
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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It's beyond irony that Cameron has employed a tobacco lobbyist to convince them that their interests and the Tory old boy network's interests are convergent.
Local news today reporting an estimated 2m undecided voters in the midlands alone. What does this say for those who claim it's over already?
Not an official source, FWIW. Although I'm sure the numbers are good.

Anyway your chart shows the 'over-spend'. If you factor in economic growth you will see it clearly between 2000 and 2007.

That's good. It's more likely to be correct since it's not official.

I don't see any overspend, but then 'overspend' is subjective anyway. Picking a number out of the air, you may want to see public spending at 20% of GDP, for example.

The numbers are interesting. Until I looked at the chart I hadn't fully realised how badly the tories have done in the last 5 years, but it's quite clear. I certainly don't see how anyone sees 'uncontrolled spending' from Labour, though politicians will tend to spin this stuff.

Labour did an outstanding job given the state of essential public services when they took over govt last time. They'll have to do the same again.
Except that, according to IMF and OECD figures the UK economy in 2007 was on trend, had a near zero output gap and was not in a boom. You can make it look like a boom if you add in the numbers from 2008 onwards and recalculate backwards; that is you can make 2007 look like a boom if you treat the huge financial shock and once in three generations recessions as part of the trend.

But they were wrong weren't they - 'He is conceding that the UK Exchequer relied far too much on revenues generated by the bloated financial services sector: corporation taxes paid by banks on their bloated profits turned out to be unsustainable; equally ephemeral was capital gains tax and stamp duty generated by bubbles in the housing market and in financial securities, both of which were pumped up by banks' reckless provision of finance.'

'Gordon Brown and his economic advisers - who included Nick Macpherson from the impartial civil service, together with Ed Balls and Ed Miliband from his party - felt comfortable pushing up spending by four percentage points of GDP from 2000 to 2007, partly because of their optimism that the growth of the City and of tax revenues associated with that growth would not be a flash in the Exchequer pan.

Brown was wrong, as were Macpherson, Balls and Miliband.

That error has been given official status, as it were: with the benefit of hindsight, both the IMF and the OECD have calculated that the UK's cyclically adjusted deficit - the part of the gap between spending and revenues that normal growth won't eliminate - was bigger in the UK than in other big rich countries.
Thus according to the IMF, in 2007 the cyclically adjusted deficit was 5.3% in the UK, compared with 3.5% in the US and 3.7% in France. And one important reason for the UK's bigger so-called "structural" deficit was that financial services represents a massively bigger share of the UK economy than of the US economy and that of any other of our major competitors.'

Which is, of course, not to say there was not a bubble in financial services, inadequate regulation, problems with systemic risk and an over reliance on the financial sector. But nobody seems to want to talk about that sort of thing preferring the narrative of the 2007 boom and Labour profligacy.

I think this is exactly what is being talked about.....and Brown and co were reliant on the tax take coming from the banking sector 'bubble' and the housing 'bubble' to continue to fund their spending plans. On top of their 4% deficit spending (that in reality was 5.3%), there's also the numerous PFI funded projects. If you add them into the mix as well, the reality is that Labour's spending was even higher..... and all reliant on ever lasting continual growth to pay for it.

If they were following Keynes theories, they wouldn't have been spending in the boom period which would have meant we would have been better set up to weather the financial crisis and more than likely Labour would have still been in government. But their own egos and vanity got in the way of that and we're still paying for it.
They must never reach the levers of power, for they could topple Wall Street within months. Best play safe and vote Dave
If you vote Tory, this is what you will get: welfare cuts for the sick, poor, young and disabled.

In other words the Tories will be repeat what they have done for the last 5 years, only in an even more extreme and Hitlerite manner.

In the meantime, the economy is doing so well that Sainsburys have just reported their first loss for a decade.

The BBC says this amounts to £72 Million.

"The UK's third-largest supermarket chain reported a £72m loss in the year to March.

"The results were hit by a number of one-off costs, including a write down in the value of some of its stores.

"Excluding the one-off costs, underlying pre-tax profits fell 14.7% to £681m, compared with £798m the year before."

Oh yes, we're all doing jolly well in the UK.

If you vote Tory, this is what you will get: welfare cuts for the sick, poor, young and disabled.

In other words the Tories will be repeat what they have done for the last 5 years, only in an even more extreme and Hitlerite manner.

In the meantime, the economy is doing so well that Sainsburys have just reported their first loss for a decade.

The BBC says this amounts to £72 Million.

"The UK's third-largest supermarket chain reported a £72m loss in the year to March.

