasonable to expect people to burn 10% of their wealth every time they move city or country? By contrast, in Norway property transaction taxes are a small fraction of what they are in the UK, and the legal contracts are standardised so you don’t need to burn huge amounts of cash on lawyers. You can bid for properties by sending a text message on your phone. (no lawyers). Mortgages for primary residence are tax deductible. As a consequence of all of these policies, the proportion of people renting is much lower, since it is more economic to buy.

In short, the solution is simple: make it cheaper to buy and sell properties to encourage workforce mobility. Incentivise home ownership through the tax system. Discourage additional investment properties by making it less tax effective than selling, but not so punitive in recognition that some people want to move back to their former homes as their circumstances change. The whole British economy seems to be premised on an antiquated notion that people spend their whole lives in the one village that they were born.
Awesome bile-burp there, ET.
Didn't Jake Thackary have it " Will never use three or four words when a couple of thousand will easily do".
Song is called "On again, On again", btw.
Ever more absurdity:

....but since the Thatcher era it has become a replacement for a great deal of social housing. And an assured shorthold tenancy absolutely isn't an alternative for a low-income family...

Agreed. Unfortunately, the discounts which were and are still offered to tenants are so silly I wonder why most council properties haven't been bought up. The original plan was that councils plough that income back into creating new housing but that hasn't happened as envisaged. A new, award winning council housing scheme here in Norwich comes with the caveat that 'right to buy' is excluded, or at least, the council were trying to get that condition ratified.

Agreed also that there's more security of tenure in council housing, though the latest attempts to increase security in the private sector is attacking a nut with a sledgehammer (as usual). My council have a leasing scheme whereby they lease your property for up to four years with a guaranteed rental value which increases with inflation. I very nearly went for this recently because I was quite impressed by the package and the principle. However, a tenant effectively found me first !
A good tactical voting guide for key marginals in The Guardian. Everyone living in such a seat really does need to take the most realistic path to blocking Johnson’s vile right-wing popularism. Just hold your nose and use whatever is statistically the best option against the Conservatives.
This needs to be checked against other sources. It is certainly misleading on Wimbledon - even Gina Miller’s site is now saying Labour.

These things can be very dangerous.
Yes, I've looked at Corbyn's record many times. Note the substantial tracts of grey, 'we're not sure' vagueness, not least from the man himself, who is a past and present master of tactical and strategic vagueness.

He has a long history of being a supporter of Irish republicanism, of being sympathetic to the 'armed struggle' and those who conducted it, and he has openly supported Hamas and Hezbollah. He dresses up his role in all of this unpleasantness as one of being a simple man of peace. Bollocks. He is a danger to this country, and a man who is patently unfit to be a minister of anything, let alone prime minister.

As to the lack of clarity on his record, I recall that JC or his minders purged his website of all of his old speeches and articles when he became leader. Can't begin to imagine why.

What? Its got FA to do with me either. It is a political, diplomatic and governmental issue, and that is how it was dealt with. In terms of actual, tangible progress to peace, it became OK to talk to these people when the government deemed it so. Corbyn would have made no difference at all, his agenda was entirely contrary to government policy. It may well have made it worse.

Corbyn is a mealy-mouthed, weazel-worded liar. He has shared platforms with terrorists, taken them to tea in the face of victims of IRA outrages, demonstrated on their behalf, attended their memorial functions, and written articles sympathetic to them.

But of course, as we all know, he never inhaled.

As for anti-Semitism, have you read the latest on that one in the Times this morning? The Labour party has been utterly hopeless and almost certainly obstructive in their response to this issue.

Cobblers. There may be a few reptiles on pfm, but I'm not one of them. There are plenty of old dinosaurs though.

...and then you suddenly remembered, with a sense of deep sadness and dismay, that you are at heart an anti-democrat?

If your man and your woman form a coalition next week, the pound will drop through the floor.

And back to normal? I thought you wanted anything but?

The purging of tory moderates - which is to say tories that were so opposed to a government policy that they had to lie to their constituents in order to ensure that they got elected at the last election, and then set up an organised partisan movement to attempt to destroy that policy from the inside.

The Labour party and momentum have conducted an extended and far broader, deeper and far-reaching campaign to remove moderates, centrists and as it appears to have turned out, Jews, from the Labour party. Seems as though we're all caught between the devil and the deep red sea.







Ah, I thank you KS. This needed to be shown. Do you think Margaret Hilda asked Augusto if the students he’d had abducted and tortured were still conscious when they were thrown out of the military transport aircraft into the sea?
ET might know, he has chums in that party of double standard scum, I'm sure he could ask them. Mind you, ET's a bit busy at the moment obsessing over who corbyn could safely be allowed to talk to, without his Daily Heil fanbois having a seizure. This kind of thing is a good aide-memoire for tories...dogs for good measure...
Election coverage in Observer pretty good today, they remain critical of Corbyn but see Boris as the far bigger threat & urge readers to oust him by voting tactically.
No doubt our resident one nation Tory until the UKIP mask slipped will be along with his bile bucket of justification for all that, KS.
Perhaps there is some room for optimism? Tory lead down to 6 points apparently.
Lets hope for a hung parliament.

If Boris wins a majority I will start making plans to leave the UK. I will however wait for the Scottish independence vote next year to cast my vote to reclaim my EU citizenship. After that is won I will leave for a more prosperous and politically stable country for the duration of the 20 year recession that will impact all of the former UK countries.

Good to hear Andrew, where did you see this?
Why submit to scrutiny when you can have your tummy tickled by Sophy Ridge? No shortage of competition but I think this interview may have been the most vomit Inducing in a crowded field. Truly pathetic. Unchallenged lie after lie.
This needs to be checked against other sources. It is certainly misleading on Wimbledon - even Gina Miller’s site is now saying Labour.

These things can be very dangerous.

It’s not rocket science to find out who is most likely to unseat the sitting MP in all but a tiny amount of seats.
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