
Time to dump Aperture?


Been using Aperture (and Photos) for several years now but just recently it seems to become a bit buggy. This is mostly when used in conjunction with 3rd party plugins but not exclusively. More spinning beach balls, the odd unexpected crash, and bizarrely it will sometimes report 'file type not recognised' even though its been happily editing it only minutes before.

I know Apple have stopped supporting it so I wonder if some compatibility cracks are appearing.

I have some big projects coming up requiring editing over 1000 images so I'm tempted to jump ship and dive into Lightroom.

Any views, particularly if you use Aperture?
Do not "jump" into Lightroom if you have a big project to do.
AS a precaution it is worth while getting into Lightroom, I found that a set of videos I bought were very good value, I did not get on with Kelby's book.

Keep using Aperture until you are confident with Lightroom.
I'm not having any issues with Aperture yet, but I'm not using any plug-ins. I don't like Photos at all (I've effectively turned it off so it does nothing) and don't consider it any kind of alternate to Aperture, so this is something I will need to consider at some point. It annoys me as I did pay proper money for Aperture and don't understand Apple's decision to replace it with such an obviously inferior product.
I've made the jump. It's a shame, I really like Aperture, but now I'm used to it Lightroom does the job just as well. Not everything is great - I find the file management and import module seriously painful and unintuitive - but the good bits are very good; powerful editing tools and the print module is a peach.

There's a fairly painless migration tool for transferring your library and plenty of helpful videos on the Adobe website and on YouTube. I took the view that the move was inevitable so jump while Aperture was still useable and before I accumulated even more pictures.
Do not "jump" into Lightroom if you have a big project to do.
AS a precaution it is worth while getting into Lightroom, I found that a set of videos I bought were very good value, I did not get on with Kelby's book.

Keep using Aperture until you are confident with Lightroom.

Thanks Derek.

I quite like the Tony Northrup site and books so bought his 12 hours of video tutorial (in modules) and downloaded the 1 month Lightroom trial.

I'm not having any issues with Aperture yet, but I'm not using any plug-ins. I don't like Photos at all (I've effectively turned it off so it does nothing) and don't consider it any kind of alternate to Aperture, so this is something I will need to consider at some point. It annoys me as I did pay proper money for Aperture and don't understand Apple's decision to replace it with such an obviously inferior product.

Mostly the Nik software which I really like.
Frequent crashes, restarts, edits not reimported back into Aperture, unrecognisable files.... just broken.

I've made the jump. It's a shame, I really like Aperture, but now I'm used to it Lightroom does the job just as well. Not everything is great - I find the file management and import module seriously painful and unintuitive - but the good bits are very good; powerful editing tools and the print module is a peach.

There's a fairly painless migration tool for transferring your library and plenty of helpful videos on the Adobe website and on YouTube. I took the view that the move was inevitable so jump while Aperture was still useable and before I accumulated even more pictures.

Yes it's got to happen at some point. I'll run both for a bit and see how it goes.
I'm not having any issues with Aperture yet, but I'm not using any plug-ins. I don't like Photos at all (I've effectively turned it off so it does nothing) and don't consider it any kind of alternate to Aperture, so this is something I will need to consider at some point. It annoys me as I did pay proper money for Aperture and don't understand Apple's decision to replace it with such an obviously inferior product.

Apple's decision is based on the same thing that allows iPhones to replace a proper camera for most. The 'it's good enough' syndrome that seems to be seeping into must about everything.

I don't actually have a problem with this as long it is not the only option. Sadly it's becoming the only option for many things these days. :(
I made the move to lightroom when they made the announcement. Import is a pain in the arse but other than that its fine. A lot slicker and obviously more modern in look and feel to aperture.
The print section is great, I have to print lots of little photos for props and stuff and its super just hitting print for a given template. I know aperture sort of had this but it never worked for me.
I have not done a "Dump Aperture". Aperture controls all pictures taken before January 2015, Lightroom controls pictures from 2015 onwards. If I hear of Aperture being obsoleted out of OSX support I will dual boot into an Aperture compatible OSX to access the required images.

In Lightroom I am now beginning to benefit from some of the selective editing functions, In one of the most recent Lightroom updates they imported the Panorama function from Photoshop, when (if) they incorporate the ability to correct keystoning into LR I will begin to feel that the year long learning curve is beginning to pay off.

I have bought a set of Presets and videos from Cole's Classroom, these definitely helped me to get on board the system. However YMMV.
Derek: Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you can correct keystoning in LR - It's in develop under lens corrections / manual / vertical (though I think it's limited to both sides corrected at the same time). Capture One's keystone fixing looks much better to me (you draw lines on what should be vertical in your image and it warps the image accordingly).
I'm also using them side my side. I duplicated a few folders to help learn how to use LR during the month free trial and am now downloading new files directly there.

While Aperture is working I am keeping a dual system going and then switch legacy files cross when it packs up.

I've also found lots of glitches - I've had to rebuild the library twice in recent months which is probably a sign its going south.

Had a play with LR last night. It seems to have imported about 15gb of files ok from Aperture, and the main Nik plugins are working fine.

It's finding and correcting the M4/3 lenses I use too.

Thanks for the pointer - I will try it out.

5 hours later.....

I have now found the function - I will see how it works in anger.

Thanks for the pointer.
I reached the 'time to dump Aperture' point ages back. It was always sooooo sloooooowwwww.... LR has been a revelation, aside from the obligatory £8/month cost :/
I only wish on lightroom they would allow us to see the library view all the time, the constant changing of the interface is a real ball acher.
RE speed of Lightroom versus Aperture, I thought that they were similar, I upgraded my machine because I moved to Lightroom, both aps use the regeneration of the image to save disk space.

After about 14 months of Lightroom I am now feeling more or less comfortable with it and have loaded some of my pre cut over images into LR to work on them in preference to Aperture.
So far so good with LR.

It seems pretty nippy on this quad core i7 Macbook Pro, and even though it's a 4 year old machine LR identifies and uses the additional ATI graphics chip to boost performance.
Up until now, not being into games, this 'turbo' chip has sat doing nothing.
So far so good with LR.

It seems pretty nippy on this quad core i7 Macbook Pro, and even though it's a 4 year old machine LR identifies and uses the additional ATI graphics chip to boost performance.
Up until now, not being into games, this 'turbo' chip has sat doing nothing.

Lightroom subscription taken.

The deed is done.

So long Aperture.

