
What is your current system? part I

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Oh dear - I think I'm too junior to rock the boat, but I never quite understood the reason for producing these gargantuan lists of stuff without explanations of why we chose what we chose, what characteristics the stuff has IOHO, whether we're happy with it, that sort of thing.

I guess if I stay on line long enough, I'll develop a sharper ability to infer what a system might sound like and, Miss Marple-like, will find the truth from amongst the gossip. Meanwhile I may try printing off this thread and asking my local Richer Sounds* for a demo of everything.

At the moment I can only use such lists for affirmation purposes ( have Naim? I have Naim too! Everything's gonna be all right, isn't it?...) which sometimes makes me feel a tad queasy.

* only joking
Originally posted by Bubblechild
Oh dear - I think I'm too junior to rock the boat, but I never quite understood the reason for producing these gargantuan lists of stuff without explanations of why we chose what we chose, what characteristics the stuff has IOHO, whether we're happy with it, that sort of thing.

To give others an easy way of seeing what you own and therefore why you might say what you say in a post. Also means you don't need to constantly list what you have. Anyway those are the reasons I use a list like this.


Originally posted by Bubblechild
Oh dear - I think I'm too junior to rock the boat, but I never quite understood the reason for producing these gargantuan lists of stuff without explanations of why we chose what we chose, what characteristics the stuff has IOHO, whether we're happy with it, that sort of thing.

I thought it was obvious... We like showing off! ;)
Oh okay. That I can relate to. Reminds me of happy schooldays, and I've made a good living in the vice trade ever since.

Well, for the record, and until after my next few clients, I'm using:

CDX (it's got soul),
72/Hi/140 (feels comfy and matches cashflow),
Epos ES22 (control, detail and warmth, too!)

+ 1210s & Ortofon Nightclub Concorde Es for vari-tempo reasons.
On the floor, boxed, waiting to be sold: Kans, 102, 140, Rotel RCD965BX.

Alone on its Audiotech table, Lingoless and eyeing me with deep suspicion: Linn LP12/Ekos.

Cuckoo in the nest: my new Marantz CD 5400 (chosen for its heaphone socket and What Hi-Fi flavour-of-the-month resale value) and Sennheiser HD320 headphones [HD280 Pro on the way]. Yes - this will be my system for at least a year!
My humble pile of stuff:

Rega Planet 2000 cd player
Marantz 6170 T-table

Newtonia Solis integrated amp

Shahinian Obelisks (or Rega Ela Mk Is, as mood dictates)

Boulder interconnects
Tara Labs speaker wire

in the closet:
Robertson Forty-Ten amplifier
Nakamichi BX100 cassette deck
Calrad tube tuner

Looking forward - might try a Plinius integrated amp.

Hi everybody,

my current configuration is:

Turnable Thorens TD166MkII/original tonearm/Benz Micro MC Gold
Pre phono Trigon Vanguard 1
batery power suply for pre phono Trigon Volcano
cd player Densen Beat B-400 "XS"
integrated amplifier Densen DM-10
speakers Dynaudio Contour 1.3MKII
Cables Clearaudio Trident
Cable for speakers OCOS
Power cords Clearaudio Diamond
speakers stand Dynaudio Ultima stand
Rack Artesanía Reference

I want upgrade my thorens for a Rega Planar 25/RB600 and found a good headamp for my AKG240 Monitor (600ohm) headphone.


Linn Mimik MkII CPD
Linn Kairn Pro MkIII Pre Amp
Linn LK140 (facelifted) Power Amp x 2 (Aktiv boards fitted)
Linn Keilidh Aktivs with ceramic bases and modified with 3-bar Ninka tweeters
Linn K400 bi-wire cable x 10m
Linn Silver Interconnects x 3
Russ Andrews Classic PowerKord x 4
Trichord Research Powerblock 500 x 2
Soundstyle Tripod Stand in custom Piano Black
My current music abstraction contrivance

Quadraspire Reference
Rega Planar3/ AR P77
Creek CD53
Cyrus IC
Creek 5350se
DNM Reson
Epos M12/ST12
Eichmann power cord.
My Kit:

PT Anniversary/Original Kuzma Stogi/Kiseki Agate Ruby.
Dynavector P75 arriving soon for the above.
Avondale AAA5 CD player.
Grad 1 pre(317 TPR Snaps P/S,but soon to be an APX4)
Naim Nap110 or Nap140.
ATC SCM7's on Target Reference stands.

