
US Election, November 2024

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.....

Kamala Harris has faced low approval ratings, with a net favourability rating of -17 in a June NBC poll, making her the least popular vice president in history according to the poll. She has high approval ratings among Democrats, with 76% approving of her job performance, but lower ratings among independents and Republicans. A majority of voters (54%) do not believe Harris is qualified to serve as president, and 92% of Republicans and 56% of independents do not think she is qualified.

At least she can talk and tie her shoelaces at the same time.....
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.....

Kamala Harris has faced low approval ratings, with a net favourability rating of -17 in a June NBC poll, making her the least popular vice president in history according to the poll. She has high approval ratings among Democrats, with 76% approving of her job performance, but lower ratings among independents and Republicans. A majority of voters (54%) do not believe Harris is qualified to serve as president, and 92% of Republicans and 56% of independents do not think she is qualified.

At least she can talk and tie her shoelaces at the same time.....
This should be made a prerequisite for anyone aspiring for a term or two as POTUS . . . preferably with video evidence and date stamped!

Unless they dump Genocide Joe, might as well hand Trump the keys to the White House now and be done with it.

Then we can all stick our heads between our our legs and kiss etc. etc…
I really don't know what is the most likely, Biden losing the vote because he is obviously past it or Trump losing it because he is a bullshitting bombastic crook.

Be grateful you are not an American in 2024.
It's hugely sad isn't. There we have the supposed global beacon of democracy, where it says on the tin that we rise based on merit rather than attributes such as class or gender or race... and out of 250m+ US citizens, it's a binary choice between these two octogenarians (by mid-term).
Draft Michelle Obama into service as Bidens nurse then slide her into the presidential race. (Not really serious btw)

Wouldn’t work though there is vast swathes of the population who wouldn’t vote for a woman president, never mind a black woman president - this also rules out Harris
It's quite worrying that all the US have to offer voters is Biden & Trump, a self indulged, self serving sociopath & a guy who lost the plot around a month after inauguration. I fear something happened to Biden back then & he has never fully recovered. Voting for Starmer almost feels sensible after watching that Trump/Biden face off.
It's only June, Biden has four months of damage control before the election. I wouldn't write him off just yet, he's had more comebacks than Bill Clinton.
It's hugely sad isn't. There we have the supposed global beacon of democracy, where it says on the tin that we rise based on merit rather than attributes such as class or gender or race... and out of 250m+ US citizens, it's a binary choice between these two octogenarians (by mid-term).
The thing is that most people with the intelligence and ability to do the job desperately don't want it. I mean, who would honestly want all that hassle, where, essentially, you're a performing monkey (this may explain Trump's success).
It'll be won in the swing states that have been showing for Trump since last year. Yet the clowns still gave Biden another stab at it . Senility is a prerequisite for the job when your turn comes around so that you can be controlled completely - it reminds me of Stalinism in USSR.

'When you get knocked down, you get back up' Biden tells supporters after shaky debate performance

In comments that came as close as any to addressing his stumbles against Trump in last night’s debate, Biden acknowledged that he is indeed old, but believes he can still beat the former president in the November election.

You know that point when you have to say "Dad, I'm sorry, but I'm taking the car keys away. What's this? You're up for prosecuation at the Hague or something. Why didn't you say anything?"

AOC for President
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

W B Yeats, obvs.
Parlous times.

