
What are you listening to right now #64

New 'Cosmic Ground' - Melt - yet more 'Berlin School' sequencing mastery.

Availabe from Bandcamp as a DL or CD Services Dundee as CD (for UK)

melt - bandcamp

I have mine on order - hopefully it's better than "Isolate" or "Entropy".
One that slipped through the net from last week’s releases.

Keygen Church - Nel nome del codice

If you want a bit of weirdness in your life this Friday evening look no further. This is what happens when you mix Beethoven, Euro blast, 8 bit culture and symphonic/speed metal ……. But somehow it works. There is lots of church organ, piano and choral work overlaid by a metal blast beat and lots of distorted guitars. It reminds me of Purturbator that I saw last year at Radar. Go on, give it a go!

One that slipped through the net from last week’s releases.

Keygen Church - Nel nome del codice

If you want a bit of weirdness in your life this Friday evening look no further. This is what happens when you mix Beethoven, Euro blast, 8 bit culture and symphonic/speed metal ……. But somehow it works. There is lots of church organ, piano and choral work overlaid by a metal blast beat and lots of distorted guitars. It reminds me of Purturbator that I saw last year at Radar. Go on, give it a go!

Sounds fun. I'm in 👍

