
What are you listening to right now #11?

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Was: Thin Lizzy - Live And Dangerous (LP)

Is: Talk Talk - Laughing Stock (CD)

2 polar opposites of the 'rock' world I guess but I like both very much. Lynott was a soul boy at heart I'm sure, all that dual guitar histrionics was to keep the heavy metal kids happy. He wrote some damn good songs.

God knows where Mark Hollis' head was when he came up with Laughing Stock - despite having a lyric sheet I haven't got a clue what he's on about but the sounds he and the other musicians make is mesmerising. Have got his solo album on order so be interesting to hear where he went after this - can't imagine at the moment.


Tony Allen - No Discrimination
The title track is an absolutely blistering funky workout, the rest of the LP doesn't quite reach the same heights.

Anyone heard Lagos No Shaking yet?

The Stooges: The Stooges
Stereolab: Ping Pong - played 5 times - awesome song
The Modern Lovers
Jay Z / Dangermuse: The Grey Album - maybe I was wrong about the Beatles. If you cut 'em and splice 'em it sounds ok......

Is: Mogwai- Mr. Beast

Not their best but still good. A nice break in the day which has included tea out in the sun, a stop at Sonic Boom, phad kee mao with a Singha, and a visit to Hawthorne.

Will be: Neko Case- Fox Confessor Brings The Flood
Me ni-wanna come 'ome.

It was absolutely fantastic. Very happy that I went all the way to the South Coast, away from the crowds. The people were unbelievably friendly, the music was outstanding, the food was tasty, and the weather was perfect. :)

Very highly recommended (specifically Jake's in Treasure Beach, owned by Chris Blackwell).
Was: Hank Mobley - Roll Call (LP)

Is: John Peel's Festive 50 show from 1986 - Bhundu Boys and Happy Mondays in sesh! (mp3 - from someone's dodgy C90 cassette - from someone's dodgy FM reception)


Cardiacs, All That Glitters Is A Mares Nest. 1990 live recording made at a gig in a church in Salisbury, very well recorded and with the group on superb form, this is the best live Cardiacs record I've yet heard, it gives a strong sense of what an amazing live experience they are.

-- Ian
the feelies; crazy rhythm

quicksilver messenger service; happy trails

found a pile of old zigzag magazines in the loft last week, circa 1975/6. happy trails voted second best record of all time and best cover of all time. great reading but they were mighty fond of jackson brown back then. happy trials is a fabulous record and i don't think its just because it takes me back to my childhood bedroom, the weekend job in the record store in barnet and the smell of my afghan coat. happy days.

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