
Will the rise of streaming put more tasty disc spinners onto the s/h mkt in 2011?


Unicorns fart glitter.
I can see the irrefutable logic of streaming and that it is a real growth market. Will there be a bear market in second hand, quality disc spinners? If there is, would you be tempted, or have you finally had it with jewel case?
I have to admit that is exactly what I'm hoping for myself - I rather fancy a better CD player at some point but I have no intention of paying sensible money for one!

Streaming can already be better than any cd player at a much more reasonable cost, why would you spend more ( even second hand) to get lower quality, and only be able to play 44.1?
I have been down the Mac/Dac route for about 18months, I recently picked up an old Teac P500 transport with clock upgrade and I love it, it sounds very natural through the same dac and I am using it more and more. It has a slight problem with miss-tracking occasionaly so I think the laser is on its last legs.
I have also bought an old Pioneer stable platter cdp for £50 which is being modified to clock link to my dac which the builder assures me will be better than the Teac.:)
So to answer your question cd will be the new vinyl.(and they are so cheap)
yes -there already is. Prices of "decent" cdps have been steadily dropping and top models like the cd555 arre actually getting quite hard to move on.

Having said that new streaming kit for £1500 will see off or at least equal pretty much any CDP at any price so when the cd555/ps gets down to £750 it may actually be a reasonable buy for someone who wants a big black ugly brick in their livingroom which plays their music in a very inconvenient way.
possiblly but its a bit harder to easily rip your vinyl collection to hard disk since it has to be done in real time rather than x 16, though in time I'm sure that will be the ultimate destiny of my vinyl.

As it happens I'm now the proud owner of two such big black objects but the orbe couldn't really be described as a brick.
Streaming can already be better than any cd player at a much more reasonable cost, why would you spend more ( even second hand) to get lower quality, and only be able to play 44.1?
you'd have to qualify your list of CD players and the streaming setup you have in mind to help me understand where you're coming from. I'm not saying you're wrong, but equally I'm somewhat sceptical.

I'm currently in two minds whether to sell my behemoth, though I have a deep feeling I would regret it, I also imagine I could suddenly find it ridiculous. Especially if something suddenly stops working.
I've not tried anything really high end, beyond say TEAC VRDS & Pioneer stable platter standard etc - but I have found since converting my CDs to AIFF & streaming them to my DAC via a MAC my SQ had dramatically improved. Same 'files', same DAC. So I sold my last CD spinner this week.:D
Having said that new streaming kit for £1500 will see off or at least equal pretty much any CDP at any price

that's quite a statement, given that i haven't heard anything in that price range see off my CDX (even without XPS).

Sold my Linn Ikemi spinner almost 2 years ago now and haven't really missed it's passing.......the Sondek stays!.
that's quite a statement, given that i haven't heard anything in that price range see off my CDX (even without XPS).

so far, same goes for my vacuumstate modified SCD-1, which has a used sale value of between £1500 and £2000. I want to believe, but I'm yet to be convinced. I'm hoping I just need the right streaming setup advice.

I have around 700 CDs and a Naim CDS3 + XPS, what is the point in someone like me buying a streamer.


you'd have to qualify your list of CD players and the streaming setup you have in mind to help me understand where you're coming from. I'm not saying you're wrong, but equally I'm somewhat sceptical.

I'm currently in two minds whether to sell my behemoth, though I have a deep feeling I would regret it, I also imagine I could suddenly find it ridiculous. Especially if something suddenly stops working.

Greg Hi, wel we have had nearly every hi-end cdp here, Naim555, Meridian 808, EMM Labs xds1. ,DCS etc, a Mac DAC has been easily as good if not better than all of them, obviously depends upon the DAC.
Computer audio is no longer the poor cousin sound wise.
Greg Hi, wel we have had nearly every hi-end cdp here, Naim555, Meridian 808, EMM Labs xds1. ,DCS etc, a Mac DAC has been easily as good if not better than all of them, obviously depends upon the DAC.
Computer audio is no longer the poor cousin sound wise.

Hi Keith. Which DAC beat the Naim CD555?


RackHi, it's not really a question of beating, there are small differences in presentation,but there is no loss of resolution, tone timbre dynamics etc with streaming, I think we compared the 555 to a Mac and Amarra Model 5 DAC ( oem Metric Halo ULN8) just depends which you prefer.
To answer Micks question there is no need to buy a streamer , eventually the majors will release their back catalogues on 24/96 which might be a catalyst.
Greg Hi, wel we have had nearly every hi-end cdp here, Naim555, Meridian 808, EMM Labs xds1. ,DCS etc, a Mac DAC has been easily as good if not better than all of them, obviously depends upon the DAC.
Computer audio is no longer the poor cousin sound wise.
Taking DCS as a case in point, I really don't rate the whole DCS proposition. I can't comment about the 555 as I've only caught a fleeting listen. In terms of something more representative for me anyway, I'm presuming you've at least had a Wadia 861se and/or a Marantz CD7 in (I'm also guessing you haven't heard the vacstate scd-1)? Either way, the key word is "nearly". Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm yet to be convinced that it's a definitive list.

So on the other side of the equation, could you lay out the spec of the streaming rig so I know what we're dealing with?

Edit: from your reply to Rack, I'm getting the vibe we're not talking about a £1500 rig all in?
On the Mac + dac thread, what do people prefer

the Apple tv or the Mac mini ( £100 v £700 ish )

Streaming can already be better than any cd player at a much more reasonable cost, why would you spend more ( even second hand) to get lower quality, and only be able to play 44.1?
It is true that streaming can potentially out-perform CD, but it obviously depends upon the equipment and the material.
What about if the music you like isn't available at better than 44.1?
And how do you define "better than any CD player"?

