
Tory corruption & sleaze (lobbying, second jobs, dodgy contracts etc)

I heard on Marr this morning that Starmer has earned well over £100k since becoming an MP (he was trying to attack Rayner with it). But, as you say, there isn’t much difference between Labour and Conservative.

The earnings were over a 4 year period, and donated if I have read correctly. A bit like Gordon Brown has donated most, if not all, of his earnings in the period after his time in No.10.

Be in no doubt the Tories are the pigs in the trough, the other parties are playing to a better set of standards on the whole. The Greens are the least bent of the lot as far I can see.
Be in no doubt the Tories are the pigs in the trough, the other parties are playing to a better set of standards on the whole. The Greens are the least bent of the lot as far I can see.

Agreed. I now genuinely view the modern UK Conservative Party as a crime syndicate. They are a bunch of crooks that asset strip this nation behind a smokescreen of cheap nationalism and xenophobia. I have nothing but contempt for these people, they exist entirely without integrity, honour or decency and exist purely for profit and self-interest. In many ways I have even less respect for Labour as they know all this perfectly well, yet are so gaslit as a party they simply enable it by actively standing so firmly against political reform and for authoritarian and nationalism. They are pretty much the definition of Stockholm Syndrome; a powerless captive of the crooked system they so actively enable.

The Greens are the least bent, but are powerless as only a broad coalition including Labour has any chance of changing the system, and that party will never stand up. This is systemic failure and needs addressing as such. Trying to view it in any other way is just a waste of everyone’s time.
A bit like Gordon Brown has donated most, if not all, of his earnings in the period after his time in No.10.

I “could” be misguided/wrong/I’ll-informed but Gordon Brown has donated 100% of his speaking earnings along with his parliamentary pension to charity since leaving office?
The LibDems aren’t the solution. PR would be a big step, but...

They are rather more on the page than Labour as they, like every progressive party aside from Labour, understand we need systemic change starting with electoral reform. You really need to grasp that the only thing that gives absolute power to Tories is FPTP and the only thing that can alter that is electoral reform. Without that there will never be any progress of any kind.
I “could” be misguided/wrong/I’ll-informed but Gordon Brown has donated 100% of his speaking earnings along with his parliamentary pension to charity since leaving office?
But he’s Labour so to be despised...
Blowback, they got them elected and it’s all falling apart spectacularly so they are putting distance between themselves and the monster they created in order to sell newspapers and continue to influence without the bothersome issue of getting elected.
Yep. It’s very dispiriting.
They are rather more on the page than Labour as they, like every progressive party aside from Labour, understand we need systemic change starting with electoral reform. You really need to grasp that the only thing that gives absolute power to Tories is FPTP and the only thing that can alter that is electoral reform. Without that there will never be any progress of any kind.
Yes, I know that already. I’ve known that for decades and I think I’ve known that for a lot longer than you.

So where exactly do we differ other than in your imagination?
Come on Tony, if you had 6 children to get through public (sic) school, £1m apiece would do it
Nothing about this in this morning’s news!
My fear is that public attention will wane and the tory voter “it’s just because it’s in the news/they all do it” shrug will prevail. Maybe the country is going to have to sink a lot further before public unrest breaks out into the open. It will be very interesting to see what happens when the queen dies, I wouldn’t underestimate the psychological impact on top of Covid, Brexit and corrupt incompetent government.
I haven’t voted LD for years! I like Layla Moran as she seems to be on the right side of most arguments and speaks truth to power whenever given the opportunity, so I am surprised if she has broken the rules, disappointed too.

The problem is that when you see others around you treating such behaviour as 'OK' and 'the norm' it may be easy to get acclimatised to it being acceptable. Particularly when you a 'newbie' wanting to look like you are 'coming up to speed'. Given that it can also make you wealthy, and 'usual', it is hard to make yourself look like someone who is criticising established people - whose good opinion you'd need to get on and make an impact.

So I can understand why decent people can get sucked into the mire, even though I know they should refuse - and call out against it.
My fear is that public attention will wane and the tory voter “it’s just because it’s in the news/they all do it” shrug will prevail. Maybe the country is going to have to sink a lot further before public unrest breaks out into the open. It will be very interesting to see what happens when the queen dies, I wouldn’t underestimate the psychological impact on top of Covid, Brexit and corrupt incompetent government.
I suspect you are right. Brenda is not long for this world, and the media circus will switch away from the sleaze. All Johnson has to do is comb his hair at the funeral, and put on a suit that fits, and he'll be back in the fold

