
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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One of depiffles advisors!
The details sound vry-tory:

“Another witness recalled overhearing Ranger tell the complainants to “think about who they might be ****ing talking to” and that they should “do their ****ing research”.

He was seen grabbing the parliamentary passes the complainants were wearing around their necks in an “aggressive” manner, before asking who they worked for”.

The levels of entitlement and self-importance. Reminds of this hands-on sort of scum:

Tory MP Johnny Mercer has admitted in The Times that voter ID categories were deliberately stacked to deter students from voting and veterans were denied using their ID cards as that would ”open the floodgates“ to students using student union cards etc. This policy was exactly the far-right gerrymandering we thought at the time.

Good Law Project are on the case:

Let us not overlook @JohnnyMercerUK's central point: the idea that those who have made an enormous sacrifice for the country should be inhibited from voting so that students can also be inhibited is utterly and multiply abhorrent.

We have instructed multiple KCs and leading academics to identify viable challenges to what logic dictates is a deliberate attempt to reshape the voting franchise for political gain. The failure of the law to protect the franchise is exactly that - a failure of the law.

Jo Maugham.

PS Good Law Project site below. Please consider funding them. They are one of very few tools of resistance against political corruption and authoritarianism we have:

Tory MP Johnny Mercer has admitted in The Times that voter ID categories were deliberately stacked to deter students from voting and veterans were denied using their ID cards as that would ”open the floodgates“ to students using student union cards etc. This policy was exactly the far-right gerrymandering we thought at the time.

Good Law Project are on the case:

Let us not overlook @JohnnyMercerUK's central point: the idea that those who have made an enormous sacrifice for the country should be inhibited from voting so that students can also be inhibited is utterly and multiply abhorrent.

We have instructed multiple KCs and leading academics to identify viable challenges to what logic dictates is a deliberate attempt to reshape the voting franchise for political gain. The failure of the law to protect the franchise is exactly that - a failure of the law.

Jo Maugham.

PS Good Law Project site below. Please consider funding them. They are one of very few tools of resistance against political corruption and authoritarianism we have:

They are heroes loyally serving their country.

Until they're not.
Lots of speculation today about an imminent announcement from Cabinet Office. Possibly 'just' a reshuffle, but maybe a date for the GE. 4 July has been mooted on the Westminster rumour mill, apparently, but more likely 'after the Summer'. Cabinet Meeting this afternoon, lots of talk that an announcement will come soon after. Radio silence from No.10.
Definitely maybe, looking at Twatter. We'll know after 4pm.

Sunak said 'second half of this year' at PMQs so July could be on.
Lots of speculation today about an imminent announcement from Cabinet Office. Possibly 'just' a reshuffle, but maybe a date for the GE. 4 July has been mooted on the Westminster rumour mill, apparently, but more likely 'after the Summer'. Cabinet Meeting this afternoon, lots of talk that an announcement will come soon after. Radio silence from No.10.
4th July? It could be our independence day! From democracy, that is...
So, dear Sushi insists he will remain an MP come what may post election.
Fairly big assumption on his part - no?
Or is Richmond so blue they could not countenance red whatsoever?

from the Guan :-

Sunak says he will remain as MP whatever election result, as he laughs off suggestion it's planned for November​

Rishi Sunak was on ITV’s Loose Women at lunchtime, where he may have dropped a hint that the election will definitely be in the autumn – although it is not entirely clear.

But he did insist that, whatever the result, he would stay in the House of Commons as MP for Richmond.

Towards the end of the interview Jane Moore, one of the four presenters, asked Sunak if he would remain an MP if he lost the election “in November”.

This prompted Sunak to laugh over-vigorously (his usual response to an awkward question), and while he was doing so another presenter, Judi Love, said: “I’ve got holiday booked then, so you need to let me know.”

Sunak said that “of course” he was staying as an MP. As the programme was ending, Moore tried one final time to ask if the election would be in November, and Sunak turned to Love to say what sounded like “Good for your holiday” as the applause started. Some reporters think he said “book your holiday”.

It sounded like a hint that the election will be in November – which is assumed to be his preferred date anyway. But that is based on the assumption that Sunak was assuming that Love would want her holiday to coincide with the election.

Political journalists don’t want the election to clash with their holidays, and most of us have not booked any time off in November at all.

Is there no way to push it earlier than November?
Thats an eternity away for this buch of crooks.
A work colleague is Chairman of his local Conservative district. He told me a couple of weeks ago that the party has booked and payed for their annual conferences so no election until mid/late October at the earliest.
They could still have a conference as an opposition party, surely. Like, oh I don't know, Labour, the LibDems and the Greens do. Sounds like chaff, to me.

Also, they surely won't want to go electioneering/campaigning directly after the conference season, will they?
They could still have a conference as an opposition party, surely. Like, oh I don't know, Labour, the LibDems and the Greens do. Sounds like chaff, to me.

In fairness after a general election the Tories will only need to book a small gazebo somewhere as a conference hall, no need to lockdown half of Manchester.
Greater Westminster (ie including the media) has had a few febrile fits on the election date and this is probably just the latest. I still think it's October or November.
Greater Westminster (ie including the media) has had a few febrile fits on the election date and this is probably just the latest. I still think it's October or November.

Agreed. The sooner the election the sooner the Tory crime spree comes to an end. They can take us all for £bns between now and November, and they will. This is who they are.
Greater Westminster (ie including the media) has had a few febrile fits on the election date and this is probably just the latest. I still think it's October or November.
This one seems to have more fuelling it, though. Cameron was recalled 2 hours after landing in foreign parts, for example.
Now top story on well-connected Tory papers (Mail and Telegraph). Looking more and more probable.

Kick. Them. Out.

(and vote for Sir Keir...)

Britain on July 5th. Hopefully...

The only plausible reason for an early election I can think of is if Sunak considers his dethroning before the election a realistic risk. And that's not especially plausible as he easily survived the local elections fallout. Otherwise, what's the benefit to going early?
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