
US bombs Syria

I believe Max was using the term whore in the context of a warmongering criminal, unquestioningly going along with the Neocon/Zionist cabal war agenda like all British Prime Ministers have to.

The Neocon/Zionist cabal call the shots, the US acts accordingly and the UK follows the US. It follows the same pattern every single time.

This does not necessarily make Max a misogynist when what he has said is viewed in this context. He is just angry at her foolish yet predictable action.
I would suggest viewing the linked video in its entirety when you have the time, it is only 18 minutes long.

No. Why don't you explain what it's about and the points it raises. Then relate these to the independent research you are keen we do. Perhaps you could give us some example titles of other videos from the channel (I assume it's a video from one?). Then quote some of the highest rated comments for the video. This is some basic research, getting a feel for the information source. It's what you like and it helps me. A win win situation.
The Neocon/Zionist cabal call the shots, the US acts accordingly and the UK follows the US. It follows the same pattern every single time.

Oh. I thought the Donald was a new kind of President, where this wasn't going to happen any more.
That's not what she said.

May did seem to nail the UK to the Trump/Republican line, which is IMO most regrettable and the mark of a clearly inexperienced politician. To be honest I don't know what to think about this one. I do not trust murderous tyrants such as Asaad and Putin, I do not trust Trump or any Republican administration, and sadly I do not trust our own government when led by Conservatives as far to the right and deep in the trough as the present shower. I also don't trust gobshites with YouTube channels, Julian Assange or anyone else with clear agendas, so I'm waiting for real hard evidence on this one. The indisputable facts are that Asaad with Putin's help are bombing the people of Syria and have been for years now, though it is certainly not technically impossible that this bombing may have hit something on the ground that caused the chemical release. Unlikely, but it is possible. I also do not believe that $90m of US cruise missiles could cause so little damage to an airfield. There has to be more to this picture than is currently in play so I'm not forming an opinion yet. More hard evidence please!
Then quote some of the highest rated comments for the video.

Allow me:

"Americans are for most part biggest morons in this galaxy as they support their own slave status to Zionist scum."

That's one of the few of the top scorers that isn't likely to breach AUP, so I won't copy any more. :rolleyes:
This does not necessarily make Max a misogynist when what he has said is viewed in this context. He is just angry at her foolish yet predictable action.

So there's a context for insulting sexism is there? You can apply sexist terms of abuse when you are angry about something. Is this really what you want to say?
This does not necessarily make Max a misogynist when what he has said is viewed in this context. He is just angry at her foolish yet predictable action.

I remember the Thatcher years (not in a good way) and I didn't once call her a whore or a bitch, and I hated her more than I can say. Max needs to review his vocabulary.
Oh. I thought the Donald was a new kind of President, where this wasn't going to happen any more.

Then you are incredibly gullible. I saw through Trump's bullshit from day one. He is a puppet, like pretty much all US presidents with the possible exception of Kennedy whom they assassinated. He told the electorate what they wanted to hear, he conned them into believing he was different. I said at the time he would be no different. Does anyone actually believe this intellectual lightweight is acting autonomously with any level of genuine independence or vision?

He sums up the sad times we live in. We are led by the least among us.
Allow me:

"Americans are for most part biggest morons in this galaxy as they support their own slave status to Zionist scum."

That's one of the few of the top scorers that isn't likely to breach AUP, so I won't copy any more. :rolleyes:

Thank you. I would still like the poster to answer the questions, as they suggested we followed the link. I'm genuinely helping them learn a thing or two. I've done the same with faxmlinn, he now trusts the media as he's frequently quoting it.
Then you are incredibly gullible. I saw through Trump's bullshit from day one. He is a puppet, like pretty much all US presidents with the possible exception of Kennedy whom they assassinated. He told the electorate what they wanted to hear, he conned them into believing he was different. I said at the time he would be no different. Does anyone actually believe this intellectual lightweight is acting autonomously with any level of genuine independence or vision?

He sums up the sad times we live in. We are led by the least among us.

He was being sarcastic. Partially based on faxmlinn's pre US election rhetoric.

All presidents? Washington?

You mention all British Prime Ministers. Do you include the ones that ruled America in the 1700's were controlled by Zionist Neocons?

It's like a maths exam, show us your workings aka research please.
Tony Syria was earmarked for regime change. The Zionist US establishment demanded it, and the UK, France and the Gulf states joined them to create the freakishly ironically named 'friends of Syria coalition', which sought the removal of Assad from power. This group was formed before violence broke out in Syria.

These countries combined to arm the Jihadists within Syria and to facilitate the import of tens of thousands more, and they armed the lot of them to the teeth and sat back expecting Syria to fall within months like Libya.

But the overwhelming majority of Syrians support Assad, and he got help from friends like Iran, Hezbollah and ultimately Russia. Combined they fought against Obama and Cameron's pet Jihadists, and hundreds of thousands have died as the Zionist and Saudi power bases in the US demand that Assad goes.

But you know all this. I've proved this with WikiLeaks and other documents I've posted here before.

Yet you still ignore the West's evil role here and just say Assad and Putin have bombed lots of Syrians.

Not my own view but one expressed by many of his supporters and 'shills' during the election campaign.

Just out of interest, who are 'they'?

Those who head up the military industrial complex and perpetual war machine on this planet.

Do you honestly believe Trump is the one now calling the shots?
Not my own view but one expressed by many of his supporters and 'shills' during the election campaign.

Just out of interest, who are 'they'?

I'll go with the NeoCon/Zionist motherload OR the Bullingdon Boys (if they behave themselves).
Those who head up the military industrial complex and perpetual war machine on this planet.

Do you honestly believe Trump is the one now calling the shots?

Military industrial complex is old hat, get with the program man.
Marvin, fay spook, otherwise known as the riddler is a hasbarist. He only seeks to obfuscate and deflect.

That's why I ignore him. I've tried the other way but he would just bog you down with irrelevant, convoluted nonsense.
I have to say I'm dreadfully disappointed to learn that Trump is a puppet of the neo-con/military industrial complex/Zionist cabal/Bilderberg-Trilateral lot. There I was, thinking his vast wealth made him immune to all that.

Oops, forgot to mention Wall Street.

