
Why do decent audio cables cost so much?

I’ve just rescued twenty odd metres of 25mm2 tri rated cable from the skip at work. Top quality German cable so I think this stuff will be just the ticket to make some decent speaker cables 🙂
Should be fun to solder to a ‘nana plug!
I have some 1m long 70mm2 coroplast HV cable off cuts, it’s basically a co-ax with a 70mm2 core of fine stranded copper and a foil and copper braid screen. I just need some decent phono plugs that will take a 19mm dia cable. They would make lovely low loss interconnects, bend radius is 8d so I may need to put stuff further apart!
They're good value cables as they're sold direct, and based on everything i've gathered, punch well above their price point in sound. So antithesis to this thread topic.
You keep believing me old mate....the world needs believers.

You have never heard them and you are here tying to convince us that they are the dogs doodahs.

And you are punting your money ( a lot of it ) on something that you have never heard.
Should be fun to solder to a ‘nana plug!
I have some 1m long 70mm2 coroplast HV cable off cuts, it’s basically a co-ax with a 70mm2 core of fine stranded copper and a foil and copper braid screen. I just need some decent phono plugs that will take a 19mm dia cable. They would make lovely low loss interconnects, bend radius is 8d so I may need to put stuff further apart!

I’m pretty sure I could solder my 25mm cable into some Z plugs. Please don’t hold me to it but I could probably machine you something that would take your 75mm cable. I was actually thinking about making my own plugs for my skinny cables.
Apologies Puggie, phono plugs are a different ball game 🙁
Don’t worry, I was squarely taking the P!!! Not sure on the strand count, but I’d be tempted to crimp a connector to cable that size. Poke a z-plug into the copper and crimp a tube splice over the whole lot with a decent crimper, you basically cold weld the lot together and tidy up with heat shrink.
People are mugs.

Just some quick thoughts.

I think most people - all people? - are mugs at least sometimes, especially when it comes to some things in particular. I’d surmise it’s due to a few factors. Ignorance, because no one can know everything at once, & some can’t be bothered learning. Mistakes can be made through carelessness (I am quite good at this!). And sometimes people can be delusional. I’m actually medically so from time to time because I have a mood disorder & episodes distort my perceptions to some degree (which, unfortunately, I don’t usually recognize until they end). It can affect my hi-fi because sometimes I have flashbacks of sorts to my days of audiophilia nervosa: if I’m not enjoying the music like I was, something must be wrong with the system.

In short, I know I’ve been ignorant, careless, & deluded. And I’m sure I’m far from the only one!

Marketers take advantage of these weaknesses to create sales & use flattery & exclusivity to sell expensive things that are no better than ordinary ones. Whether you see it as good business or exploitation is up to you, but I think it’s important as a consumer to inform yourself. Why spend more than you need to?

Re the topic at hand, I’ve been lucky not to have fallen for audio cable mythologies. I think that if you choose good copper stuff of appropriate gauge for the length (which need not be expensive), terminate it well, & clean the connections from time to time, all will be well. 😊
In the heart of the ancient forest, beneath the canopy of whispering leaves, the old wizard raised his gnarled staff high. "As it ever was, so shall it be again," he chanted, his voice echoing through the ages.

With a final flourish, he brought his staff down. The forum rumbled as the spell wove its unbreakable thread around all who dwelled within.
Yep. Visually impressive, well built and not expensive. As expected, they sound no different to any other well constructed cable.

I do to struggle comprehend how ‘seasoned’ audiophiles do not realise this.

I also struggle to grasp why ‘seasoned’ audiophiles read reviews. It's the orthodox way, I suppose.
Anything other than:

"Audiophiles are fecking idiots"

Is the wrong answer.

Colin I was staggered on the price of this fuse
Never heard one so no opinion but wouldn't pay £200 for a fuse just out of principle.A pound maybe
Their margins must be huge...laughing all the way to the bank
Sorry to go off topic but it's in line with people will buy anything if they are sold it the right way
Go Big or go Home !
I assume these cables are directional……
One thing to factor with this area of the audiophile market is, like fancy stands, cones and other similar things, they are very, very high-markup, often driven by fashion, and lose value faster than a brick off a cliff. As such they are often very good value second hand. I figured out a fair while ago that buying decent quality big-brand cables second-hand was actually far cheaper than making my own using studio-grade cables, Neutrik plugs etc, let alone my time. Buy a used vdH 102 or whatever for £60-70 and it is still worth £60-70 five or ten years later if you want to sell it. Total cost of ownership is therefore really low. To make a similar quality cable would cost me about £30 not counting time and equipment, and afterwards they’d have little to no resale value. I’ll still make cables if I need something a bit odd or longer than normal, but the hi-fi is mostly wired up with audiophile stuff now, none of it bought new.

As ever play the game right and your hi-fi pays you to own it!

