
US Election, November 2024

The CHAOS gathers strength in preparation for November.

It feels like the darkness is going to take us all...

....unless Biden can use those same powers to really play dirty and give Trump a taste of his own medicine.

He could pull out a 50 cal Desert Eagle and blow Trump's head off at the next debate. In the interest of national security of course.
About the best I can come up with is that the Medias Touch reading is wrong and later analysis will make it seem less insane. Which might work if this was just the really click baity bloke but the presence of Popok makes this seem like a long shot.
The other thing that has gradually dawned on me in the last few months is that some of the judges and justices actually do want an end to democracy every bit as much as Trump. It's the only explanation I can come up with until I hear some more encouraging legal analysis.
He could pull out a 50 cal Desert Eagle and blow Trump's head off at the next debate. In the interest of national security of course.
And a Desert Eagle, that's one great big old pistol
I mean, fifty caliber made by bad-ass Hebrews
The CHAOS gathers strength in preparation for November.

It feels like the darkness is going to take us all...

....unless Biden can use those same powers to really play dirty and give Trump a taste of his own medicine.

Biden has to run against the Supreme Court. No choice.
AoC saying she will impeach justices. Although the chances of it getting anywhere are less than zero of course.
On pages 30-32 of the majority opinion, the conservatives just ruled that not only is a President immune concerning his official acts, but also that evidence related to those official acts cannot come into any trial. That threatens to eviscerate the special counsel's indictment.

Still, Biden can now order a Seal team to do something to Trump in the name of national security.
The other thing that has gradually dawned on me in the last few months is that some of the judges and justices actually do want an end to democracy every bit as much as Trump. It's the only explanation I can come up with until I hear some more encouraging legal analysis.
More likely, they want a return to democracy, where democracy = only people we like are electable. Remember that in the original Athenian democracy, only male citizens were allowed a say in the running of things - women, foreigners and slaves were excluded. The feeling in many Republican circles appears to be that some people (i.e., people who don't vote for us) are unworthy of the vote and should be excluded.

In addition, there is, to me, this ridiculous idea that the Constitution should be interpreted as at the time it was written. To some extent, this is a problem with the common law background of the Founders, in which the words are interpreted as they sit on the page - which interpretation can vary with time. So a firearms provision written at a time when the musket was the firearm and intended to provide a militia instead of a standing army - an idea copied from Switzerland:

- became a licence to possess semi-automatic weapons capable of killing large numbers of people.

The civil law background of continental Europe is much better in this regard - people say, "Aha, but what did they mean by that?" and go back to the travaux préparatoires (the original parliamentary debates and considerations during the drafting of the legislation) for enlightenment.
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In my opinion, to a different standard - Biden is a serious politician, Trump is an entertainer. Bread and circuses...

The Biden age/mental ability story has grown out of all proportion IMO. The NYT, for example, has published 25 articles on that subject vs. 2 on Trump since Jan 15, 2024. Similar stats from the other major newspapers.
The other thing that has gradually dawned on me in the last few months is that some of the judges and justices actually do want an end to democracy every bit as much as Trump. It's the only explanation I can come up with until I hear some more encouraging legal analysis.

Alito and Thomas should have recused themselves. Suspect they have psychopathic traits which explains why they want to push rules to the edge to break the system.
The other thing that has gradually dawned on me in the last few months is that some of the judges and justices actually do want an end to democracy every bit as much as Trump. It's the only explanation I can come up with until I hear some more encouraging legal analysis.

Did you see reporting on the hidden mic recording of Alito? That’s basically what he said. The end of democracy in the USA is getting inexorably closer.
Looks to me like Trump will win, whether he wins or not. Any dispute about the outcome of the next election will ultimately be ruled on by the Supreme Court, so it’s obvious where that will go. Everything is aligned. We’re heading for new geopolitical axis of evil with the US and Russia running the world.

I guess Biden could use his new found absolute immunity to black bag Alito and Thomas to serve as a warning to rest of them. Trump is mad enough to end the world and will certainly scupper any efforts to deal with climate change but it’s probably too late anyway.

