
What are you listening to right now #64

A 24-hour Marshall Allen spectacular on WKCR to celebrate his 100th today. Raising a glass to you, Marshall. Hope you are raising one too, if you’re not off playing somewhere. Man, I do love WKCR. It’s mid-afternoon there and they’ve just played two pieces of rowdy free improv lasting around 30 and 20 minutes respectively, joined together by a wonderfully enthusiastic student presenter.

It’s been a good week for birthday marathons on WKCR. In the last few days we’ve had Bob Dylan and Sun Ra too. Only the latter wasn’t a ‘birthday’ but an ‘arrival day’ celebration, which made me laugh and tip my hat to them. I’ll definitely be stumping up a few more dollars when they rattle the fund-raising tin over the airwaves again come November.

Three hours later: Now we‘re on The All Star Game. See you in 75 minutes, said the presenter. Wow, this is beyond fantastic! Definitely one for the list.
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Louis Armstrong & Oscar Peterson - …meets…, normally out cycling but weather not clement so relaxing with the Sunday papers. A total classic, recorded in a day…

