
What are the sensible upgrade options for a LP12 nowadays?


pfm Member
Other than replacing it with a different turntable! I'm not intending to open a can of worms, but my deck is little changed in years so I don't know what the options are nowadays and would appreciate some opinions.

I'm resurrecting my vinyl with a newly purchased Brinkmann phono stage as I had a trial run without records and I really miss them.

Current spec is a 1989 LP12 with the later baseboard, an Avondale psu, a Naim Aro & an AT33PTG cartridge. The support will be slightly compromised as the Mana Reference has gone to accommodate the demands of Mrs Tutu and I currently have a Sound Factory Tripod with the top frame for a record deck.

I'm quite happy to stick with it as is, but also happy to consider sensible upgrade options of they make a worthwhile difference.

I've a good digital source too so please don't advise me to get with it and go computer audio based!


The Linn Kore sub chassis is very good indeed.

There is our Karmen top plate upgrade package which has received rave reviews and is demonstration across the UK.

A replacement Cirkus bearing may be a good idea as would be a full service and set up.
Does 'upgrading the LP12' include upgrades to arm and cart, or are you looking at the chassis only?
Jez, Circkus bearing, Core sub chassis with are arm board (I think these are now available), tramp 2 would seem a reasonable place to start without going mad.

You have a pretty decent (understatement) level now ;)
Thanks guys - no plans to change the arm and I know the Avondale TAPS is good so yes I guess it's any worthwhile changes to the motor unit. The cart wasn't as good as my previous Troika's but I'll see how it works with the Brinkmann as I expect that will be a big upgrade.

FYI, the Brinkmann will now go directly into Event Opals
The TAPS and ARO are both very good Jez.

If you do look at the cart and maybe I would, then you won't go wrong with a DV 20XL2 at around £550, moving up the leaders at the £1000 mark I think are the Lyra Delos and DVXX2. I've had them all on an ARO and they work very well indeed.

Hi Mark - thanks for that. For info, I also had another deck with an Ekos/Lingo/Troika and it was that deck that got sold!
I always thought the tramplolin was a great upgrade for dirt money, some people hate it but I only thought it improved the table on the whole.

I'd look into a Radikal, Kore, or Keel. Radikal seems to be absolutely amazing as a PS+new motor combo, upgrades everything all at once. (i.e. every element of the music).
There is little point in upgrading any LP12, IMO. The basic design is not good. Big hollow resonating box right beneath the platter, non-vertical bearing spindle and over-bouncy suspension. I recently heard the LP12 Klimax (no tittering at the back) SE version with every bell & whistle attached, and it really is very mediocre.

I think your money would be better spent by selling it, gathering together the money you were about to spend on it, and getting a better-designed turntable.
I'd be tempted to just have your player serviced if it's needed. I happen to think the ARO sounds better with the non Cirkuss'd bearing.

Having had a couple of other players over last couple of years, WT Amadeus, Rega P9, all i can say is i'm very happy to be back with an LP12/Ekos2. Not heard another T/T that plays better music.
Bizebub - you are quality!

Gary - thanks, it's had a recent service as a good old friend of mine was one of the better of the now defunct Linn/Naim dealers.
Jez, my best advice would be to ask the question on the Linn Forum.

To answer your question. I would go to a dealer and have a listen to a few different spec'd LP12's.

If you've got the funds I'd recommend the Radikal. It's been the biggest upgrade I've made to my LP12.
Great advice from Gaius and Nitrous and Gary. I was going to say I normally agree with Blzebub but think he has gone off the deep end on this one. But it seems you're already on to him.

I'm going to do the Kore and probably Karmen (if I can get one in the US) on my LP12/Circus/Tampoline II, Lingo 1 ( I know.....a weak spot).
Jez, my best advice would be to ask the question on the Linn Forum.

To answer your question. I would go to a dealer and have a listen to a few different spec'd LP12's.

If you've got the funds I'd recommend the Radikal. It's been the biggest upgrade I've made to my LP12.

The thing is other decks will sound different to mine and I'm guessing most dealers will stock limited choices of upgrades ie. Linn or ones from a couple of suppliers. I'm also guessing that many of the Linn upgrades aren't exactly sensibly priced?
I realise I will never convince LP12 lovers that they are making a huge mistake, but you have to consider what it is you are aiming at. I used to think in exactly the same way when I had an LP12.

I would suggest auditioning the ultimate iteration of the LP12: the Klimax SE against, say, a Notts Analogue Dais, or similarly-priced quality turntable. Just try it.
I realise I will never convince LP12 lovers that they are making a huge mistake, but you have to consider what it is you are aiming at. I used to think in exactly the same way when I had an LP12.

I would suggest auditioning the ultimate iteration of the LP12: the Klimax SE against, say, a Notts Analogue Dais, or similarly-priced quality turntable. Just try it.

Don't think it's the only deck I've heard and I certainly have no intention of listening to a £17000 LP12 either. But, I'm happy for the time being - in the future who knows.
The thing is other decks will sound different to mine and I'm guessing most dealers will stock limited choices of upgrades ie. Linn or ones from a couple of suppliers. I'm also guessing that many of the Linn upgrades aren't exactly sensibly priced?

I would still recommend having a listen to a newer/higher spec'd LP12. You may not like what you hear? The presentation has changed over the years. There are those that still prefer the pre-cirkus LP12.

As for 'sensibly priced' you're right most of the Linn upgrades are expensive. As others have mentioned there is the Kore, Cirkus and Trampolin upgrades, which aren't silly money, relatively speaking. There are third party options plus a heathy secondhand market.

A lot of my system was bought ex-demo or second hand from my dealer.
Point taken. But I think lot of folks have LP-12's kicking around from the time when they didn't cost that much. Mine was $750 new. Got an Aro at a good price as well. You can kick in for couple of improvements at today's prices and have a great deck for relatively little.

