
US Election, November 2024

Speculative narrative on who might run if Biden did step down. She is one of the more fancied names on the list. I'm not sure how many of the Dems on that list would want the job anyway even if it did become available. Another issue for the Party.

Looks like idle speculation, she has emphatically denied ruling herself out of anything.
This is vey good fron Marcy Wheeler:

I like her argument that the best way out of this is for the evidentiary hearing to produce something obviously farcical which then gets appealed to the Supreme Court who then have to rule on the results of their own ruling.
This is vey good fron Marcy Wheeler:

I like her argument that the best way out of this is for the evidentiary hearing to produce something obviously farcical which then gets appealed to the Supreme Court who then have to rule on the results of their own ruling.
The unacceptably farcical case is a cool concept. The pardon of Roske doesn't cut it though because it would be perfectly legal in any case. No one disputes that the president can pardon any federal defendant. The farcical case has to be some act that's would be illegal except for this presidential immunity that has been set up.
Oh. It was jet lag. That’s alright then. Amazing that’s the best defence of a shoddy, doddering performance. It’s not looking good.
This b.....d is going to get away with it all isn’t he!
Looks likely and Biden surrounded by ‘supporters’ telling him he ‘did good’ will enable Trump.
If it wasn’t so sad and stupid it would be sabotage. The longer I live the more I think I’m in a coma designed to test my credulity. It all started when Fenella Fudge and Boutros Boutros-Ghali made an appearance; I bought that and they’ve been ramping it up ever since!
So Biden is adamant he is not dropping out. Very stubborn man.

There is far too much at stake for personal pride to get in the way.
So Biden is adamant he is not dropping out. Very stubborn man.

There is far too much at stake for personal pride to get in the way.

I’m not reading anything into that at all. He will not be dropping out right up to the point he does if that is what is happening. The time to think he’s definitely not is August.
The fact that his response has been to basically disappear means he is either going to stop down or he is going to lose. You cannot in a close race have such a calamitous event and not respond with a clear and sustained demonstration that it's nothing to worry about and not expect to lose.

At which point it will, almost certainly, be Harris. Another candidate at this point seems to present even more problems.

So I go back to my first reaction on seeing the debate. It's impossible for him to continue and impossible for him to be replaced.
The fact that his response has been to basically disappear means he is either going to stop down or he is going to lose. You cannot in a close race have such a calamitous event and not respond with a clear and sustained demonstration that it's nothing to worry about and not expect to lose.

At which point it will, almost certainly, be Harris. Another candidate at this point seems to present even more problems.

So I go back to my first reaction on seeing the debate. It's impossible for him to continue and impossible for him to be replaced.
So, unless I'm mistaken, there are two possibilities:
1/ Biden declares himself incapable now. Harris takes over as President (Like Truman and LBJ) and has a few months to make her personality felt and convince the voters. She talks well and can be inspiring and has a certain "class" as a politician. She also has a very mixed ethnic background and a Jewish husband and this could strike a chord with many Americans.

2/ Biden steps down as candidate at the convention in August. Fighting within the party, uncertain choice
So, unless I'm mistaken, there are two possibilities:
1/ Biden declares himself incapable now. Harris takes over as President (Like Truman and LBJ) and has a few months to make her personality felt and convince the voters. She talks well and can be inspiring and has a certain "class" as a politician. She also has a very mixed ethnic background and a Jewish husband and this could strike a chord with many Americans.

2/ Biden steps down as candidate at the convention in August. Fighting within the party, uncertain choice

Harris doesn't really "talk well" -- she is not a natural orator and can come across as awkward. It's not so much that she is disliked as people just don't seem to warm to her and this is why she polls badly. In her favour, she is a former prosecutor and was excellent on committees where she got to use those skills and would do a good job of the expose and attack Trump aspect. She has also got through all the hoop jumping needed to be a viable national candidate that being a presidential candidate requires. I think she does also get Biden's campaign money (or at least its a lot easier for her to do this).

The argument for Shapiro or Whitmer is that they are both excellent candidates -- centrist candidates who just won big majorities -- and would almost certainly bring with them victory in one of the two big swing states. The downsides are it's very late in the process, it's not clear how any of this would work and both of them might nope the feck out of the whole proposition.

I don't think Biden would step down now. He would just announce he is not running and endorse Harris.

But overall I think we are just in uncharted territory.