Originally posted by Mike Sae
My current music abstraction contrivance

Quadraspire Reference
Rega Planar3/ AR P77
Creek CD53
Cyrus IC
Creek 5350se
DNM Reson
Epos M12/ST12
Eichmann power cord.

And how's that workin out for ya??
My only complaint being that the CD53 is fussy. Not in terms of scratches, disc thickness or copy protection, it just doesn't recognize certain CDs. No idea why.

Excellent in all other respects.
:D MY SYSTEM........Michell Orbe .....SME V Ortofon Kontrapunkt b Naim Nac 82 , 2x Hicaps, Napsc , Naim Nap 250 JM Lab Micro Utopia Speakers, Rega Jupiter C.D. player, Revox B77 MK II Open Reel tape deck the 2 track high speed job.
I am mainly analog this is because of years of record collecting and I dont intend to get rid of them , anyway IMO its best to keep analog recordings analog. I use the Revox to back up my more precious vinyl and to make up my own compilations. Just sold the 2 Hicaps and the Nap 250 . Getting Avondale AXP4 and monoblocks, keeping the Nac 82. Im 51 yrs old now and its took me since 1986 to get to this level. Prior to that in the seventies I had the usual Jap kit Pioneer etc. Then I started to get serious.
Couple of changes to my system(on pge 11)cart is now sumiko bps and the speakers are now cura ca 5's to be placed on apollo wall brackets;next on the agenda is a service for the lp12 and some decent spkr cables(chord perhaps?).Oh yeah and a (borrowed)micromega microdac has replaced the now dead black box temporarilly;the micromega and cura's have given a bit of needed zip to the set up and once cables support etc are in place things should be much better;can't comment on the sumiko as i haven't got round to fitting it yet.
Well Tempered Classic V (on a slate slab)
Dynavector XX2
Dynavector P75 Phono Stage
Microphone Cable with Bullet plugs

Naim CDX (on acrylic platform)

Naim 82/Supercap/250 (Olive)

Quadraspire cabinet (heavily modified)

Shahinian Arcs c. 1995 (passive bass radiator)

The only up-grade I'm considering is to listen at home to
Shahinian's Obelisks and possibly listen to the new Dynavector amps one day.


Originally posted by bazza
Couple of changes to my system(on pge 11)cart is now sumiko bps and the speakers are now cura ca 5's to be placed on apollo wall brackets;next on the agenda is a service for the lp12 and some decent spkr cables(chord perhaps?).Oh yeah and a (borrowed)micromega microdac has replaced the now dead black box temporarilly;the micromega and cura's have given a bit of needed zip to the set up and once cables support etc are in place things should be much better;can't comment on the sumiko as i haven't got round to fitting it yet.

Ok,the cura's are now secure on the apollo's and wired up with chord rumour,the sumiko is now in the rb300 and a ringmat on the lp-12.I had a good session the other day and taking into account the linn needing a service(it's getting on for 8yrs:eek: )it sounded pretty sweet,i ended up digging out stuff i hadn't listened to for ages(the bible,nancy griffith,rickie lee jones),the rockier stuff(pixies,zz top etc)ripped along nicely and my simply vinyl pressing of the first portishead album sounded superb(relatively speaking of course);so i'm a happy bunny at the mo,just got to decide what to do about the delta 60,keep it and mod it(black gates,new pot etc)or get summat else.
Not getting as much time to listen as I'd like.

Why's that mate?

S'pose I'd better cough up on ye old system front too....


Rega P9/Exact (it arrived!)

All on two modified* black tripods and supported by a fast growing collection of glorious vinyl!


Loewe Xelos
Philips 963SA
AV2 (it arrived too!)
Royd AV77
Royd Minstrel x4 (maybe 6 soon!)

Enjoy. Jay

* I figure if I don't tell anyone exactly how I've modified it but say that it "sounds like Fraim on P" that'll give me more cred :D
Rega Minstrels eh??

Nice! Rare as a hens wotsit also. Well done J!!

My rig..

Meridian 507 cd
Plinius M16 pre
Plinius SA100 power
Proac Response 2.5

Sounds large in a very large way. I fear for my windows..

Originally posted by redeye
Rega Minstrels eh??

Nice! Rare as a hens wotsit also. Well done J!!

My rig..

Meridian 507 cd
Plinius M16 pre
Plinius SA100 power
Proac Response 2.5

Sounds large in a very large way. I fear for my windows..


Were you playing Radiohead the other night...I think I may have heard it :D


PS...ah yeah Rega/Royd. Same diff!
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