
What is your current system? part II

I started building the following system about a year ago -

Linn LP12/Akito/Denon DL160
PureSound P10

Sonneteer Byron CD Player

Musical Fidelity Pre Amp

Quad 606 Power Amp

Yamaha NS1000 Speakers joined up with Kimber 8tc cables.

Various interconnects.

Most of this kit has been purchased 2nd hand (apart from the MF and PureSound) amps. I use to live in Gloucestershire, but a couple of years ago moved to the West of Ireland where the nearest Hifi shop is nearly 3 hours away. I believe my system would be very different if I still lived in Gloucestershire as there are shops where you can go and listen to something before buying (great idea)!!!!

So, with no way of demonstrating any of the above except the Quad with the Yamaha's, I decided to buy mostly well known pieces of kit which I could move on if it didn't suit.

I wanted to aim for a musical system, rather than dead on accurate as my music tastes vary greatly and so do the quality of the recordings, therefore I didn't see the point of a truly accurate system. The idea was to have musical sources / amps with speakers that can convey every ounce of the detail delivered to them.

The Yamaha's I find very bright though, so I have had to try and work around this and the Quad goes a long way to solving the problem. The Quad is obviously a warm sound but it's just that when driven hard it clips like mad. I know the amp is in good shape (serivced recently) so I think it is due to the Yamaha's being hard to drive even with their 89db sensitivity. I am always tempted by a valve amp as these are supposed to match well with the Yamaha's. I am very impressed with the PureSound phono stage, so have considered the Bewitch / Puresound a30 with the KT88's. If anyone has had any experience with this amp or similar with these speakers I would welcome your thoughts.

I don't think the Yams are hard to drive- I use my NS1000Ms with a 300b SET amp that puts out 10 watts or so. I don't play loudly though. Isn't your Quad amp 140 watts into 8 ohms? I'd not expect that to be clipping into the Yams unless your really really hammering them.
I'm strictly a budget hi-fi user. For the last 18 years I've only bought used, trying to make each purchase count. I've been through two turntables and five CD players - whatever that means.

Mid-80s Rega 3 w/ RB300 and Ortofon X5. Bought on the basis of looks and simplicity, that it turned out to sound great as well was a bonus! Sum of maintenance = recapping the motor a few years back. My favourite ever cartridge was a Garrotte Bros K3 (I think), unfortunately totalled one drinky evening :(

Denon DCD-1015 CD player. Bought on a reviewer's recommendation. I hated it until I tried putting squash balls under it, thenceforth it became fabulous - fast, detailed, tight. I'd like to lube the transport... only a lack of courage prevents me!

Marantz CD42 CD player. The Plan B. More mellow than the Denon, still musical and enjoyable in its own way.

A&R A60 amplifier, 1980 vintage. Very tired in sound when I got it; since I restored it to its original condition and beyond I'd never part with it. It's great to see it getting such enthusiastic recommendations on PFM - I can't think of a better value amplifier.

Wharfedale Diamond 2 speakers, with crossovers recapped with polypropylene caps and the side walls braced. I'd prefer my Heybrook HB1s if the lounge were big enough. (Actually it is just big enough, only the room can't be organized easily enough to accommodate them.)

I also have a Cyrus 2/PSX amp, recapped. It has a superb phono stage. I find it drives the hungry Diamonds better than the A60, at the expense of a more clinical presentation.

The electronics live in and on a lethal looking sand filled copy of a Sound Organisation rack. I'd like to replace it at some point with wall shelves, yet am concerned for deleterious sonic effects. The speakers sing from atop sand filled Linn Index stands that are too low, I know, but do the job. (Do as they say on the back of your Diamond 2s and tilt them back!) Cabling is nothing special, I think it is OFC at least. I find that cleaning all the contacts from wall socket to speaker terminals two or three times a year is a more cost effective "upgrade" than splashing out on fancy wire.

I don't think the Yams are hard to drive- I use my NS1000Ms with a 300b SET amp that puts out 10 watts or so. I don't play loudly though. Isn't your Quad amp 140 watts into 8 ohms? I'd not expect that to be clipping into the Yams unless your really really hammering them.

