
Winter election II

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I actually think the Labour manifesto is pretty good. I don't think some bits are deliverable but if they can achieve a good 50% of it that would be great. I think renationalising utilities & postal service is neither advisable or doable. Nationalising train service can be done over time & I hope they can focus the investment on the north, London can have a pause for me while the rest of the country catches up.
'These people', what other group would you use such terminology on? The two people I mentioned don't hate JC as I far as I know.

Are 'these people' not part of the Jewish community, are you debarred from said community if you don't support JC?

Honestly as a Labour voter myself I find such twists & turns quite pathetic.
These people meaning the handful who have claimed Corbyn intentionally mispronounced Epstein, like Baddiel and the other you mentioned.

They do not make up the Jewish community. You said this pronunciation hadn’t gone down well with the Jewish community.

This is misleading.
This is basically the threat of violence: mass evictions, people on the street if they vote in a way that displeases landlords. Victorian, really. Anyone making that threat is quite obviously part of the housing problem, and more besides, and an excellent example of why the balance of power really needs to be shifted so that tenants get a few more rights.

Sorry to hear your company won't be able to manage the extra corporation tax. How did you fare in 2011, when it was last at 26%? Or in 2010, when it was 28% Or 2007, when it was 30%? I hope you used the tax break to invest, as the coalition government intended. If you're planning to set up abroad, do choose the location carefully: if you can't handle 26% then you're really going to struggle in Germany, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Portugal or France, to name a few.

Good luck out there! The UK really is a safe space for unscrupulous rentiers and incompetent business people: you might find it a little chilly elsewhere.

I don’t agree with evicting decent tenants, I’m simply pointing out that outside of this forum bubble, many will. If they are effectively forced to exit the market, they won’t run the risk of having a tenant in situ, it will make their property unsaleable.

Back in the years you cite, div tax was lower, swings and roundabouts. Appreciate the concern.
There’s nothing remotely ugly about any of Labour’s policies! It’s a word - along with idiocy - that you regularly ascribe to Corbyn’s Labour, the only party fighting to improve the lives of the millions of poor you claim to care about.

Again, nuance, interpretation, reading skills etc. I was drawing the comparison that both parties are still steeped in an archaic obsolete class-warrior past that to my eyes at least has no place in modern life. Too much is still all about framing the trade union dinosaur against the landed gentry/mill owner dinosaur, and thankfully hardly any of us exist in either world.
The country needs a massive public housing investment. The Tories bribing voters with council houses in the 80s has just fed the problem, subsequently sold for cash to tax dodgers and drug dealers to stash their takings.
Again, nuance, interpretation, reading skills etc. I was drawing the comparison that both parties are still steeped in an archaic obsolete class-warrior past that to my eyes at least has no place in modern life. Too much is still all about framing the trade union dinosaur against the landed gentry/mill owner dinosaur, and thankfully hardly any of us exist in either world.

Seems quite straightforward to me. Most folk are not IME either to the left of Stalin or the right of Genghis Khan.
You're not answering my points by asking questions, very good deflection from what JM said!
Good luck with that strategy with the electorate.
You haven’t made any points other than what appear to be something vague about momentum, collective bargaining and the right to strike, hence my questions.

Apart from that the only point you made was trying to associate a vote for Labour with an act of murder, which is such obvious gibberish that I didn’t bother with a question.

If you’re against the right to strike I can only presume that your issues with the 1970’s is that it’s not going back far enough, perhaps you prefer working conditions that are a little more Dickensian?
The Jewish community? From what I can see a few Jews that openly hate Corbyn are now even suggesting his pronunciation of Epstein is anti-Semitic. That’s the level of absurdity these people have dropped to.

The Jewish community has nothing to do with it.

I wonder if those particular Jews earn over 80k? Or just follow the right wing media.
These people meaning the handful who have claimed Corbyn intentionally mispronounced Epstein, like Baddiel and the other you mentioned.

They do not make up the Jewish community. You said this pronunciation hadn’t gone down well with the Jewish community.

This is misleading.
They are, by definition, part of the Jewish community. Have you even read Simon Kelner's piece, it is very even handed & not at all a polemic.
They are, by definition, part of the Jewish community. Have you even read Simon Kelner's piece, it is very even handed & not at all a polemic.
You said Corbyn’s pronunciation hadn’t gone down well with the Jewish community.

This is misleading because a handful of Corbyn-hating Jews do not make up the Jewish community nor do they speak for the Jewish community.

Your post was misleading.
You said Corbyn’s pronunciation hadn’t gone down well with the Jewish community.

This is misleading because a handful of Corbyn-hating Jews do not make up the Jewish community nor do they speak for the Jewish community.

Your post was misleading.
It absolutely wasn't misleading. Have you read the piece? You have no evidence to the contrary. As I said it was a newspaper column from a non Corbyn hater.

I have no idea what the support for JC is among the Jewish community.
The country needs a massive public housing investment. The Tories bribing voters with council houses in the 80s has just fed the problem, subsequently sold for cash to tax dodgers and drug dealers to stash their takings.
This is not a loaded troll-post...genuine question....but if Corbyn promises loads of housing, it excludes Scotland I think? How does his promise filter through into Scotland?
I do think Rachel Riley has gone off the deep end, seems like a publicity seeker. Her behaviour is odd to say the least.

That is weird. I gather as a protest she wore a doctored t-shirt of Corbyn at an anti-apartheid rally!

Anyhow, the choice appears clear.

Labour will borrow to improve infrastructure, health and education and to make the state actually work for people while offering a Brexit referendum, while the Tories will borrow almost as much to pay for tax cuts for the rich and exit the EU with no-deal in December 2020.

I do think Rachel Riley has gone off the deep end, seems like a publicity seeker. Her behaviour is odd to say the least.
A bit like some of the people on here, waffling on about Corbyns pronunciation and other petty allegations as if it has some relevance to the Labour manifesto or influence on the average Labour voter.
And what's your view on the other parts of my post?
My last sentance was merely an example of what happens when secondary picketing is legal and someone who wanted to work was murdered. Do you deny it happened?

Throwing a concrete block off a motorway bridge is not secondary picketing irrespective of whether secondary picketing is legal or not.
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