
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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If they do call now I wonder if the ICC may be a factor? Tories are never anything other than conniving thieving cowards, and the prospect of war crimes charges coming down for shit like Sunak and Cameron may make them think about cashing-in and running to the nearest dodgy tax haven. I’m not suggesting this would be the core reason, they are usually far to arrogant to think any laws apply to them, but I’m sure they’ll have very good legal advice that they are on some dodgy ground in the way they have supported Netanyahu’s genocidal regime and lied on the record about the real situation there. Global opinion is certainly shifting on this one, and being Tories they may well try to run off and pass the buck.
Could be a quick tax cut, plus a possible rate cut just prior to a GE. ‘The plan is working’ will be the banner, along with ‘Labour’s tax bombshell’.
Letters of no confidence already being sent in apparently.

Next few weeks will be fun : )

Apparently in an attempt to stop an election being called.

How do the timings in that work ? If it's called this afternoon, there no time for a 1922 committee meeting before, so they'd be changing leader after the election ball has been set rolling.
Apparently in an attempt to stop an election being called.

How do the timings in that work ? If it's called this afternoon, there no time for a 1922 committee meeting before, so they'd be changing leader after the election ball has been set rolling.
Supposedly in practice the 1922 have enough leeway they can ignore it.

Still quite funny though.
It's the economy. As always.

A desperate man now has something to cling on to before it sinks again. And he's going to use it.

Indeed, it’s the economy, stupid. I also think defence will play a major part this time around. We‘ll be constantly reminded of the labour position only 4 1/2 years ago when they last pitched for No 10. Greens also won’t fare well in this area.
How do the timings in that work ? If it's called this afternoon, there no time for a 1922 committee meeting before, so they'd be changing leader after the election ball has been set rolling.

Watching them tearing themselves apart is absolutely wonderful. I assume if Sunak does call an election now he is doing so out of spite and ego as he knows he has failed his party (as well as the country). No one gets to be a trough-feeding multimillionaire in the way he did without being a sociopathic piece of shit. Rats in a sack all of them. Just absolute monsters.

Sunak confirms election to take place on 4 July

Sunak says the king has granted the dissolution of parliament, and the election will be on 4 July.
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