
US Election, November 2024

I don't think for a minute that the boomers did anything innovative or positive compared to their predecessors.

I’d argue they were the civil rights generation, the psychedelic flower-power generation, the Krautrockers, the people whe ended Vietnam, brought down apartheid South Africa, the punks, the free jazz and fusion generations etc. Sure some turned out to be miserable freeloading back-stabbing Tory pricks, but huge numbers didn’t!
I like AOC too, but to think she’d have any chance of winning the election is insane!
I didn't say she had a chance - that's the problem if you take that path you end up supporting genocidal maniacs on the grounds that they might be better than Trump! Principle always come first!
I didn't say she had a chance - that's the problem if you take that path you end up supporting genocidal maniacs on the grounds that they might be better than Trump! Principle always come first!

Unless you are wanting to save democracy in the USA. Principle might have to take a back seat this time around.
Unless you are wanting to save democracy in the USA. Principle might have to take a back seat this time around.
and nothing ever changes. Look where Biden's got them - very predictably I should say, he's just strengthened Trumped and given him a way back in...
I didn't say she had a chance - that's the problem if you take that path you end up supporting genocidal maniacs on the grounds that they might be better than Trump! Principle always come first!
Not if you want to win elections. And if you don't win......
The thing is that we are not talking about who we, you or I, would like to see as President, but who the American voters would be willing to vote for.
At least it would mean that there are future elections!
Biden's failure has only given Trump a way back in. You don't stop fascism by giving up principle, look what happened in France in the build up to the war - Blum ended up in a concentration camp himself for his failure...
Biden's failure has only given Trump a way back in. You don't stop fascism by giving up principle, look what happened in France in the build up to the war - Blum ended up in a concentration camp himself for his failure...

How did that work out for Jeremy Corbyn?
I’d argue they were the civil rights generation, the psychedelic flower-power generation, the Krautrockers, the people whe ended Vietnam, brought down apartheid South Africa, the punks, the free jazz and fusion generations etc. Sure some turned out to be miserable freeloading back-stabbing Tory pricks, but huge numbers didn’t!

One could also say that many boomers seem desperate to reverse civil rights.
They voted Tories and Trump into power, fck'ed the world economy several times and many are living comfortably off pensions that we the Xs, Millenials and Zs can only dream of.
Quite a few are unlikely to do away with their own interests and pleasure for the common good (eg. parents, inlaws, extended family and their friends).
How did that work out for Jeremy Corbyn?
Corbyn was defeated, which is why we are creeping towards fascism again. Labour will be in power soon, but that power is built on a mandate to take us further to the right. A mandate from Labour supporters
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I’d argue they were the civil rights generation, the psychedelic flower-power generation, the Krautrockers, the people whe ended Vietnam, brought down apartheid South Africa, the punks, the free jazz and fusion generations etc. Sure some turned out to be miserable freeloading back-stabbing Tory pricks, but huge numbers didn’t!
Every generation has good people, I'll grant you that. But remember Thatcher was all-for apartheid and cosied to dictators despite the efforts of many. As for Vietnam, was it really ended by flower-power or exhaustion and pragmatism?
One could also say that many boomers seem desperate to reverse civil rights.
They voted Tories and Trump into power, fck'ed the world economy several times and many are living comfortably off pensions that we the Xs, Millenials and Zs can only dream of.
Quite a few are unlikely to do away with their own interests and pleasure for the common good (eg. parents, inlaws, extended family and their friends).
They also brought us peak deforestation, organophosphate-assisted industrialised agriculture (with associated loss of biodiversity), fast food, disposable plastic everything, landfill to get rid of it all, waste and more waste. They behaved as if the planet had infinite resources and they were wilfully ignorant of the obvious consequences. And yes, many are now sitting on their arses on gold plated occupational pensions in houses they paid a few thousand for, having benefited from free university tuition and occupational training, pontificating about how today's 20s to 40s are feckless and lack the motivation to get out of debt. So many of the kids in their 20s I know have well north of £50k student debt and zero prospect of ever retiring let-alone owning their own homes. And thanks in large part to boomers, their ability to live, study and work in Europe is severely curtailed. The young of today are left with the unenviable task of cleaning up after them.
My fathers generation accepted it whereas the boomer didn't and changed the system as soon as they left school.
And at school. I was also born in '48, and our year at school was the first one to challenge the system, not just accepting the status quo. Also afterwards, breaking out from the old acceptance of employment, political and cultural norms.
Every generation has good people, I'll grant you that. But remember Thatcher was all-for apartheid and cosied to dictators despite the efforts of many. As for Vietnam, was it really ended by flower-power or exhaustion and pragmatism?
Margaret Thatcher was born in 1925! I think you have muddled up your generations. And counter culture wasn't all flower power, try the Black Panthers for a start.
And counter culture wasn't all flower power, try the Black Panthers for a start.

Agreed, and both approaches are valid, both pushed things forwards. The Black Panthers were a very interesting movement that did a lot of good work. A lot of great radical artwork too (this book is excellent Amazon).
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