
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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Another gem:

Ms Truss told the BBC's Political Editor Chris Mason that plans to phase out smoking over time were "unconservative".

She said "we should absolutely protect children from damage and danger while they are developing decision-making capabilities", but added: "We're a free country.

"We shouldn't be telling people not to smoke and I worry about where it will lead."
Lord knows I'm not a fan of Truss or the Conservatives, but prohibition hasn't exactly been a roaring success in other areas where people want to consume stuff that's bad for them.
Lord knows I'm not a fan of Truss or the Conservatives, but prohibition hasn't exactly been a roaring success in other areas where people want to consume stuff that's bad for them.
Unless Cameron, Redwood, Rees-Mogg et al can make more money from their offshore tax haven funds as the market for smokes is filled by those already shipping huge sums of dodgy money into those tax havens
Lazy Liz'ard in her ‘Party’ frock​
Preening and proud upon her rock
Looks into the mirror with satisfied glee
But wonders who’ll do my hair for me

Where’s my PAs at Number 10?​
Make-up done by Kwasi Kwarteng?
Shorting the pound for Tuften Street
Leading the nation up the creek

Now the Queen is dead on my watch​
My record here just a filthy blotch
Where’s the door, I don’t know
All I wanted was a splash in Vogue

[Slow day, today. . . :cool:]


Also known as 'Liz Truss can just f*** off'. Brass neck of the woman.
Looks like Sunak’s pointless fascist Rwanda kidnap, rendition and concentration camp policy will finally go through tonight.

I want to see the bill. How much exactly is this performative racism costing vs. processing refugees and migration in a normal balanced and humane way? How much extra exactly is Tory racism and grandstanding costing us? My guess is several new hospitals so far, and more to come. £bns wasted on nothing but cruelty for the sake of cruelty.
Looks like Sunak’s pointless fascist Rwanda kidnap, rendition and concentration camp policy will finally go through tonight.

I want to see the bill. How much exactly is this performative racism costing vs. processing refugees and migration in a normal balanced and humane way? How much extra exactly is Tory racism and grandstanding costing us? My guess is several new hospitals so far, and more to come. £bns wasted on nothing but cruelty for the sake of cruelty.
I see one of the amendments from the House of Lords is that Afghan refugees who helped the British should be except.

The fact that as a nation we abandoned so many of the Afghans that worked for us, leaving them to be tortured and killed by the Taliban is a national disgrace.

That our government is now seeking the power to deport them to Rwanda just beggars belief.
The cruelty is the point. It is all the Conservative Party have left to sell, and as with everything else they will hand all of us the bill for it.
Amusing quote from the FT.

In February, Rishi Sunak posed for photos beside Blackstone founder Stephen Schwarzman at the groundbreaking ceremony for the private equity giant’s new European headquarters in London.

Shovel in hand, the UK prime minister pointed to a model of the planned 10-storey development and, according to people who witnessed or were briefed on the event, quipped: “Where’s my office?”

Far right group finding it hard to find a friendly venue in Brussels. Nigel & Suella will be ranting on about being cancelled.
Farage tweeting that Brexit has been vindicated because a venue in Brussels told them to do one. If Brexit was so good, why not have their ethnic supremacistfest in Clacton? It could use the business
If Farage wasn't such a successful twat he could've been freely spouting his shite unencumbered. I really wonder why he wasn't seen as the existential threat that his kind present. He should've been shamed, punished and kicked out for grift years ago.
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