
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Should be out of her job for that. Any sensible private sector organisation her feet wouldn't have touched the floor.

Note also that being a trans ally is now seen as evidence of 'extremism'.

Agree on both counts. Anyone even remotely considering voting for these monsters needs to take a long hard look in the mirror. The fact the tax-payer has funded her libel proves this is a party thing, not a lone rogue bigoted far-right MP. It is systemic. It is the Conservative Party. This is who they are.
“The Charity Commission for England and Wales is a non-ministerial department of His Majesty's Government…”
Story from last year on the Charity Commission saying it may force charities to accept money from donors even if they disagree with their views.

Claire Whyte, chief executive of Autism Nottingham said that “charities having moral foundations are not ‘squeamish” and that the “chair of the Charity Commission wants to force unethical donations on charities”.

She added: “A ‘sense of righteous progressiveness of a trustee or charity executive’ is not preventing charities from accepting donations from sources they find unethical, but knowing that benefactors would lose faith in the charity and no longer feel comfortable accessing its services.”

Whyte said: “We work hard to be an ethically and morally run charity, we try to champion diversity and acceptance throughout of staff and our beneficiaries. The notion of accepting money from funders who go against our moral foundations is counterintuitive to our mission.

“If, for example, we accepted funds from an organisation that is strongly against transgender people, we would lose the faith of our transgender beneficiaries, it won't matter how much money we are given if we don't have their trust to support them, we won't have anyone left to support.”

Hope I can get to read a transcript, Vine makes me feel physically sick. He always wants to talk over and browbeat his guests. Murphy should make Vine look like the right wing fool he is.
Tbf to Vine, he does have Owen Jones on his TV prog right now.
It doesn’t matter how supportive friends and family and workplace will be, the uk is a hostile environment with no option but to be radicalised

The UK is terrible, but we still have a long way to go to equal America where trans people are now basically illegal in many red states. There are a lot of allies in both UK and US, but if Trump gets in again trans folk need to get out. They are facing an existential threat. Sadly wherever America leads the UK follows...
More on the disgraceful Michelle Donelan situation here. The Conservative Party got us all to foot the legal bills for her libellous lies and far-right ‘think tank’ conspiracy theories:

I especially like the fact that we don’t know how much we spent!
Just had a quick scan of her Twitter account... it's almost all trans hate, immigrant hate, moans about the 'MSM' being mean to Liz Truss... She really is proper GB News mental.
Toxic anti-Muslim hate speech resulting in death threats to an innocent victim. Not from Tommy Robinson or Nick Griffin but a Tory Peer.

“Tagging Rishi Sunak, the BBC and Oxford in the post, Foster called for the student to be expelled from university and arrested”.

Heres a remedy, expell her from the HoL.
A document from Prevent, the official scheme to stop radicalisation, includes believing in socialism, communism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion in a list of potential signs of ideologies leading to terrorism.

It comes as the Conservative government considers widening what it will consider to be extremism.

Happy to be labelled an extremist and radicalised… especially if “anti-fascism is an ideology leading to terrorism.”
A document from Prevent, the official scheme to stop radicalisation, includes believing in socialism, communism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion in a list of potential signs of ideologies leading to terrorism.

It comes as the Conservative government considers widening what it will consider to be extremism.

Pretty sure the word from security agencies is that currently the greatest threat is from rightwing extremism.
A document from Prevent, the official scheme to stop radicalisation, includes believing in socialism, communism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion in a list of potential signs of ideologies leading to terrorism.

In fairness Hitler felt exactly the same way and proscribed exactly those groups.
A document from Prevent...includes believing in socialism, a list of potential signs of ideologies leading to terrorism. (Guardian)
Quick! Someone refer the New Testament apostles to Prevent:
Acts, Chapter 4, verses 32-35: "Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common... There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need."
We're a Judeo-Christian country and I suspect the apostles are trying to undermine our culture.
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