"The results were hit by a number of one-off costs, including a write down in the value of some of its stores.

"Excluding the one-off costs, underlying pre-tax profits fell 14.7% to £681m, compared with £798m the year before."

Oh yes, we're all doing jolly well in the UK.


Quick panic the UK economy is doomed. A survey of one company struggling with better competition makes a loss....
If you vote Tory, this is what you will get: welfare cuts for the sick, poor, young and disabled.

In other words the Tories will be repeat what they have done for the last 5 years, only in an even more extreme and Hitlerite manner.

In the meantime, the economy is doing so well that Sainsburys have just reported their first loss for a decade.

The BBC says this amounts to £72 Million.

"The UK's third-largest supermarket chain reported a £72m loss in the year to March.

"The results were hit by a number of one-off costs, including a write down in the value of some of its stores.

"Excluding the one-off costs, underlying pre-tax profits fell 14.7% to £681m, compared with £798m the year before."

Oh yes, we're all doing jolly well in the UK.


Jack old Chap

The Footsie index is now hovering around 7000 and that is a sign of confidence. Also pension funds are doing well as a result.

The UK is a better place to work than most places in Europe because we are creating more jobs than most European countries.

The reason that Tesco and Sainsbury are in trouble is because of changing shopping habits by us, the public. People are now shopping more frequently in smaller shops such as Aldi and Lidl who are now racing ahead.

Nothing remains the same and that includes shopping habits, it is just a normal cycle.

To be honest, there is not a lot of difference between labour and the Tories and all this left wing versus ring wing rhetoric is outdated nonsense.

Labour will shit over everyone just as the Tories and LibDems have done because they had no real choice.

I believe you support the Green party which is fair enough, however, before you cast your vote, try taking a day trip to Brighton, that is a brilliant example of a well and truly stuffed up town thanks to a dogmatic ruling party who have shit over everyone.

The simple fact of life Jack is that everyone gets shat upon because there is no real alternative.

All you can do is look after number one and then your prosperity will trickle back down into society. That is why the Tories and Labour do not give a toss about the underprivileged because they do not produce wealth and do not pay tax. If you take out more than you put in, you will be shat upon from a great height by any party that is in power.


If you vote Tory, this is what you will get: welfare cuts for the sick, poor, young and disabled.

In other words the Tories will be repeat what they have done for the last 5 years, only in an even more extreme and Hitlerite manner.

In the meantime, the economy is doing so well that Sainsburys have just reported their first loss for a decade.

The BBC says this amounts to £72 Million.

"The UK's third-largest supermarket chain reported a £72m loss in the year to March.

"The results were hit by a number of one-off costs, including a write down in the value of some of its stores.

"Excluding the one-off costs, underlying pre-tax profits fell 14.7% to £681m, compared with £798m the year before."

Oh yes, we're all doing jolly well in the UK.


The last time Sainsbury's made a loss was in 2005 during the height of the boom.

Sainsbury's fortunes are hardly indicative of anything.

The Nobel prize winning economist, Paul Krugman, says that the case made for cuts by Osborne and others was a lie.

The Tories argue that cuts will save the economy, it's one of the main points of their election manifesto.

The UK national debt in 2009, after we'd bailed out the banks, was £811 Billion. It is now £1.5 Trillion.

I know exactly who is conning the UK and it isn't the Nobel prize winning economist.

What Cameron got up to in his university days...


What Miliband got up to...

The Nobel prize winning economist, Paul Krugman, says that the case made for cuts by Osborne and others was a lie.

The Tories argue that cuts will save the economy, it's one of the main points of their election manifesto.

The UK national debt in 2009, after we'd bailed out the banks, was £811 Billion. It is now £1.5 Trillion.

I know exactly who is conning the UK and it isn't the Nobel prize winning economist.



You have been brain washed by the never ending tirade of postings and graphs from dear old Matthew.

If you put 10 respected economists in the same room and ask them how they would rescue the world, you can expect 10 different answers. Krugman is just one of many.

Also you keep forgetting that Ed Balls will continue with the cuts, it's not just the Tories who will do it.

If you don't believe in austerity, you either have to vote for the Greens or the SNP and only a kid of 9 would trust them. All the other parties have indicated that they will continue with cutting expenditure and the reason for that is that it works.

Sorry Jack but you have to face reality.


Thank you for that link to the DM. They will release a true bombshell tomorrow when Suki Derwent-Tyggles ( graduate cum laude in Inheritence Studies, passionate about event management) blogs that Miliband has a secret third, halal kitchen.
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