
Where would you move to, cheap safe and sunny?


pfm Member
There's a full-time project that will take me 6 months or so, Oct - March.

I'm looking for somewhere:
1/ I can live comfortably on £700-900 a month including rent and food
2/ sunny, not humid
3/ Electricity for a laptop / twice weekly internet access
4/ Safe - laptop unlikely to be stolen...
5/ not isolated - ie easy to get talking to people. (Last time I did this was on a Hebridean island and 3 months in I was talking to seals...). I speak no languages so will need to rely on English.
6/ easy exercise (sea, pool, beach?).
7/ Good places to visit within a few day's travel if I want a break.
8/ unlikely to come back to UK needing to visit Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Ideas gratefully received!
Madeira. We spent 2 weeks there in April. Amazing quality and cheap fresh locally produced food of all types even if you go to a cafe but cheaper to cook yerself. When we were there bananas were growing everywhere.

Weather is good and warm all year round but rain can be heavy at times. Excellent road system means access to all parts including the mountains fairly quick and easy.

Good exercise walking up those steep hills and levadas and there are public outdoor swimming pools available for a charge.

WiFi readily available in hotels and cafes just need the login. I used Skype to send real time video from our apartment balcony to my daughter working in Paris........

No problem with language as everyone I met spoke English.

Take a look and see what you think


Greece or Portugal? I'd have thought with their recession, & reasonable winter climate those countries should be affordable, with reasonable weather & minimal language issues.
Further afield, maybe the Canary Islands?
I guess that many people with property abroad would be happy to take a long term let over the quiet season for a good price.
There's a full-time project that will take me 6 months or so, Oct - March.

I'm looking for somewhere:
1/ I can live comfortably on £700-900 a month including rent and food
2/ sunny, not humid
3/ Electricity for a laptop / twice weekly internet access
4/ Safe - laptop unlikely to be stolen...
5/ not isolated - ie easy to get talking to people. (Last time I did this was on a Hebridean island and 3 months in I was talking to seals...). I speak no languages so will need to rely on English.
6/ easy exercise (sea, pool, beach?).
7/ Good places to visit within a few day's travel if I want a break.
8/ unlikely to come back to UK needing to visit Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Ideas gratefully received!

Havana was lovely, would they let you stay that long?

Mendoza or Salta if you like good wine.

Essaouira is pretty chilled out and closer.
Jomtien, Thailand. Tie in visa runs with breaks in Vietnam/Cambodia/etc and it's got everything incuding b&b with wifi, gym and sea view for well within budget.
Great thanks for these - will spend some time researching them.
Malta I've been warned its cold indoors (built for the summer?).
I don't remember Southern Spain having sun in December / Jan, so I'm wondering about Portugal...
Madeira sounds interesting - doesn't matter if it rains sometimes, as I'll be desk-bound for much of the time.
Argentina I figure I'll be stuck with my non-Spanish. I fear the same for Chile etc.


6 months might pose visa problems (can't use Visa waiver)

And then there's the matter of health insurance. I doubt most travel policies will cover health insurance for 6 months in the US and relatively minor medical treatment quickly runs into thousands of dollars.

If you're a European citizen then Florida makes no sense. I'd head to southern Europe - Portugal, Malta, Greece before considering the US.

I liked northern Tenerife, but it was years since I went there. Very lush, lots of bananas and far enough south to have passably warm winters.
Not in the hurricane season :eek:....may not meet the "safe" requirement ;)

6 months might pose visa problems (can't use Visa waiver)

And then there's the matter of health insurance. I doubt most travel policies will cover health insurance for 6 months in the US and relatively minor medical treatment quickly runs into thousands of dollars.

If you're a European citizen then Florida makes no sense. I'd head to southern Europe - Portugal, Malta, Greece before considering the US.

I liked northern Tenerife, but it was years since I went there. Very lush, lots of bananas and far enough south to have passably warm winters.

I was being facetious.

I'm not so sure about Portugal either. IME not many Portuguese people speak English, at least not outside major tourist areas. Be better off in Spain for English speakers?
Great thanks for these - will spend some time researching them.
Malta I've been warned its cold indoors (built for the summer?).
I don't remember Southern Spain having sun in December / Jan, so I'm wondering about Portugal...
Madeira sounds interesting - doesn't matter if it rains sometimes, as I'll be desk-bound for much of the time.
Argentina I figure I'll be stuck with my non-Spanish. I fear the same for Chile etc.


Doesn't meet requirement 8. You could catch something really nasty.


Porto Santo - an island near Madiera (regular ferries/planes), temperate climate, terrific beach, excellent golf course (designed by Seve Ballesteros), free wi-fi in public areas, English widely spoken.

