
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

I decided actions speak louder than words, so I would stick up two fingers and apply for a Voter Authority Certificate even though I didn’t need one. My excuse was that I couldn’t/wouldn’t take any other form of ID when I voted as I’d probably mislay it somewhere in the polling station. I also wanted to see exactly how difficult it was to get one. It took only ten minutes to fill in the form using my phone - my NI number is one of the few things I have committed to memory - and five to take a selfie (also using my phone.) I stuck the two together, sent them off and sat back, looking forward to kicking up a fuss when my application was rejected. Instead, the Certificate arrived a few days later.
I think I may do the same. Partly in the hope that there may be an opportunity to make a fuss, but mostly to cause the machinery to do a bit of work. Not taking the line of least resistance is a mild form of civil disobedience. A sort of 'civil obedience with prejudice' if you like.
Yep, there are those who moan and those who do. If someone wants to vote, they’ll ensure they have whatever is required of them to do so. It’s not difficult. Although judging by the often dismal turnouts, many simply can’t be arsed.

You could mandate that voters must wear one red sock, one yellow sock and be carrying a jazz LP in at least VG+ condition. Surely anyone who is really interested in voting could meet these simple conditions with a bit of preparation and forethought. It's not difficult despite what the moaners with their dull socks and G+ grade records claim.

But why make people jump through hoops to fix a problem that doesn't exist?
You could mandate that voters must wear one red sock, one yellow sock and be carrying a jazz LP in at least VG+ condition. Surely anyone who is really interested in voting could meet these simple conditions with a bit of preparation and forethought. It's not difficult despite what the moaners with their dull socks and G+ grade records claim.

But why make people jump through hoops to fix a problem that doesn't exist?

Proving you are who you say you are isn’t jumping through hoops.
You could mandate that voters must wear one red sock, one yellow sock and be carrying a jazz LP in at least VG+ condition. Surely anyone who is really interested in voting could meet these simple conditions with a bit of preparation and forethought. It's not difficult despite what the moaners with their dull socks and G+ grade records claim.

But why make people jump through hoops to fix a problem that doesn't exist?

It’s playing to the galleries. It must play well to their core audience as well as hindering their opponents.
You could mandate that voters must wear one red sock, one yellow sock and be carrying a jazz LP in at least VG+ condition. Surely anyone who is really interested in voting could meet these simple conditions with a bit of preparation and forethought. It's not difficult despite what the moaners with their dull socks and G+ grade records claim.

But why make people jump through hoops to fix a problem that doesn't exist?
And if people are largely unaware (see upthread for reasons), how can they be expected to apply the necessary preparation and forethought?
Just as an aside, my 10 Yr passport expires next August. When I looked online at Passport Applications, I could not find a single piece of info confirming how early a replacement can be applied for without penalty.
My understanding is that the new passport is issued on application, with a 10 year validity period from date of issue. So you lose any 'unused' months on your old one. It's not like an MOT which you can apply for up to a month beforehand.
In the UK a canny independent ran as a 'Literal Democrat' and showed that a significant number of Liberal Democrats have trouble with their eyes.
Yes I remember that. Maybe I should run as a Conservatory candidate.
Has the Government written to every eligible voter (except me) informing them clearly of the new requirements

we got a letter. Which doesnt apply as we use postal votes - which if there is any voter fraud i would have thought along with proxy votes would be the most vulnerable
Postal votes give the 'wrong' outcome apparently :) Straight out of the Trump book of dogma...

The 'turnout' by post is significantly higher than voting in person so the Tories won't like it...
My understanding is that the new passport is issued on application, with a 10 year validity period from date of issue. So you lose any 'unused' months on your old one. It's not like an MOT which you can apply for up to a month beforehand.
That's what I suspected. A bit of a lottery with Passport applications taking up to 12 weeks to 'process'.
That's what I suspected. A bit of a lottery with Passport applications taking up to 12 weeks to 'process'.

We got one for our teenager back in a fortnight recently. It helps to do it at the post office where they fill out the form and take the photo with you seeing that it's all kosher. You have to book an appointment but they're not good at answering the phone!
I agree with @gavreid that getting the Post Office to process your application is the way to go. My renewal took less than a fortnight, late last year, despite the fact that the old one had expired nearly two years before.

But, I think the upcoming strikes are going to put a dent in that turnaround time. I'd get my application in sooner rather than later if it were me, or plan for a UK based holiday this summer.
Correction, my Passport expires Aug 2024, and as yet I have no plans to go anywhere forrin' in the near future. Why would I want to spend a second away from:
This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.... :rolleyes:

