
US bombs Syria

Not according to the BBC article you linked to (the post has vanished, I note).

I appreciate you're well qualified to identify liars.

Just to check:

  1. Does C4 News count as MSM?
  2. Are we trusting MSM today?

I didn't link to anything. I'm using my phone here.

I watched Ch4 News. On it she said it was definitely Assad that carried out the chemical attack. No doubt she said. And her scientists have confirmed 100% that it was sarin he used.

If it was sarin then many of the first responders, i.e. Al Qaeda in white hats would have died as sarin is deadly if touched or inhaled and half of them were treating the 'alleged' injured with no gloves or face masks.

This whole thing was conceived in order to sway public opinion in favour of Assad's removal. And any person with any integrity would agree.
Which one should I watch first on the link you provide that turns out to be a channel?

"Scientists create Human-Pig Hybrid Embryos - Chimera Research"

"Netanyahu declaration of war with New Zealand & Potential Trump sabotage"

"Zionism Uncensored: The Rothschild Banking Dynasty Creation Of Israel"

"Project blue beam: The coming deception (2017 Update)"
the description for this is:
" did you know that governments actually have a plan to fake the coming of God or to even fake an alien invasion on Earth? Not only do they have a plan, but they have the capabilities and the motivations to fully pull it off, in fact they have considered using it several times in the past"

"Darwin's Evolution Theory Revised (2017 Documentary)"

Literally as fact, without the knowledge there isn't ANY observably repeatable scientific proof to confirm it.
There seems to be a common practice these days within mainstream science to further push the Darwin Theories of Evolution as a scientific fact, when in truth you cannot even call it a Scientific Theory.
It's conjecture at best, and it is my hope to present to you, the top 7 proofs against evolution.

"russian ambassador to turkey murdered - false flag?"

"Exposed: Wikileaks Is A Zionist Cover-Up Operation"

I will keep this up for an hour and then delete. I just wanted to show why I thought I should be cautious about clicking. If it goes quicker, sorry for posting.
If it was sarin then many of the first responders, i.e. Al Qaeda in white hats would have died as sarin is deadly if touched or inhaled and half of them were treating the 'alleged' injured with no gloves or face masks.

Many of the casualties were first responders, AIUI.
Isn't it amazing how the sheep suck it all up, again..

Thing is though that the powers that be have spent years calling Putin and Assad evil etc, as of course they did Saddam and Qaddafi, so the sheep react positively to propaganda about them. They don't question. Assad is bad so yeah, I bet he did drop chemical weapons on the 'beautiful babies'. .

But Trump will save us from the evul jooz, right max?
Well, evolution is a hoax.

Evolutionists say humans evolved from monkeys. Is that's true why are there still fish?

Many of the casualties were first responders, AIUI.

How do we even know there were actually any casualties? The whole thing could well be a hoax. Idlib is terrorist central. Only anti-regime people can go in there. Friends of Al Qaeda, like May's 'scientists'...

All I know is there is lots of death and destruction coming because the people that own the US political sphere simply will not relent. They will either cause a war with Russia, or if Putin steps back they'll finish off Syria leaving it to the Jihadis, then they'll destroy the Lebanon and finish up by destroying Iran.

All of which will mean hundreds of thousands if not millions dead, another massive influx of refugees fleeing to Europe and the election of far right governments all over what will become a Europe full of racial tension, and maybe worse.

All this will happen because the UK, France and Germany are subservient to the projection of Zionist power. They just tow the line regardless of the consequences for their own continent.

It is a deeply troubling situation.
How do we even know there were actually any casualties? The whole thing could well be a hoax. Idlib is terrorist central. Only anti-regime people can go in there. Friends of Al Qaeda, like May's 'scientists'...

All I know is there is lots of death and destruction coming because the people that own the US political sphere simply will not relent. They will either cause a war with Russia, or if Putin steps back they'll finish off Syria leaving it to the Jihadis, then they'll destroy the Lebanon and finish up by destroying Iran.

Nah. Trump will save us, like you said he would.
Nah. Trump will save us, like you said he would.

Trump was opposed to the warmongering but they had him with all the Russian bull shit. Now he has realised that only by allowing his foreign policy to be dictated by the Neocons can he get a breather from the propaganda and maybe get some broad support for his domestic agenda.

Clinton didn't need to be turned. She was already good to go and eager to destroy.

Trump might have resisted. I hoped he would. But he's a weak fool. Obama to his credit put up a far stronger defence against the evil.
How do we even know there were actually any casualties? The whole thing could well be a hoax.

Do you seriously believe there's any doubt over casualties? Are MSF in league with this conspiracy?

Friends of Al Qaeda, like May's 'scientists'...

Does the UK government not employ scientists?

All this will happen because the UK, France and Germany are subservient to the projection of Zionist power. They just tow the line regardless of the consequences for their own continent.

You simply don't help your position when you make this sort of statement. It makes you appear like some of the industrial-grade conspiracy loonies that I know (or at least hope) you're not.
Sorry Seeker but it has to be said. The US establishment is overrun with powerful Jews and Christian Zionists. Not to mention all the major financial institutions like Goldman Sachs etc, and those that aren't in government buy the government. The Saudis and Qataris too have big pull.

