
US Election, November 2024

Some overreaction to all of this. AOC and Harris would do worse than Biden. Biden is (so far) going nowhere. And plenty of time to turn things around.
The Boomers giving it one last go...
The Boomers, both here and in the US have been the generation who have processed more improvements for society than any other. Most of us are now sitting on our arses in retirement so don't think of comparing us with those two jokes.
The Boomers, both here and in the US have been the generation who have processed more improvements for society than any other. Most of us are now sitting on our arses in retirement so don't think of comparing us with those two jokes.
Name one.
The Boomers, both here and in the US have been the generation who have processed more improvements for society than any other. Most of us are now sitting on our arses in retirement so don't think of comparing us with those two jokes.
I would argue that on the contrary, they have been a big part of the cause of the political, environmental and fiscal shitstorm we are now enduring.
Name one.
Millions of us. You weren't around in the 1950s when the world was a total shithole. It was the Boomers who put music into the hands of teenagers, took over the social scene dictating changes in everything from clothes, changing social trends, taking over politics, legalist drugs and homosexuality etc. Brought in the Big Bang and put money into everyones hands, it was the boomers who liberalised society from which you are benefitting.
I would argue that on the contrary, they have been a big part of the cause of the political, environmental and fiscal shitstorm we are now enduring.
Nic - As a child born in 1948, I had a mother who had to feed a family on food rationing and buying a TV was at least 10 weeks wages. It took months to buy a bike because bicycles had to be exported rather than sold on the home market. My fathers generation accepted it whereas the boomer didn't and changed the system as soon as they left school.

Something like that had never happened before.
apparently only Mrs Biden could persuade him times up . crazy they dont have the 1922 committee but there you go . lets just hope some VERY persuasive friends can talk sense into him
Nic - As a child born in 1948, I had a mother who had to feed a family on food rationing and buying a TV was at least 10 weeks wages. It took months to buy a bike because bicycles had to be exported rather than sold on the home market. My fathers generation accepted it whereas the boomer didn't and changed the system as soon as they left school.

Something like that had never happened before.
Yes, the boomer generation raped the planet like no other. We will be paying for it for many generations. Thank you.
Yes, the boomer generation raped the planet like no other. We will be paying for it for many generations. Thank you.
We may have started the process but you are most certainly continuing to use it. The difference between you and the boomers is that we would have changed what we didn't like whereas your lot still do it and then moan about it. Simple answer is get off your arse and do something about it just like we did. Of course the generation coming up behind you will have a bloody good moan about what you did or did not do.
We may have started the process but you are most certainly continuing to use it. The difference between you and the boomers is that we would have changed what we didn't like whereas your lot still do it and then moan about it. Simple answer is get off your arse and do something about it just like we did. Of course the generation coming up behind you will have a bloody good moan about what you did or did not do.
The moaning I see is from your generation, not mine. I don't think for a minute that the boomers did anything innovative or positive compared to their predecessors. The former generation sacrificed everything to give yours the opportunity to f*ck the country and leave none of the benefits you enjoyed for your grandchildren's generation. You didn't get off your arse and do something. You reaped the benefits of full employment, golden pensions, oil, privatisation and all. My generation will not be lectured by those who "never had it so good".
Amazingly, the moaning I see is from your generation, not mine. I don't think for a minute that the boomers did anything innovative or positive compared to their predecessors. The former generation sacrificed everything to give yours the opportunity to f*ck the country and leave none of the benefits you enjoyed for your grandchildren's generation. You didn't get off your arse and do something. You reaped the benefits of full employment, golden pensions, oil, privatisation and all. My generation will not be lectured by those who "never had it so good".
So just what do you think the boomers should have done. Yes we have reaped the benefits that you have listed above but our kids will inherit the lot.
The difference between the wealth generated by the boomer and those before and after us is enormous. I am a late boomer have been retired since 2010 and your lot have been in charge for ages. You own a lot of the mess, so stop apportioning blame.
So just what do you think the boomers should have done. Yes we have reaped the benefits that you have listed above but our kids will inherit the lot.
The difference between the wealth generated by the boomer and those before and after us is enormous. I am a late boomer have been retired since 2010 and your lot have been in charge for ages. You own a lot of the mess, so stop apportioning blame.
Interesting you mention 2010. I will let you dwell on the irony of that, Mick.

