
Tory leadership failure Part V: Rishi ‘Infosys’ Sunak

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I've always said that MP's who lose/resign the whip should trigger an immediate by-election to let the electorate decide who represents them. It is nonsense to allow them to continue as independents. Makes a mockery of the system.

Same if they change party, e.g. who the hell voted for Richard Tice in Lee Anderson’s constituency? Same with the Tory gammon who defected to Labour a few years ago (I forget his name). It is fundamentally dishonest IMO.
If I recall correctly, the returning officer announces that “Joe Bloggs has been elected to serve as the member of parliament for the constituency” or something similar. If that became “Joe Bloggs has been elected to serve as the member of parliament on behalf of the conservative party” then when Joe starts to think about defecting to reform he’s going to have think very hard indeed.

He can’t become a reform m.p. as he was elected to serve as a conservative and he can’t be replaced by another conservative as an alternative has not been appointed by the returning officer. The only solution is to have a bye-election.
Same if they change party, e.g. who the hell voted for Richard Tice in Lee Anderson’s constituency? Same with the Tory gammon who defected to Labour a few years ago (I forget his name). It is fundamentally dishonest IMO.
Christian "Genocide Supporter" Wakeford (Bury South).

I guess Fatima doesn't have to worry about much competition from William when she applies for her job in 'cyber'.


Far-right Tory London Mayoral no-hoper Susan Hall is now faking road signs to smear Sadiq Khan. Just modern Tories being modern Tories. I hope he finds a way to sue the living shit out of her and her party.
This is all quite interesting. There's piece in the Economist that suggests Khan's greatest achievement was the introduction of ULEZ to greater London. The problem is that the backlash hurt so much that he has given up on trialling pay per mile which would likely have reduced over reliance on the car. London has a relatively low car ownership rate a relatively good public transport. It would have been the ideal location to trial pay by the mile. The article suggest that a Labour Government would also shy away from making bold decisions for the public good because of the potential for a backlash from a vocal minority. ( paywalled)
Unfortunately, I had to hear Sunak on the PM programme today. He sounded like a depressed gay Dalek. I wish to offend no-one. My son is gay. ... but Sunak's delivery is most irritating, not to mention vacuous.
Sunak just sounds like the oligarch spiv he is. He is clearly in the job to pocket as much from the UK state as he can. Almost certainly the most corrupt politician in UK history abandoning environmental commitments for multi-£billion Infosys contracts, evading tax, allowing his family to evade tax etc etc. He dresses it all up with a load of gammon nationalist and homophobic soundbites for the GB News-watching scum, but he’s a crook at the core IMHO. Any decision he makes can easily be understood by looking in his pockets.
Liz Truss has revealed how she thought "why me, why now?" when she was told that Queen Elizabeth II had died.

Very Trumpian.

And this gem:

"I found the lack of personal support for the Prime Minister pretty shocking, too. Despite now being one of the most photographed people in the country, I had to organise my own hair and make-up appointments."
Lazy Liz'ard in her ‘Party’ frock​
Preening and proud upon her rock
Looks into the mirror with satisfied glee
But wonders who’ll do my hair for me

Where’s my PAs at Number 10?​
Make-up done by Kwasi Kwarteng?
Shorting the pound for Tuften Street
Leading the nation up the creek

Now the Queen is dead on my watch​
My record here just a filthy blotch
Where’s the door, I don’t know
All I wanted was a splash in Vogue

[Slow day, today. . . :cool:]

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"Conservative party members are more dissatisfied than ever with Rishi Sunak, a survey for ConservativeHome suggests. In its latest monthly survey, ConHome found that Sunak had a net satisfaction rating of -27.7 (total satisfied with how he’s doing minus total dissatisfied). Only Michael Tomlinson, the illegal migration minister who attends cabinet, is doing worse." (Guardian).

Some 534 people were detected crossing the English Channel on small boats on Sunday, the highest number on a single day so far this year, according to provisional figures from the Home Office, PA Media reports.

Going well then.
If this government-generated shitstorm continues for much longer, those small boats are going to be travelling in the opposite direction.
I expect Labour will address the problem of people smuggling by creating safe routes for refugees so people fleeing conflict don't have to put their lives in danger to seek asylum.

That's right isn't it?
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