
Trump Part 20

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During the last so-called debate, Trump claimed ignorance and refused to denounce white supremacy. Last night, Trump claimed ignorance and refused to denounce QAnon. I agree with Trump’s claims. He is ignorant.

Come to think of it, if paleontologists ever named a new species of dinosaur after Trump, they should call it ginormous ignoramus.
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Science, the New England Journal of Medicine and Nature have done something unprecedented — all three leading journals have condemned the Trump administration's handing of COVID-19 among other spectacular failures, and publicly endorsed the other guy.

A snippet from the Nature editorial

On 9 November 2016, the world awoke to an unexpected result: Donald Trump had been elected president of the United States.

This journal did not hide its disappointment. But, Nature observed, US democracy was designed with safeguards intended to protect against excesses. It is founded on a system of checks and balances that makes it difficult for a president to exercise absolute power. We were hopeful that this would help to curb the damage that might result from Trump’s disregard for evidence and the truth, disrespect for those he disagrees with and toxic attitude towards women.

How wrong we turned out to be.

No US president in recent history has so relentlessly attacked and undermined so many valuable institutions, from science agencies to the media, the courts, the Department of Justice — and even the electoral system. Trump claims to put ‘America First’. But in his response to the pandemic, Trump has put himself first, not America.​

Even Rupert Murdoch is bailing on him.

^ hate to tell you this Joe but I don't think Trump voters read those journals. In fact I'm not sure half of them read anything much at all.

^ hate to tell you this Joe but I don't think Trump voters read those journals. In fact I'm not sure half of them read anything much at all.

Probably not, but like most of the people here I'm just grumbling. I don't have a say in the US election.

Trump denies California request for wildfire (largest in history ?) disaster funding. Why ? Because they vote Democrat !
PS I know they are all fascists and by liking him I am cock blocking the radical left but meh.
Just spotted this on the CNN...

Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has told friends that President Donald Trump "is the most flawed person" he's ever known.

"The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," the retired Marine general has told friends, CNN has learned.
Wow, even retired Marine generals don't like Trump. It's as though everyone is bailing on him.

I wonder why.

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