Thanks for the reply. From what I have read (but don't really understand), it is the impendence curve of the Yams that make them hard to drive. Plenty of amps are needed apparently (not necssarily watts), which may explain why yours are good with only 10w - I don't know. Although, I thought the Quad would be good at current delivery. I also read about damping factor, which needs to be high for the Yams and the Quads have a low damping factor. This really confused me as I haven't a clue what this is, all I really know is what I hear and the clipping is pretty evident.

I do play them with a good bit of volume, but dont really hammer them, definately not really, really hammering them anyway.
it seems i've managed to achieve a desired level of performance in my room with the following:

speakers - oris swing
amp - first watt F3
preamp - music first TVC
transport - oppo 981
DAC - twinDAC+ with BMS
CDP - philips CD160 (modded)
turntable - technics 1200/denon 103/EAR834P
cables - au 24, mogami, vdh mc gold, evidence siren II

10y SET is not yet here but should be very soon.
update on mine, the django and the rank mono's have gone, and added a tube technology prophet pre amp and some tube technology genesis mono's, plus a stax headspeaker system.






nottingham spacedeck with heavy kit
audio origami rb250
denon dl304
heed orbit power supply
ear 834p signature phono stage
ear mc3 step up
audio synthesis ultra dsm dac/power supply
monarchy audio dip
meridian 200 transport
tube technology prophet/power supply
tube technology genesis monoblocks
stax srs202 earspeaker system
audio physic tempo jubilee
Q.E.D. and dnm cabling
My current system is Linn LP12 Valhalla, Ittok, Suprex 900 mc,Naim 42 and 140 chrome bumpers, Mk1 Kans, Marantz CD94. I had a system like this in the eighties and its been a pleasant surprise to return to a similar setup. The power amp was a 110 and no CD. The music just sucks you in. I was using MF A270 power amp and MX pre and various speakers ,Tannoys ,Missions and others.
Townshend Audio Rock3/Seismic Sink/Rega Rb 300/Expressimo/Audio-Technica OC9-MLII/Linn Linto, Naim Cd 3.5/HiCap on loan for a short time, Exposure XXII on it's way, Exposure XXI Rc, Exposure Super XVIII Regulated Mono, Chord Company Anthem 2/Epic Twin, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Se
Thank you. Quite new here, visited Naim forum for a while, but never the big threadposter. We have a nice Naim-thread in Norway as well.
These days I'm testing out Exposure instead, though I'm still dreaming of a Cds2.

Welcome to the forum, MaHa.
My System:

Linn Sneaky Music DS
Densen B-250
2 x Densen B-350's
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor
Linn Silver interconnect
Chord Anthem interconnect
Chord Signature speaker cable
Ortophon Kontapunct C
Incognito wires
Drilled, polished RB300
Gyro SE
Stage line
Theil CS1.6
Naim cables

oh and CD5
Bondage Rubber
Rega Elex mk 1
Rega Planar 3, RB300 arm with OL structural mods and internal rewire, Rega Elys 2
Rega ELA mk1.5 (Royd driver)
Marantz CD52 Mk2 SE
Custom build media server

Sounds great. Wonderfully open with vinyl and makes me smile lots every time I get the chance to listen to it. Spent about £400 on it (Not including the media server). Elys 2 was new, all the rest was second hand.

Thinking about swapping out the Elex for a NAIT 3 or, if one ever comes up second hand, a Rega Elecit. Might chuck a Rega Planet in there in place of the Marantz too.

Yeah, I like Rega :)
Hi Robert, how are you getting on with th eCambridge 840a? Version 1s are going for £499 at Richer just now, I've been tempted but don't like lack of dem facility. Do you reckon they'd make my Spendor SP1s sing?
As of 26/09/08:

Technics SL1200MK2, OL adaptor plate, Rega RB300, Ortofon 2M RED.
Cyrus 1 amplifier
Supra Lorad 2X2.5 speaker cable
Mission M30i speakers

