
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Well, that's one narrative, popular on the left, but let's see what happens.

Corbyn would seem to fit the profile of the leader you want but I think you weren't a fan of his either. Is there anyone out there that you think could lead Britain to a better place?
Mick Lynch.
Feargal Sharkey
Greta Thunberg

England A&E wait times led to needless deaths of up to 14,000, data suggests

RCEM calculates 268 people are likely to have died each week in 2023 while waiting up to 12 hours for a bed

"The RCEM said its 2023 estimates were likely to be conservative. It said patients delayed in the back of ambulances, “of which there are thousands”, were not included in the figures but were also at risk of harm."

So many unnecessary deaths are just appalling. This is a huge number. Clearly this is being covered up as much as possible.

Partly because A&E departments have been closed by the Tories. Here in Hammersmith Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospital have had their A&E departments closed. Charing Cross is particularly stupid since it's a modern hospital and very easy to get to, including off the M4. Now there's just Chelsea and Westminster here.

We had to fight a long battle to stop Charing Cross being closed completely and replaced with blocks of posh flats. Disgusting.

England A&E wait times led to needless deaths of up to 14,000, data suggests

RCEM calculates 268 people are likely to have died each week in 2023 while waiting up to 12 hours for a bed

"The RCEM said its 2023 estimates were likely to be conservative. It said patients delayed in the back of ambulances, “of which there are thousands”, were not included in the figures but were also at risk of harm."

The inevitable consequence of Tory ideology
The government makes a great thing of reducing road deaths, and spends lots of money in the attempt (smart motorways notwithstanding), hoping to reduce c3000 deaths annually to perhaps 2000. Just think how many lives could be saved if those funds were redirected into better resourced and supported A&E and ambulance services.
The government makes a great thing of reducing road deaths, and spends lots of money in the attempt (smart motorways notwithstanding), hoping to reduce c3000 deaths annually to perhaps 2000. Just think how many lives could be saved if those funds were redirected into better resourced and supported A&E and ambulance services.
Just imagine if we lived somewhere where public money was directed to public ends?
NEW: Michael Gove's neighbours have complained after he climbed onto their roof. Gove claimed he got lost. (Daily Mirror).

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