
Voter suppression: UK Voter ID

I reckon most round here do have. But most won't be voting

Here’s the list of accepted ID (Electoral Commission). I had none of these as an 18 year old and all I have today is a soon to expire 10 year passport. Basically if a young person hasn’t got a driving license or passport they are likely screwed as the acceptable forms have been so deliberately selected to exclude them.
These tactics, like the constant redrawing of the electoral maps, are utterly Machiavellian steps to positively effect the vote in the government's favour. It is, as they often seem to be, utterly dishonourable.
Here’s the list of accepted ID (Electoral Commission). I had none of these as an 18 year old and all I have today is a soon to expire 10 year passport. Basically if a young person hasn’t got a driving license or passport they are likely screwed as the acceptable forms have been so deliberately selected to exclude them.

They have PASS ID, every pub around here asks for them.....just witnessed 6 youngsters buying sh1t cider. All needed ID. This is not uncommon around here. They use em for buying vapes across the road in the corner shop.....
I think the voter certificate seems a good answer.

You need to be registered to vote before you apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

When you register to vote, you’ll be asked whether you have photo ID or if you want to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate will be 5pm six working days before the date of the election.

If anyone wants to vote, they must register. Thats not impossible for anyone. Once registered, get the certificate.
Now you can vote.
"Prepared to bet" isn't any kind of evidence, just an assumption. What actual grounds do you have for that?

Look at the ID list. Engage your brain. Try and grasp why so, so many people are describing this as voter suppression. The links posted to Wikipedia, Good Law Project etc are a good starting point. That done do some research on voter suppression in the USA. This is not a new concept. These techniques are very well established.
I intend to use my Old Buqqers Bus Pass……coz it’s little use for anything else!

Me too! But why can't university students...use their university cards? I still have mine from the 1980s and my photo is on all of them? Seems like blatant discrimination....and an attempt to introduce voter suppression of a group more likely to vote anything but Tory.

This is finding a solution to a problem that doesn't exist...but that isn't why the Tories are doing it!
Millions wil be caught out in the same way - that is the 'cunning plan'
I’m not sure it is that cunning. Anyone shafted by this plan will get themselves sorted out for the next GE which matters a lot more. If the Tories were smarter they’d have waited until after the local elections.
And any left leaning uni students who are so disconnected from politics that they can’t work around this nonsense, or hadn’t heard of the ‘problem’ need to get their heads out of the sand.
And any left leaning uni students who are so disconnected from politics that they can’t work around this nonsense, or hadn’t heard of the ‘problem’ need to get their heads out of the sand.

That isn't the point ..Why should my Old Age Pensioners bus pass be a valid form of ID be acceptable but not university the elephant in the room...there is not a problem with people trying to cheat....voter ID is unnecessary.

The electoral apathy shown by young people is another issue.
As usual - some are really missing the point here (deliberately no doubt).
It is yet another Tory step to derail the democratic process to their advantage.

As others have said - the 'problem' was negligible to start with - the 'solution' deliberately confusing, time consuming to administer and a completely unnecessary bureaucratic hurdle to jump through.

Just more Tory bollox (like their Greenwashing) ... discussing how 'easy' it is to deal with is simply time wasting BS.
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It's all of those things. But I suspect a lot of people will turn up to vote with no ID and either not have ID they can go home to get, or do but can't be bothered or dont have the energy or are too pissed off. In other words, it may not have quite the intended consequences.
I live in an area with a very large Muslim population. No one drinks alcohol.

From the time I spent in the MiddleEast, I would say a significant minority of Muslims drink alcohol. All of the Turkish muslims that I know in the UK, for example, enjoy a drink and for that matter drive (licence) and take foreign holidays or return home at least (passport).
From the time I spent in the MiddleEast, I would say a significant minority of Muslims drink alcohol. All of the Turkish muslims that I know in the UK, for example, enjoy a drink and for that matter drive (licence) and take foreign holidays or return home at least (passport).

Have you ever lived in a town with a very large population of Muslims with a South Asian heritage? I can assure you a significant minority of them don’t drink alcohol. We’re talking Rochdale, Oldham, Burnley, Blackburn etc.

Passports are possible. A minority may have scrimped and saved to visit family in Pakistan or Bangladesh in recent years, but this is becoming less common. I guess because the gig economy jobs many of them do are proving less lucrative.Driving licences will be the most common ID. Not all the women, and certainly not the young will have those.

With this legislation you have to ask why and it’s blatantly obvious. A dog whistle policy based on a lie. Make it more likely that the people that will vote against you will find it hard to vote.
I have just seen this thread "suppression tactic" lol If you do not have photo id you can get something called "Voter Authority Certificate"

The only issue you have to supply a (digital ) photo.

Your photo must be:
  • of you facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • a close up of your head and shoulders, without any head covering, unless you wear one for religious beliefs or medical reasons. Your face must not be covered for any reason.
  • of you with a plain facial expression and with your eyes open and clearly visible (for example without sunglasses and not obscured with hair). Please note this does not apply if you are unable to provide a photograph which complies with either or both of those requirements due to any disability.
With every one having a smartphone these days not hard to satisfy. Only the very old may be affected. The local council can help.

This is long over due as there has been suspicion of corruption in this respect in some local London council elections

Just turning up at a polling centre and giving a name and address was absurd, belonged to a bygone age
I have just seen this thread "suppression tactic" lol If you do not have photo id you can get something called "Voter Authority Certificate"

The only issue you have to supply a (digital ) photo.

Your photo must be:
  • of you facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • a close up of your head and shoulders, without any head covering, unless you wear one for religious beliefs or medical reasons. Your face must not be covered for any reason.
  • of you with a plain facial expression and with your eyes open and clearly visible (for example without sunglasses and not obscured with hair). Please note this does not apply if you are unable to provide a photograph which complies with either or both of those requirements due to any disability.
With every one having a smartphone these days not hard to satisfy. Only the very old may be affected. The local council can help.

This is long over due as there has been suspicion of corruption in this respect in some local London council elections

Just turning up at a polling centre and giving a name and address was absurd, belonged to a bygone age

But a system that worked...'if it ain't broke don't fix it

Where is your evidence of corruption?
What guff from the Tory! Obviously hasn't read the tread.

"Data from the Electoral Commission said that in elections in 2022, which covered local elections in England, Scotland and Wales, elections to the Northern Ireland assembly, a series of mayoral elections in England and six Commons byelections, there were seven allegations of “personation” at polling stations, as the offence is officially known.

There was no action by police in any of these cases because there was either insufficient evidence to proceed or no evidence of wrongdoing, the report found.

There were three allegations of personation involving postal voting, which is not affected by the new ID rules, with one still being investigated."

