
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Some protests are OK obvs. Like, when it's in one of the Territories and a Labour Government is facing the wrath of protest. Our activist P.M. Ritchie Anus stands shouler-to-shoulder with angry farmers.

Sunak appeared alongside farmer Gareth Wyn Jones and stood next to placards emblazoned with the logo for the campaign “No Farmers No Food”. Wyn Jones is a leading supporter of the campaign, which was started and is being run by James Melville, a GB News pundit and communications consultant.
Yes I remember that.

The Twitter/X account for the group shared a conspiracy theory that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is going to force people to eat bugs to reach net zero, retweeting a post from former LBC host Maajid Nawaz that said: “Farmers stand between us and WEF’s desire for us to EAT BUGS, own nothing and be happy.” Melville also shared a post with the conspiracist claim which stated: “Between Bill Gates, the CCP & the WEF, we’re going to have no private farmland left. They want you eating bugs.”
Byline Times calling out Tory extremism and highlighting that Sunak’s ‘mob rule’ clampdown propaganda is not believed by the public at large. Good to see.

FWIW I don’t care if far-right genocide-apologist Tory shit brand us as extremists. Bring it on. Way, way more of us than there are of them. They are down to 18% in recent polling. Screw them. They have no mandate. They are on borrowed time.

Byline Times calling out Tory extremism and highlighting that Sunak’s ‘mob rule’ clampdown propaganda is not believed by the public at large. Good to see.

FWIW I don’t care if far-right genocide-apologist Tory shit brand us as extremists. Bring it on. Way, way more of us than there are of them. They are down to 18% in recent polling. Screw them. They have no mandate. They are on borrowed time.

I expect a Starmer government will take a radically different line on this. Not.
I expect a Starmer government will take a radically different line on this. Not.

It will be interesting to see. Whilst on paper the policies between parties seem very similar the underlying motive may still be different. To my mind the Tories are still 100% about elite class rule and opening the state to their billionaire oligarch donors and owners. We’ve even ended up with one as PM. Starmer’s Labour just points whichever way the wind is blowing. An empty bin-sack caught in the breeze. It has no ideology, no beliefset, no morality and little discernible motivation beyond power for the sake of party career.

I don’t think Starmer would ever have the courage to face-off public opinion the way the Tory elite have for 14 years now. I really can’t stand either party, but I do think there is some difference there. It is certainly far clearer what the Tories are and what their (largely criminal) motivations are.
It will be interesting to see. Whilst on paper the policies between parties seem very similar the underlying motive may still be different. To my mind the Tories are still 100% about elite class rule and opening the state to their billionaire oligarch donors and owners. We’ve even ended up with one as PM. Starmer’s Labour just points whichever way the wind is blowing. An empty bin-sack caught in the breeze. It has no ideology, no beliefset, no morality and little discernible motivation beyond power for the sake of party career.

I don’t think Starmer would ever have the courage to face-off public opinion the way the Tory elite have for 14 years now. I really can’t stand either party, but I do think there is some difference there. It is certainly far clearer what the Tories are and what their (largely criminal) motivations are.
I think you're about right on motives but Labour is an instinctively deeply authoritarian party - remember how keen New Labour were on ID cards and big databases? Combine with their desperate need to prove themselves 'sensible' and disassociate themselves from any form of left wing or progressive politics and I can't see they're going to be any less heavy handed over public protests. And they've already shown they're not governed by public opinion - how many people are on the streets calling for further privatisation of the NHS?
Agreed. I detest Labour as I have always viewed them as authoritarian, undemocratic, socially conservative and nationalist. I am just not a Labour voter. Never have been. I’m sure Starmer will retain all these aspects whilst avoiding anything good the party once stood for (infrastructure spending, trade unionism, progressive taxation etc). It still leaves a gap where any motivation or ideology should lie. What are Labour for? Why do they exist?
I deliberately did not watch Sunaks speech because I knew what his game was- he wasn’t behaving like a responsible leader but a fire starter like Braverman whom he’d assimilated. Then I heard discussion of it and thought maybe it was more considered- until I opened the link up thread and caught the first minutes of it.

It was even worse than I first imagined, utter partisan irresponsibility. This whole shitshow is playing very badly in Scotland not just for Sunak but for Labour. The more people see, the more they want out.
The Home Office has revealed that it does not routinely inform family members when asylum seekers die in their care and does not want to supply details of these deaths publicly in case it upsets them and “endangers their mental health”.

The disclosure comes at a time when there have been 176 deaths from all causes since 2020 and a doubling in the number of suicides over this period with at least 23 people taking their lives.

Sky News are suggesting millionaire far-right gobshite Richard Tice is apparently making an “important” announcement shortly. Suggestions are it is the deflection of NF thugmoron Lee Anderson from the Tory Party to Tice’s NF-clone Reform.

Whilst no one cares about shit like Tice and Anderson it would mean a bad week for Sunak and his failed Conservative party.
Tice is live now. What an absolute pice of shit he is. Straight in with visceral racism, transphobia etc. An absolute monster. Why do our expensive private schools turn out so much fascist shit like this?

PS I wonder how much he paid Anderson?
Sky News are suggesting millionaire far-right gobshite Richard Tice is apparently making an “important” announcement shortly. Suggestions are it is the deflection of NF thugmoron Lee Anderson from the Tory Party to Tice’s NF-clone Reform.

Whilst no one cares about shit like Tice and Anderson it would mean a bad week for Sunak and his failed Conservative party.
Should be an interesting GE,, Anderson will bring a good few of his vote to Reform to the detriment of the Tories but the Ashfield Independent guy came second last time which isn`t good news for Labour.
Why do our expensive private schools turn out so much fascist shit like this?
Their historic purpose is to provide leaders for Colonisation. Be that the Head of State, the military, the administrators, moral leaders like Bishops and the Representatives in the seats of Power and Propaganda.

All that has happened is that Colonialisation has turned from plundering foreign countries, to plundering the State.

Elite schools are unchanged because their raison d’etre is unchanged.

This is why recent outbreaks of democracy are seen as some sort of peasant revolt. Vilified and managed so that natural order can be resumed as quickly as possible.
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Should be an interesting GE,, Anderson will bring a good few of his vote to Reform to the detriment of the Tories but the Ashfield Independent guy came second last time which isn`t good news for Labour.

If the rest of the NF/EDL shit on the Tory benches defect I suspect it could actually make the Tories stronger electorally. I come from the sort of middle class Tory background that would be totally alienated by the likes of Anderson, Gullis etc. Even my 89 year old Telegraph-brainwashed father is deeply uncomfortable with the party trajectory since Brexit (he was a strong remainer). I’m sure my late mother would have deflected to the LDs long ago. No way would she have tolerated the bigotry and division the Tory party is now built upon.

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