
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Bloody Romans coming over here with their nutcase gods. Forcing their extremism on the rest of us. Might be a bit late to resist though...
Secure the channel, allow no more boats.
Deport anyone who evaded Englands lax security to break into the country immediately.
Stop importing over 1 MILLION people a year, every year, year after year, as it's not even remotely sustainable, or possible.
Enact laws to prevent religious zealots/nutcases forming political parties or standing for elections, if the latter does not happen, this country is finished, and I can only see religious extremism and much violence on the already shortening horizon. It needs to be checked and nullified NOW, before its too late and these people gain even more footholds in power.
Agents of the CHAOS begone.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I’ve deleted the gammon troll again. Bizarrely they were coming in from an IP that associated with the NHS: Used yesterday at 3:20pm and today at 5:05pm. The NHS may be interested to know they have a racist employee.

I’ll keep that one filed should they waste any more of my time.
Such short memories

"Senior Conservative Lee Anderson has clashed Richard Tice after dubbing the Reform UK party leader a “pound shop Nigel Farage”.

The deputy Tory chairman told Mr Tice to “pipe down” in his attacks on the government, as the right-wing rivals squabble at the start of a general election year.

Mr Anderson has previously branded Reform UK “amateurs”, after claiming he was offered a “guaranteed” job for five years on £80,000 salary to defect to the party
30p Lee looks up to Poundshop. Aspirational.

PS I wonder how much Tice paid disgraced sex-pest and expenses fiddler Simon Danczuk to come in last place in Rochdale?
Such short memories

"Senior Conservative Lee Anderson has clashed Richard Tice after dubbing the Reform UK party leader a “pound shop Nigel Farage”.

The deputy Tory chairman told Mr Tice to “pipe down” in his attacks on the government, as the right-wing rivals squabble at the start of a general election year.

Mr Anderson has previously branded Reform UK “amateurs”, after claiming he was offered a “guaranteed” job for five years on £80,000 salary to defect to the party
Extremism Watch have rated Tice as “moderately dangerous w@nker” I believe.

I’ve deleted the gammon troll again. Bizarrely they were coming in from an IP that associated with the NHS: Used yesterday at 3:20pm and today at 5:05pm. The NHS may be interested to know they have a racist employee.
Just a point of order… it could easily be a patient or visitor rather than a member of staff, as there is free wi-fi in hospitals. Not to say that there aren’t some staff who are racist!
Interesting Guardian article about some of the racist shit that funds/owns the Conservative Party. Worried about extremism? Start here:

Hester, a businessman from West Yorkshire, runs a healthcare technology firm, the Phoenix Partnership (TPP), which has been paid more than £400m by the NHS and other government bodies since 2016, primarily to look after 60m UK medical records.“

It may not be surprising any more, but it’s still excruciating to read this stuff.
So they create 'the swamp'. Then an even further right populist comes along and shouts "I'll drain the swamp if you elect me".
How long until the UK Trump takes office ? Or does BJ count ?
30p Lee looks up to Poundshop. Aspirational.

PS I wonder how much Tice paid disgraced sex-pest and expenses fiddler Simon Danczuk to come in last place in Rochdale?

He looks like Roy Walker, the host of Catchphrase.

Just say what you see...
Hester, a businessman from West Yorkshire, runs a healthcare technology firm, the Phoenix Partnership (TPP), which has been paid more than £400m by the NHS and other government bodies since 2016, primarily to look after 60m UK medical records.“

It may not be surprising any more, but it’s still excruciating to read this stuff.
Aha. This explains why the story’s found its way out of someone’s bottom drawer. I wonder if Labour have any donors who might be interested in NHS contracts to look after patients’ medical records.

I’m sure the newshounds at the Guardian are on the case, asking all the difficult questions.
Aha. This explains why the story’s found its way out of someone’s bottom drawer. I wonder if Labour have any donors who might be interested in NHS contracts to look after patients’ medical records.


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