
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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He didn't/doesn't need to register, he was born in the UK.

At the time he obtained power he held a US green card as chancellor and his tax and business interests is highly and very deliberately obfuscated, his family’s tax even more so.

What a very strange Trump like comment that could have been checked with 30 secs of googling.

Only if the reader is especially dim. I’d expect most to grasp what my gist was given how well documented his chicanery.
I don’t think having a green card is relevant.
My eldest son lives and works in New York. He has a green card but is a British citizen and Votes by proxy in U.K. elections.
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You've edited your post but again it's back to "30 secs of googling'

He was born in Southampton in 1980 so he is British by birth, there was no requirement for a parent to be resident etc.
Let's be really shallow. I judge it by the roads. We've lived here for nearly 40 years.
From 1986 to 1997 the roads got progressively worse, the drains blocked, I often could only get home from work because I had a Citroën BX and could pump the suspension up to get through the floods caused by blocked culverts.
After 1997, the roads were repaired (even though it was often with the kind of new road surface that was criticised for being too flat, oily and accidentogène in a Radio 4 programme), and the ditches and drains cleared.
By 2010, the roads were ok.
I've never seen them so bad now, to the extent that in the dark or rain, I hesitate to go out; you just can't see where the danger lies.
When the public realm degenerates to such an extent, it affects everything. I make no wonder people are depressed and pissed off. They know they're being taken for fools.
My only comfort is that a couple of years ago, Jenrick had to call a local taxi late at night to get him to his posh pile in Eye, near Leominster because he'd blown two tyres on the A456 in Little Hereford, near the junction with the A49.
The roads: it's the most visible metric, at least for those of us living in the country.
What disturbs be about Sunak is his suits, very tight and too narrow across the shoulders. Probably made of some kind of stretch-fabric.
Images of Drowning Street have unsurprisingly gone round the world. He really has embarrassed Britain and made himself a very unfunny laughing stock.

£2.5k from Henry Herbert.
Well he should ditch Henry Herbert (whoever he may be) and find a decent tailor. Keir has much better suits, comfortingly traditional, comfortably understated, as befits a PM.
Suiting aside, I would not hesitate to vote for Labour. Certainly voting for Greens or LD is a vote not just thrown away, but in favour of the Tories. (As has already been said umpteen times.)
Cold War Steve...

That’s it, that’s the defining image.
What qualifies you for British citizenship has changed several times.
It's true.

The 'Tier 1 Investor Visa' that gave fast track citizenship to anyone with £2m to spunk on UK stocks ended in 2022 after the Home Office decided it provided “opportunities for corrupt elites to access the UK.”

However gets in, has sooooo much to put right, setup a lot of inquiries to investigate the Tory fraud, and I they'll need two terms minimum.
Well he should ditch Henry Herbert (whoever he may be) and find a decent tailor. Keir has much better suits, comfortingly traditional, comfortably understated, as befits a PM.
Suiting aside, I would not hesitate to vote for Labour. Certainly voting for Greens or LD is a vote not just thrown away, but in favour of the Tories. (As has already been said umpteen times.)
Keir is also white and zionist and been very successful at getting rid of most Labour politicians and members from the, er, Labour Party.
However gets in, has sooooo much to put right, setup a lot of inquiries to investigate the Tory fraud, and I they'll need two terms minimum.
That's what I've often thought while battling insomnia.
Step 1: Leveson as it was needed.
Step 2: Lock up all tories (and Labour) who have acted corruptly, take their assets to ameliorate the damage.
Step 3: Re-nationalise all utilities. Perhaps compensate pension funds and small investors.

It just won't happen. Starmer is one of the enemies of the public.

Upside, the good burghers of Holborn and St Pancras might just kick Stosser out.
Keir is also white and zionist and been very successful at getting rid of most Labour politicians and members from the, er, Labour Party.
Yes, but he has also put the Labour Party in a position in which it may win the elections. Evidently "his" Labour is attractive to more voters, which is what counts. There is not much opportunity for making reforms while in opposition. Besides, being in opposition for too long often (and I'm not thinking of the UK) leads to a slow death for a political party.
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