
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Aye well he encouraged people to go to restaurants and the like during a pandemic and he’s on record as saying that he basically didn’t give a shit he was advised not to do that but he did it anyway.

No scientific input​

The inquiry heard last month heard that government chief medical officer Sir Chris Whitty had described Eat Out to Help Out as “Eat Out to Help the virus out” because of its likely impact on accelerating transmission.

Another session heard that then-health secretary Matt Hancock had begged future cabinet secretary Simon Case to oppose any extension of the scheme because of the “serious” effect on health services that was was becoming apparent to the Department of Health and Social Care by late August 2020.

These are old arguments & I have no interest in revisiting. I suppose we can never tell what would have happened otherwise but i welcomed the opportunity to socialise with my friends. Dark times that I have no wish to go back to.
I can't argue with that, also because I am not British and do not follow the politics closely. But I wonder if a Corbyn-style LP would not frighten off many voters. The 2019 election was a disaster.

The 2017 election wasn’t. Without Brexit I’m sure Labour would have comfortably won that one.

Brexit destroyed Labour just as it did the UK as a whole. By 2019 Labour were toast as racism and far-right nationalism riddled the political mainstream and also Labour. Many on the right of the party being amongst the very worst people this country has to offer. There has always been a strong seam of gammon in Labour, but usually contained with a fairly heavy lid on it. Brexit brought it out and it hasn’t gone away since.
I wonder if a Corbyn-style LP would not frighten off many voters. The 2019 election was a disaster.
I suspect lots of voters (rightly or wrongly) were put off by Corbyn (or at least their perception of him) not the actual policies.

I guess you could argue about funding but none of the policies in Labour's 2019 manifesto seem that wild - especially, with the gift of hindsight, compared with what we got instead.

The 2017 election wasn’t. Without Brexit I’m sure Labour would have comfortably won that one.

Brexit destroyed Labour just as it did the UK as a whole. By 2019 Labour were toast as racism and far-right nationalism riddled the political mainstream and also Labour. Many on the right of the party being amongst the very worst people this country has to offer. There has always been a strong seam of gammon in Labour, but usually contained with a fairly heavy lid on it. Brexit brought it out and it hasn’t gone away since.
Very much agree. The BNP were seen as fringe. Nick Griffin was destroyed on QT. Sadly Farage was courted, and rolled over at the last minute dumping his candidates to endorse the Johnson. I suspect he and Tice might do the same, or perhaps (almost) Rishi (enough) might endorse them to complete the Gammonreich.
Almost as bad is Starmer further betraying what the Labour movement should be about as Blair did. A bit better but the poorer still get shafted and public service decline is merely slowed.
The 2017 election wasn’t. Without Brexit I’m sure Labour would have comfortably won that one.

Brexit destroyed Labour just as it did the UK as a whole. By 2019 Labour were toast as racism and far-right nationalism riddled the political mainstream and also Labour. Many on the right of the party being amongst the very worst people this country has to offer. There has always been a strong seam of gammon in Labour, but usually contained with a fairly heavy lid on it. Brexit brought it out and it hasn’t gone away since.
Theresa May had 42% vote share, Labour benefited a little from the collapse in the Lib Dem’s, your mates again;)

I think people forget that May actually did pretty well but it was a very odd election. I don’t see quite how Labour could have won.
Looks like Sunak called the election in response to bat shit crazy Tories putting in no confidence votes.

If this is true then I will give him some credit for this.
Looks like Sunak called the election in response to bat shit crazy Tories putting in no confidence votes.

If this is true then I will give him some credit for this.
That would be very funny if true. Scuttling the ship in response to hands letting off rounds in the control room!
These are old arguments & I have no interest in revisiting. I suppose we can never tell what would have happened otherwise but i welcomed the opportunity to socialise with my friends. Dark times that I have no wish to go back to.

Well you're the guy praising him it was you who brought it up not me.

The guy's responsible for the deaths of hundreds or maybe thousands of people.

He's a shit.
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Those hoping for a hung parliament, be careful what you wish for. Hung parliament or annihilation of the tory party is either/or, you can’t realistically have both, because there’s no party other than Labour that can win enough seats from the Tories to tip the balance.

So it follows that a hung parliament would mean the tories had held on to significant numbers of seats. Which means they’d be able to regroup and recover. If we want the sort of wipeout that consigns them to the wilderness like the Liberals after Lloyd George, that inevitably means a Labour landslide.
There is no realistic prospect of the Conservative Party being part of the next government. Starmer is next PM unless he is abducted by aliens between now and July 4th. Our only hope, and it is a very unlikely one, is a hung parliament with some voices from minor parties far more progressive and humanitarian than Labour. I sincerely hope the polls shift a little and we see a government with some LD, SNP and Green voices dragging Starmer back from the right.
Those hoping for a hung parliament, be careful what you wish for. Hung parliament or annihilation of the tory party is either/or, you can’t realistically have both, because there’s no party other than Labour that can win enough seats from the Tories to tip the balance.

So it follows that a hung parliament would mean the tories had held on to significant numbers of seats. Which means they’d be able to regroup and recover. If we want the sort of wipeout that consigns them to the wilderness like the Liberals after Lloyd George, that inevitably means a Labour landslide.
As long as they aren't regrouping and calling themselves labour.
Sunak live now in a staged event in front of some ”workers”, who look decidedly unenthused. They all look like they were forced there by a knobhead Tory boss. He seems like he is parroting rhetoric he no longer believes himself coming across as a sleazy confidence trickster. Which is exactly what he is. It really is excruciatingly poor. David Brent-grade poor.
All this f*cking nonsense about the “king has agreed to my request to dissolve Parliament” as if the f*cking king has any say in the matter, but the pretence that the farce that is the house of Windsor has any relevance whatsoever must be maintained.
All this f*cking nonsense about the “king has agreed to my request to dissolve Parliament” as if the f*cking king has any say in the matter, but the pretence that the farce that is the house of Windsor has any relevance whatsoever must be maintained.

I see the right wing press have already started sharpening the knives there’s a headline article this morning about Sunak having more dosh that old fat fingers.
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