They are supported in their call for war against Israel's perceived enemies by the military industrial complex which needs war like humans need air. Syria dropped the Dollar, as did Saddam, and Qaddafi was looking to create a currency based on his gold to rival the French Franq which is still one of Africa's major currencies, along with the Dollar. The widespread use of the Dollar keeps the US's heavily indebted economy afloat as they just print more and more of it. Any threat to this widespread use is seen as lethal!

Neither country plus Iran was in debt to any of the main Western banks or the IMF. Add to this mix the requirement of the gulf states to run oil and gas pipelines across Syria and you've got a combination of reasons why have seen so much mass death and destruction in the Middle East, and why we'll see so much more.
But that's not what he said. He said May was a whore.

I thought he wrote it if we are going to be really pedantic, sure you can dismiss everything if you go down to the Oxford comma but I always take here as a pub conversation, especially as i have had a few glasses of vino ATM, what is the intention?, what aspects are valid?, what is downright prejudice?. There is a possibility of a nuclear exchange on Saturday, I am fvcked if i am going to worry about full stops and commas.
I thought he wrote it if we are going to be really pedantic, sure you can dismiss everything if you go down to the Oxford comma but I always take here as a pub conversation, especially as i have had a few glasses of vino ATM, what is the intention?, what aspects are valid?, what is downright prejudice?. There is a possibility of a nuclear exchange on Saturday, I am fvcked if i am going to worry about full stops and commas.

Oxford comma WTF? He called May a whore and a bitch. It was a personal comment nothing to do with the UK.

And that war criminal whore May was on today saying her scientists are 100% certain that Assad carried out the attack. What a lying bitch.

Best reply in the morning, you sound a bit the worse for wear.
Trump called Assad an animal. Cameron called him a butcher. Western politicians have called Putin all sorts of obscene names. And many on this forum have done the same.

What's wrong with May getting some stick? Is she special?
Which one should I watch first on the link you provide that turns out to be a channel?

"Scientists create Human-Pig Hybrid Embryos - Chimera Research"

"Netanyahu declaration of war with New Zealand & Potential Trump sabotage"

"Zionism Uncensored: The Rothschild Banking Dynasty Creation Of Israel"

"Project blue beam: The coming deception (2017 Update)"
the description for this is:

"Darwin's Evolution Theory Revised (2017 Documentary)"

"russian ambassador to turkey murdered - false flag?"

"Exposed: Wikileaks Is A Zionist Cover-Up Operation"

I will keep this up for an hour and then delete. I just wanted to show why I thought I should be cautious about clicking. If it goes quicker, sorry for posting.

The video I intended to link was "Syria, The chemical attacks and Donald Trump - The untold truth". Apologies for the link taking you to the channel rather than the specific video.

I made it quite clear in my original post that this was an alternative opinion worthy of consideration and that was all.

I am not overly familiar with the channel or its content. The linked video was merely one I stumbled across. I have not viewed any of the other videos on the channel. I am always open to alternative opinion. To my mind this is healthy and not something to be dismissive of.
Can I call her a murderous animal? She is supporting mass-murder by way of Al Qaeda in Syria and the Saudi filth in Yemen.

I think murderous animal is apt!
Can I call her a murderous animal? She is supporting mass-murder by way of Al Qaeda in Syria and the Saudi filth in Yemen.

I think murderous animal is apt!

So finally you are admitting your previous comment was unacceptable. Max I'm beginning to think you are losing the plot.
I missed that one on the news. Was it before or after the weather?

"What is disturbing about the situation, though, is how the war plans of North Korea, South Korea, and the United States might interact. North Korea’s military exercises leave little doubt that Pyongyang plans to use large numbers of nuclear weapons against U.S. forces throughout Japan and South Korea to blunt an invasion. In fact, the word that official North Korean statements use is “repel.” North Korean defectors have claimed that the country’s leaders hope that by inflicting mass casualties and destruction in the early days of a conflict, they can force the United States and South Korea to recoil from their invasion. While U.S. officials usually bluster that Kim would be suicidal to order the large-scale use of nuclear weapons, it’s obvious that a conventional defense didn’t work for Saddam Hussein or Muammar al-Qaddafi when they faced an onslaught of U.S. military power. That was suicide. Of course, that’s where those North Korean ICBMs come in: to keep Trump from doing anything regrettable after Kim Jong Un obliterates Seoul and Tokyo.Then there is this: Kim’s strategy depends on using nuclear weapons early — before the United States can kill him or those special forces on display in Foal Eagle can find his missile units. He has to go first, if he is to go at all.But going first is also the U.S. strategy. That means, in a crisis, the pressure will be to escalate. Whatever restraint Kim or Trump might show — and let’s be honest, our expectations here are not high — each will face enormous pressure to start the attack lest his opponent beat him to the punch. Then there is South Korea, which has its own pre-emption plan, separate from OPLAN 5015 and using South Korean ballistic and cruise missiles. Pyongyang, Washington, and Seoul all have plans to go first. Two of them are going to be wrong about that."

